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debate fodder: lots of new climbers


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mattp said:

Pope -

This will be something like the tenth time in this thread that I, Alpine K and others have asked: what is this "thing" you have about bolts? How is the placement of a pair of bolts and a ring worse than setting a route so that it ends at a tree that will surely die if subjected to repeated beating by climbers or forcing them to walk down a gully, ripping out ferns and flowers? How is a bolted face route any more environmentally damaging than crack that has to be gardened out, and stripped of the natural vegetation? Now that you've gotten to know the wonders of the "love bar," how can you say that bolts are not removeable more easily than the vegetation in a crack is replaceable? Just what is wrong with taking an old railroad cut next to I-90 and making it into a recreation area? Did a bolt mistreat you when you were still a tender child?


And what is the nature of your passion for the little guys? Do you think they make the mountain look better, the way a string of lights aids a noble fir on Christmas Eve? Are you not able to find enough climbable rock without defiling the mountains with these indicators of cowardice? Do you think Molly's hot? Will Dwayner ever be allowed to post here again?

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RuMR said:

scott_harpell said:

Scott: You said one pitch cragging is worthless but I'm sure you have done a fair amount of it (go team JD).


you can count the number of sport climbs I have been on with two hands.


so...maybe you can't judge then?


that's great logic. i haven't tried heroin either. should i try that just to be sure?!? yellaf.gif

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Mr. Pope-

Once again (eleven times now?) you sidestep the question. Why do you single out bolts out as the object of your obsessive disdain? You spray a lot of B.S. about how climbers in the old days were so much more environmentally conscious, about how everyone who climbed back in "your day" was so brave, or about how if you don't pry the bolts out of a short and peripheral sport climb that existed on Castle Rock for four or five years the entire crag is going to be perceived as "open season" and somebody is going to go up there and make Midway into a sport climb. But when asked to explain how the placement of bolts is so much more of an environmental disaster than so many other climbing practices that actually displace plants and animals, you can't or won't tell us.

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scott_harpell said:

RuMR said:

scott_harpell said:

Scott: You said one pitch cragging is worthless but I'm sure you have done a fair amount of it (go team JD).


you can count the number of sport climbs I have been on with two hands.


so...maybe you can't judge then?


that's great logic. i haven't tried heroin either. should i try that just to be sure?!? yellaf.gif

I dunno...you'd probably dig heroin, seein' as your a crack whore...or is it a crack climber???

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RuMR said:

scott_harpell said:

RuMR said:

scott_harpell said:

Scott: You said one pitch cragging is worthless but I'm sure you have done a fair amount of it (go team JD).


you can count the number of sport climbs I have been on with two hands.


so...maybe you can't judge then?


that's great logic. i haven't tried heroin either. should i try that just to be sure?!? yellaf.gif

I dunno...you'd probably dig heroin, seein' as your a crack whore...or is it a crack climber???


again with the name calling. do you have another point that needs a rebuttle or are you done? the_finger.gif

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actually scott, i'm just sick of your same tired old rant...seein' as i tried to drag you up to 32 so you could see what i was talking about BEFORE you dissed the bolting done there...so now i'm just playing but i couldn't get you out there...so be it...


You sound like a broken record w/ your main point being that bolting is the easy way out...Not everyone sees bolts as a hideous infestation...many see them as an opportunity to go have an enjoyable time...


You won't change my mind, and i won't change yours...this thread is stupid and tired...i could probably dig up a mirror thread from last year, the year before, blah blah and it'll read the same...



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RuMR said:

actually scott, i'm just sick of your same tired old rant...seein' as i tried to drag you up to 32 so you could see what i was talking about BEFORE you dissed the bolting done there...so now i'm just playing but i couldn't get you out there...so be it...


You sound like a broken record w/ your main point being that bolting is the easy way out...Not everyone sees bolts as a hideous infestation...many see them as an opportunity to go have an enjoyable time...


You won't change my mind, and i won't change yours...this thread is stupid and tired...i could probably dig up a mirror thread from last year, the year before, blah blah and it'll read the same...



if it makes you feel better, i went there and i still think the bolting there sucks. thumbs_up.gifwave.gif

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So...tell me all about the protectable faces there...i'm listening???????????????


That crag would be tapped out at about 10 routes all checking in under .11-...fine and dandy for really good climbers that climb .12 and up...they wouldn't have any problems with the runout 5.10's at all...but let's talk about ALL of the other users there and the fun and good times that they have cuz other lines have been filled in at ALL grades w/ decent protection...


And, FWIW, the hard routes (13- and up) are fairly runout w/ 25 to 40 foot fall potential common on them...

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scott_harpell said:

who have i name called in this thread matt? no-one


scott_harpell said:

get your nose out of his ass... he's married. rolleyes.gif


Though this particular "gem" was pruned from the thread, we could scroll back and find other equally insulting rhetoric that was not.


Like I said: quit your name calling and quit your whining. cry.gif

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Yeah, scott, seein' as that's a FRICKEN ROAD CUT that was accessed into the cliff, you are right, those bolts are heinous... rolleyes.gif


And i bet you could stuff all kinds of gadgetry back behind those loose blocks for pro! evils3d.gif


And look at all of those unhappy faces!! cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif


Such a poor use of that road cut and condemned road for recreational activity...we must condemn and abhor it till the end of time yellaf.gifyellaf.gif


Thanks for supporting my position!!

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Little Si is a great example of a sport crag, RuMr. It had been poked at by "trad" climbers for years, but nobody thought it worthy (well, maybe a couple of guys did). Because it was not even remotely popular, a friend of mine used it for his private playground where he used to take kids groups for rappelling and rope-challenge events -- on the weekends -- and he never had any conflicts with other users. Then it was developed as a sport crag and the developers honored the request from the State wildlife people not to set the routes so they would reach the top of the crag (apparently there are some rare plants up there). Climbers groups have built the trail and because of the popularity with climbers, there is a nice new parking lot that serves climbers and families who want to take their children for a walk. The climbers staging areas are all off the hiking trail. The irresponsible younger generation so despised by Pope is out there getting fit, having fun, and harming nobody. The whole thing takes place in an area that is a recovering clearcut.


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anytime you wanna come climb w/ me and show me how bold you are, i'm game...and don't play that game of going down 4 number grades from your onsight limit...


Those people may be pushing their limits, no? and that's not a fist jam...

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RuMR said:

anytime you wanna come climb w/ me and show me how bold you are, i'm game...and don't play that game of going down 4 number grades from your onsight limit...


Those people may be pushing their limits, no? and that's not a fist jam...

i dont need 3 bolts in 6 feet to push my limits. no-one does. i wouldn't even place gear anywhere near that close if i am trying something at my limit. you certainly dont need bolts that close.

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