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And the stated intention of the American government is to kill members of Al Queda while conducting a "war on terror" and "winning the battle for peace" and other nonsense. They want to maintain the status quo in which the first world exploits the third world to maintain our decadence. If I were in the third world and saw my culture/religion being overrun by consumerism, I'd be pissed too.


They feel threatened and don't have the power/tools to fight back so they resort to guerilla tactics like terrorism. That's what the underdog always does.



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Alpinfox said:


And the stated intention of the American government is to kill members of Al Queda while conducting a "war on terror" and "winning the battle for peace" and other nonsense. They want to maintain the status quo in which the first world exploits the third world to maintain our decadence. If I were in the third world and saw my culture/religion being overrun by consumerism, I'd be pissed too.

you stupid fucker. saudi arabia aint third world. and bali and java aint either tho other parts of indonesia are.

you a delusional mother fucker alpinpox. and its clear you dont like the goverment. join the club asshole. the_finger.gif

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If you were in the Third World you probably wouldn't object to 'consumerism' as it's what puts bread in your mouth. You're just giving a lame-ass shortsighted excuse for why you just sit on your ass and ignore the poverty and duisease and other horrors going on in the world. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif

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vegetablebelay said:

Fuck you for attempting to justify their actions. the_finger.gif


I'm not trying to justify their actions, I'm justifying their feelings. Killing people is wrong no matter what color uniform you wear.


I think that instead of disregarding Al Queda and other groups as crazy, demonic, "terrorists", it may be more illuminating to appreciate that they are real people with legitimate reasons for being angry at the US.



I don't think I "ignore the poverty and disease" in the world any more than any other American. I like to think that by at least being aware of it, I'm ahead of the game. I would like to do more, any suggestions?



You're right that those countries aren't third world, though I think many of the citizens of those countries live as if they were in the third world. It's not really an essential element of my argument anyway. The central idea is that they value their culture and wish it to continue and they object to the "McDonaldization" of it.


Spray is Fun!


Cheers Ya'll.

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ya know. putting up pictures of cheney and kissinger and blair and pinochet is kina cute. but stupid. i guess you fuckers dont get that al qaedas stated intention is to kill your decadent ass.


Yeah dude, I totally agree wit ya. Death sentence to the killers and to the planner. Thought I'd throw in some Pinochet considering the strange parallel for that date. For those who don't know, September 11, 1973 was the date when the freely elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, was overthrown by a military coup led by General Pinochet. Didn't Secretary Colin Powell state earlier this year that the coup was..."not a part of American history that we're proud of"?


"Covert actions are necessary to maintain a viable democracy." Oliver North during the Iran-Contra hearings



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