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Forced to Work


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Teacher strike is finally over. What's the difference between the teachers going on strike holding the kid's education hostage for more money vs. a person holding a bunch of kids hostage in a classroom asking for money? NOTHING! Both cases are criminal and both cases harm kids. The teachers should have all been fired, the union banned and new teachers hired. Too bad we don't have a governor worth spit. Where was Locke? In China...... What a Governor, and people laugh at CA?


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mr.radon said:

Teacher strike is finally over. What's the difference between the teachers going on strike holding the kid's education hostage for more money vs. a person holding a bunch of kids hostage in a classroom asking for money? NOTHING! Both cases are criminal and both cases harm kids. The teachers should have all been fired, the union banned and new teachers hired. Too bad we don't have a governor worth spit. Where was Locke? In China...... What a Governor, and people laugh at CA?


Mr. Moron,

The teachers would not have gone on strike if the SCHOOL DISTRICT had been willing to negotiate a contract. It's not just the teachers, and their union, that caused the strike, it's the SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION as well.

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whoa there, ban the union? maybe send in some strikebreakers with baseball bats, eh? what recourse does a union have besides the threat of a strike? it's the very basis of collective bargaining.


just how are the kids harmed? they do the same number of days, just later in the summer. teachers do a hard job for shitty pay and they often take an extra load of shit because they take the wellbeing of their kids very personally, but it seems to me like they finally said enough is enough.

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So it was a couple of years ago that the MLB Umpires were going on strike when the owners played hardball and canned one third of the umps. Everyone was saying at the time that all that talent would be missed and the replacements would suck. The replacements are still there and the canned umps never got back to work in the big leagues.


Teachers have got a good thing going and they aren't teaching for the money. There are a number of out of work teachers around here who would jump at the chance for work. Cops and firefighters aren't paid well but they don't do what they do for the money either. I would've hired the "guest teachers" the district was threatening to hire right away.

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So you agree that the school district screwed the pooch, then eh Veggie?


One way or the other, you gotta put the responsibility for this whole mess on the school district.


Either they shoulda worked out a deal, or they shoulda hired scabs. It is the school district's responsibility, i.e. their job, to provide an education for the kids.

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vegetablebelay said:

Cops and firefighters aren't paid well but they don't do what they do for the money either.


Maybe not where you are but I have a friend in the fire department here in Portland who pulls down a 6 figure income as a paramedic/firefighter. In the private sector a paramedic is damn lucky if he makes $40k and even then has to pay his benefits and retirement.


Apparently things in WA are VASTLY different.

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Necronomicon said:

Mr. Moron,

The teachers would not have gone on strike if the SCHOOL DISTRICT had been willing to negotiate a contract. It's not just the teachers, and their union, that caused the strike, it's the SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION as well.


Ha I have to laugh at this. First off they have a captive audience. If Boeing goes on strike Airbus can make planes. Since there is no voucher system in Washington we have to send our kids to the CRAPPY public schools. Next the average teacher makes over $54K in that district, second highest in the state. Third if you look at the districts financing they were grand-fathered in and got extra money from the state when they went to a standardized pay schedule. Now that about six years ahs elapsed they don't have the funds to keep the pay that high. Fourth, study after study has show we pay for the most for education and get the least, 80% of the cost is teacher pay. Fifth, the teacher unions are against pay for performance. Good teachers have no incentive to become or excel as teachers. Sixth, the teachers do not receive recognition for excellence, and the bad teachers due to union protection and seniority aren't weeded out. Seventh, $54K for 180 days in the class room. Add about 20 days of in-service days you come up with 200, add 10 bonus day 210. Alright, that’s 42 weeks of work! 52 weeks in a year, 10 weeks of vacation time PAID!! Better yet, lets say the average worker get 3 weeks vacation. If the teachers worked the extra 7 weeks they would be demanding an average salary of $63K, not a bad wage at all. Screw the teachers, they were totally off base. The Governor should immediately fix the loophole these sleazy union officials use to call a strike and pass legislation to allow WA to be a right to work state.

Finally, I dated two public school teachers so I know what I'm talking about, I am very active in my sons education, and appreciate good teachers. The good ones are NOT rewarded in corrupt UNIONS. I have considered becoming a teacher giving up half my salary for the extra time off. I would apply in WA if it were not that I'd have to join a F-ing UNION. Maybe next year I'll be in the ATLP in Colorado and teaching in the Ouray school district.

All you UNION lovers should wake up and realize the strangle hold these corrupt union bosses have on your poor kids. The future generation is TOO valuable to allow that kinda of a bargaining system.

Lastly, how would you like to go to a school where a Judge had to force your teacher back into the classroom? I'm sure they are going to get an earful.


BTW: I can see your wonderful UNION education allowed you to be so eloquent with your response that you had to resort to name calling right off the bat.

Edited by mr.radon
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Though there is some truth in all these post it seems like the reaction is over the top. I don't know what the specific problem is between the district and the teachers, but they are one of the highly paid districts in the state.


That aside I'd like to comment on some of the above generalizations regarding teachers. My wife is a middle school science and health teacher. She worked for about 17 years as a geologist so brings a great science background to the classroom. Few science teachers have a sciece degree or expeciece in science application.


The Seattle school disctric contract says she works 6.5 hours a day. Generally she works 11-12 hours at school, with a couple of hours at home every night. Then at least 10 hours each weekend. Then you add evening presentations, parent meetings, etc. It's quite commiting if you're going to do it well. While they have time off around the holidays my wife grades or plans through these. And over the summer there is about 7 weeks where they do not have to be at school. Give mandatory workshops, class development and planning - it's not much tme off. So I don't think the statements of big vacations is fair.


While unions do give teachers some bargining power they don't necessarily help merit promotion. You can be a medicore teacher and stay in the profession a long time. But that does come back to pay - would you be willing to start at $24K with a BA or $31K with a MS in Seattle?


Reducing class sizes would greatly improve your kid's education, but there doesn't seem to be money available to address this issue in the current economic and political climate.


Most teachers bust their butts for your kids. You should be grateful. IMO.

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mr.radon said:

I have considered becoming a teacher giving up half my salary for the extra time off. I would apply in WA if it were not that I'd have to join a F-ing UNION.


Wonderful sentiment, weak cop-out.


Since there is no voucher system in Washington we have to send our kids to the CRAPPY public schools.

Cop-out #2. If you're "very active" in your son's education, and if you make twice as much as a teacher as indicated above, you don't need vouchers to send your kid to a private school.

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Elegant solution--just bust a cap in the ass of the teachers,school board,all the kids and their parents,administration,etc.Vaporize all facilities--end of problem.Wow,cool.


"I do not think,therefore I do not exist." rolleyes.gif

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Yeah, like "don't take my guns away" combined with "I'm gunna bust a cap in you " does real good for the gun lobby . I also like the use of force if you disagree with me mentality mostly heard from the "right" who self proclaim they are right thumbs_down.gif .

Go figure. cantfocus.gif

Teachers are some of the most spat upon hard workers out there, but the Marysville thing went on way too long.


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mr.radon said:[/b]

and people laugh at CA?


Yeah, CA seems like a joke of a state to live in right now, but for teachers it's a great place to be. Starting salary for a new teacher right out of school is about $40k. The cost of living is high in a lot of places, but at least they're getting paid a living wage.


Starting pay in teaching is one reason why I have opted for nursing rather than teaching.

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