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Yay me! First trad lead!


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I had my heart set on the Icicle's Classic Crack being my first trad lead. So yesterday I practiced (placing gear on TR) several times, then my buds told me 'Okay Dox, you can do it!' So I got myself good 'n scared then I did it!


Photo by my pal Seth - Whoo - hoo! Doxey's leadin' Classic Crack!



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Yeah, I coulda fell on that gear - I felt real good about each piece. On my practice climbs I put a long sling in some of the pieces and bounce-tested them, and I've had my pals checking my gear and critiquing.


Saber, eh? All right then, but I haven't been building anchors out of gear. I got book-learnin' from John Long and some practice standing on the ground - I got the idea, I just don't have experience.


Anyway, thanks!



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dox - building gear anchors on the ground, and on a ledge, works the same. mostly the difference is on the ground you have your whole rack to choose from but on the ledge you've placed half of it.


as i recall saber has bolted anchors anyway.


martian diagonal at peshastin, or r&d route on icicle buttress would be other good first multi pitch leads for the new leader. cool.gif



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Saber has a huge pre-set anchor at the first belay, and I don't know exactly where the next belay will end up because I can't remember when I even climbed that pitch, but I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of very secure belay ledges up there - so much so that even if your anchor failed you aren't going to get the chop. Saber or Midway are both excellent choices.

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Congrats, dkemp!


R&D would make an excellent second trad lead. It's got it all: slab down low if you veer up and right instead of the traditional first (veggie) pitch, rambly-blocky moderate angle stuff in the middle, a "ship's prow" squeeze chimney that leads to an "easy chair" belay, then good exposure of your backside for a very short bit of crack up near the top, then a pitch or two of easy walk-up/walk-off to rap station. Enjoy!

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dkemp said:

Thanks y'all! When you get a minute you might want to see more pictures on the Bushwhacker site.


That was fun. Next is Tieton for Western Front, 5.4, (I practiced on that one a couple weeks ago) and other stuff in the .4, .5 and .6 range.


Awesome, Classic Crack goes at 5.8+. You seem to have a good idea what you need to do. I'd listen to my own instincts rather than blindly following someone else's suggestions. To warm up, I climbed some stuff at the Tietons' Royal Columns in the mid 5's that I thought would be easy and I was pleasantly surprised. Climbed Stacker, Good Timer, and Level Head (5.4-5.6, located to the left of Western Front). Then I led Mush Maker (5.7, ***). It starts as a hand jam/stem and progresses to a hand/foot jam. It really caught my attention! I swore to God that route was sandbagged! Hahahah, it was fun looking back on that experience.

rockband.gif Yeah, and the thing I wanted to say is that there are fewer people at the Tietons and potentially less pressure on you to go too quickly so you can make good gear placements.

Edited by scrambler
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