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RuMR said:

JGowans said:

BURP said:

a quick scan of the latest topics reveals gowans may be the biggest nerd in nerd history! thumbs_down.gif


this nerd knows origami. watch it fuckstick.



Is that scottish for boyfriend???


Scottish for onefalsemovebythatfuckingretardedclowncalledBURPwillresultinaseriousamountofpainforthemotherfucker.

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Ratboy said:

Only a bad motherfucker like Samuel L. Jackson could get away with wearing a kilt and that leather fanny pack.

He left Scotland cos he's a pussy. Used to get his heid kicked in every weekend at the clubs. That fanny pack is a sporran and that's where the booze is. My dagger's (sgian dubh) in my sock.

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JGowans said:

Wasn't GW's election slogan "Read my lips, a gun for every man woman and child?" At least he's delivering. Here's to you Shrub! bigdrink.gif


So, who did you vote for JGowans?


I see you're a big fan of our first ammendment. (After all, your pie-hole never seems to shut!) So why do you decry the second? And tell me why your opinion should matter anyway.


Become a citizen....vote....whine! That is the proper order of things my Scotish friend.



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Fairweather said:

JGowans said:

Wasn't GW's election slogan "Read my lips, a gun for every man woman and child?" At least he's delivering. Here's to you Shrub! bigdrink.gif


So, who did you vote for JGowans?


I see you're a big fan of our first ammendment. (After all, your pie-hole never seems to shut!) So why do you decry the second? And tell me why your opinion should matter anyway.


Become a citizen....vote....whine! That is the proper order of things my Scotish friend.


Fuck off you condescending prick. You think that because I'm not American I can't offer an opinion, or if I do, it's not valid cos I don't have a piece of paper saying that I'm a citizen. You're a complete fucking twat. The fact that I pay taxes gives me the right to have an opinion. Btw, I didn't express any fucking opinion in this thread. Just provided a link. You're the one that offered an opinion.


Btw, I have no intention of EVER becoming an American. I have enjoyed living here, and have appreciated the hospitality of many, but at the end of the day, I'm Scottish, proud to be Scottish, and will always only be Scottish, and yes, I will go home at some point. Don't take it as a slight that I don't wish to be American. I realize it may be shocking to note that I'm not your average immigrant for whom life was shit back home and now bleeds red white and blue. No, it's a life experience here that's been a lot of fun, but there's loads more fun places to check out before I get old and crusty. For those that are busy creating a reply offering to pack my shit for me, save it cos it's fucking boring you fucking xenophobic wankers.

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JGowans said:

Fairweather said:

JGowans said:

Wasn't GW's election slogan "Read my lips, a gun for every man woman and child?" At least he's delivering. Here's to you Shrub! bigdrink.gif


So, who did you vote for JGowans?


I see you're a big fan of our first ammendment. (After all, your pie-hole never seems to shut!) So why do you decry the second? And tell me why your opinion should matter anyway.


Become a citizen....vote....whine! That is the proper order of things my Scotish friend.


Fuck off you condescending prick. You think that because I'm not American I can't offer an opinion, or if I do, it's not valid cos I don't have a piece of paper saying that I'm a citizen. You're a complete fucking twat. The fact that I pay taxes gives me the right to have an opinion. Btw, I didn't express any fucking opinion in this thread. Just provided a link. You're the one that offered an opinion.


Btw, I have no intention of EVER becoming an American. I have enjoyed living here, and have appreciated the hospitality of many, but at the end of the day, I'm Scottish, proud to be Scottish, and will always only be Scottish, and yes, I will go home at some point. Don't take it as a slight that I don't wish to be American. I realize it may be shocking to note that I'm not your average immigrant for whom life was shit back home and now bleeds red white and blue. No, it's a life experience here that's been a lot of fun, but there's loads more fun places to check out before I get old and crusty. For those that are busy creating a reply offering to pack my shit for me, save it cos it's fucking boring you fucking xenophobic wankers.


homeboy... breathe... hahaha.gif for real man... you sound like ya need a drink... madgo_ron.gifcantfocus.gifwazzup.gifwave.gif

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JGowans has as much right to bitch about our President as people here have to bitch about Chirac and Schroeder. grin.gif


Plus, I've found many foreigners living in this country to be as knowledgable on politics as most American citizens, if not more so. The most informed politico I know is from West Africa.

Edited by Ratboy
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JGowans said:

Fairweather said:

JGowans said:

Wasn't GW's election slogan "Read my lips, a gun for every man woman and child?" At least he's delivering. Here's to you Shrub! bigdrink.gif


So, who did you vote for JGowans?


I see you're a big fan of our first ammendment. (After all, your pie-hole never seems to shut!) So why do you decry the second? And tell me why your opinion should matter anyway.


Become a citizen....vote....whine! That is the proper order of things my Scotish friend.


Fuck off you condescending prick. You think that because I'm not American I can't offer an opinion, or if I do, it's not valid cos I don't have a piece of paper saying that I'm a citizen. You're a complete fucking twat. The fact that I pay taxes gives me the right to have an opinion. Btw, I didn't express any fucking opinion in this thread. Just provided a link. You're the one that offered an opinion.


Btw, I have no intention of EVER becoming an American. I have enjoyed living here, and have appreciated the hospitality of many, but at the end of the day, I'm Scottish, proud to be Scottish, and will always only be Scottish, and yes, I will go home at some point. Don't take it as a slight that I don't wish to be American. I realize it may be shocking to note that I'm not your average immigrant for whom life was shit back home and now bleeds red white and blue. No, it's a life experience here that's been a lot of fun, but there's loads more fun places to check out before I get old and crusty. For those that are busy creating a reply offering to pack my shit for me, save it cos it's fucking boring you fucking xenophobic wankers.


My, oh my. Do all Scots have such bad manners and use such foul language? rolleyes.gifmoon.gif Pull your kilt outta your crack.

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Fence_Sitter said:homeboy... breathe... hahaha.gif for real man... you sound like ya need a drink... madgo_ron.gifcantfocus.gifwazzup.gifwave.gif


I just get tired of his shit FS. Everyone else here argues the content of each other's posts, including mine. Not everyone agrees and it's fine. Fairweather on the other hand, refuses to engage on that basis and instead rolls out these fucking xenophobic remarks, thinking that unless I'm American, I don't have a valid opinion. It absolutely fucking infuriates me. It's cocksuckers like him that would give any country a bad name. He's probably part of the same crowd that smashed in the windows of the local patiserie and calls french fries Freedom Fries. You've traveled FS, and you know that you see things you like and dislike in every place you've been. You chat with the locals and engage them in conversation. Do you ever hear, "I refuse to argue with you because you're not Lithuanian" or what not? It's fucking stupid.


You're right though, I do need a drink.

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Fairweather said:My, oh my. Do all Scots have such bad manners and use such foul language? rolleyes.gifmoon.gif Pull your kilt outta your crack.


Fuck off and die you racist bastard. Your racist comments are getting on my fucking nerves. If you want to say anything to me, save it for pub club and we'll see how racist you want to be then.

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Hey JGowans. Stop trying to pretend you're interested in real debate. The titles of your threads, such as "Why do people hate America" are nothing but TROLLS. Your oft-profane replies to those who disagree with your premise belie your real motives. You're gettin' what you ask for! Enjoy.

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"Why Do People Hate America" is a book. Read it. Plenty of people disagreed with me, and some agreed. The result was a pretty healthy and long thread about the topic. You on the other hand continue to insult me by offering nothing more than racist rhetoric and I'm sick of it.

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Fairweather said:

Keep your PM's to yourself , JGowans. If you're so wound up by my suggestions that you feel the need to contact me personally and call me names, maybe you need a bit of ....therapy. rolleyes.gif

Just so everyone knows, there was nothing sinister in the PM. Just a polite request...


"Call me what you want. Ridicule me however you wish. Treat me like everyone else though, and save the flag waving nonsense for someone else because Fairweather, you may not like what I say, but your comments in my book are atrociously xenophobic."

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Fairweather, you're fully of crap. His opinion matters just as much as the next guy. I'll save everybody the "this country was built by immigrants" crap, but I'd much rather hear the opinion of a non-citizen who stops to think than the tired diareaha you right wing idiots spew out. BTW, to answer your question and stir the pot some more, the 2nd amendment is a load of shit. It was designed in a time where this country was supported and defended by a militia. That isn't the case these days and gun owners hiding behind the 2nd amendment are taking the easy way out. Why don't you try thinking for once then come up with a valid reason why this country needs 260 million small arms. wazzup.gif

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Why don't you try thinking for once then come up with a valid reason why this country needs 260 million small arms.


To compensate for a few million small dicks, huh Fairweather.


BTW I'm an American Citizen and I think J G has the right to comment on life in America; I also agree with him when he calls you a xenophobe Fairweather the_finger.gif

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Indeed, this country will fail (would never have succeeded either) without a steady stream of immigrants to promote growth and infuse knowledge/innovation into our system. In your left-wing, PC/ religious fury you have once again made assumptions about who I am.


I am pro-immigration. The very reason we are superior ( militarily and economically, anyway) is because we are a nation where people from around the world are free to live and seek reward for their hard work, innovation, and risk. Sometimes they even work for big corporations.


Many of them become citizens. They vote. They participate in the political system. And to a great degree, they assimilate.


Of course non-citizens are afforded many of the same benefits and protections (The "Patriot Act" notwithstanding) that the rest of us are, including free speech. Including, of course, JGowans.


My rants were/are simply intended to remind JGowans that although he may have a voice here and in other venues, he really has no voice unless he can participate in the political system. His desire to see change in America is all for naught because all he can do is jump up and down screaming and hope someone is listening. If you think your vote doesn't count, what influence do you think JGownas has? None.


Some of you might not like to hear that, but it is a fact. And I will l continue to point this out until JG "joins the team", so to speak. I don't like JG's politics, for sure. And I certainly wouldn't flame a non-citizen who parroted my ideals here with the same zeal. But that's just human nature.

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