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Friday Night RopeUp Pictures


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I posted a few picture from Friday Nights Ropeup under Climbing Pictures.

It was nice out in Leavenworth on Friday. The weather was partly cloudy but no rain. thumbs_up.gif


A few people were there to party Friday night. To bad Coopah and I had to go back that night. He choose to work Saturday. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif

We did get to climb though. Took a couple of folks up Yellow Jacket Tower. No, we are not guides.


Thanks to Beck and all the sponsers, I'm sure they had a good weekend.


Beck was no where to be seen when I took the pictures.

mattp, uncle tricky, chris_w, chuck, coopah and a few others can be seen.


Thank OR for the bigdrink.gif

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Ernie, you should put those pictures in the CC.com Events Gallery. To do this, select Edit Photo for each entry then go to the Change Category Box. The events gallery is where a lot of the other events photos have been put. Plus they'll be easier to find later, if need be.

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Wanker Sprayer: you can still view the fotos. Simply click on the picture itself (where the box with the red X shows up) and it will reload as a larger photo. If I have one complaint it is that Ernie didn't scale down the photos first, as they are too large for efficient viewing.

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Funny Posts People. yellaf.gif


Yes, my error. I bought a new digital camera and wasn't sure how to upload them correctly.

This Canon 6.3 Mega Pixel camera takes great res. pictures but the photos would not upload at 3 Mb a piece. I compressed them but I guess the size of the picture did not change. They looked great before I compressed them.

I think I need to get a lesson on doing this or shoot at a lower resolution.


If I screwed up on who I thought was there or not there, sorry about that.


I can reload them if someone lets me know what to do. I have a few more.


Anyways, is Pub Club in Bothell this week?

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