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drinking beer at a quarter of four


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being underemployed right now, i woke up at 330AM and cracked a PBR for all the fallen comrades and partners we all have out there- packed the pipes, quaffed a brew, and really ruminated about all the friends I have lost.


*I cry into my beer,

the lost friends we never see again*


Beck's two cents on love and loss

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actually, my boss at the newspaper supplies all the labatt's I can drink to go along with a million dollar view down at the Market, sphinx. I've invited you down there before, but I


1) don't think you're very nice

2) don't think you're mature enough to drink

3) would rather hang out with icegirl or kitten


BURP! bigdrink.gif

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its now 12 hours past first post, 3:30PM or thereabouts, and I'm drinking complimentary Labatt's down at the office, scheming up world domination and trying to figure how to go public on NASDAQ with the crime syndicate...any current crime syndicate leaders that have gone public in the last year or so, PM me.... we can go do lunch...or a beer at the office...maybe a start on NYSE would be better positioning... bigdrink.gif

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I'm actually sipping a canadian brewski at my bosses' desk, surfing CC.com on his computer (we haven't yet ordered the new G5)


he keeps the fridge stocked full of beer. If it weren't for the beer, the sixteen foot picture window with a view of: Puget Sound, Olympic Mountains, Pike Place Market Sign and clock, and plenty of gurl watching, I wouldn't be down here as much...


yes, I do drink beer at work that my employer pays for, if that was the question. And I offer an open invite to any boozers who like beer and atmosphere to converge at the workplace... bigdrink.gif

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...free beer...million dollar view... BURP bigdrink.gif


Mary lou, even you're invited, if you can bring sphinx


NOT. you kids can't even climb into the clubhouse, but i WILL lob free brewskis out the window if you are thirsty, it has nice dormers above the view...

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I walked to work today, Kitten wave.gif thanks.


I'm going to go home in a little bit and make some potato and ramps soup, maybe with some great organic spinach I got today from my friend Shannon the organic farmer... cheeburga_ron.gif


so I'm doing fine. I don't necessarily like having employer supplied beer, it kinda makes me feel obligated though grin.gif I can't see many jobs like this one in the 'help wanted section' so I'm taking advantage of the company 'perks' so to speak... not to mention that dammed yacht trip with Sound Tourism and the Summit at Snoqualamie...

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Beck said:

its actually only 5,000 annually, for three days worth a month of work, plus all the free beer i can drink on the other 27 days

That's $138 gross daily assuming a 36 day year. Naturally you're paying taxes, right? rolleyes.gif so it's probably closer to $100 per day plus beer. Seeing as you're becoming drunker and drunker daily bigdrink.gif, I figure you'll be fired from this gig before Christmas.

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