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trask said:

J_bitch, wtf would a former US ambassador to the West African nation know about Iraq? Jesus Christ you're a dolt. thumbs_down.gif



From the article cited:

"The CIA had sent Joseph Wilson to West Africa in February 2002 to check if Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Niger, the world's third-largest producer of mined uranium..."


This story about how They (with a capital "T") knew the uranium purchase thing was BS has been repeated in various news sources all around the world lately. Similar stories about Their (again with a capital "T") distorted presentation of, or out-and-out misrepresentation of, various intelligence reports abound. If you don't believe it was BS, you must be seriously committed to denying the truth.


We can still argue about whether or not GW and buddies made a good decision about whether and when to invade Iraq, but I don't think anybody can credibly argue that we were not fed a lot of B.S. about the reasons why.

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trask said:

Like I said earlier last week, I now think Bush sucks the big choda. I'm still a good conservative but the sooner this moron is gone the better.


trask, I never thought I would ever say this, but dude, you just made my day.



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mattp said:

We can still argue about whether or not GW and buddies made a good decision about whether and when to invade Iraq, but I don't think anybody can credibly argue that we were not fed a lot of B.S. about the reasons why.


Yeah, Matt. I would have made the case for the invasion differently myself, but I am not running the show.


In any event, it's not like we were talking about Mother Theresa here. We, along with all of the nations of any significance in Western Europe and the former USSR supported this piece of shit in order to contain what seemed like the greater menace at the time. It is an irrefutable fact that he posessed an used chemical and nerve agents, and that he was using all of the means at his disposal to aquire nuclear capability prior to the Gulf War. This fact was so thoroughly documented during the first round of inspections that no one can dispute this point. During this time it was his practice to constrain the inspectors and curtail their effectiveness as much as possible, then he kicked them out. They were only admitted again under direct threat by US forces, and still attempted to limit the inspections as much as possible. Given the documented facts of his history, the various missing weapons, and the continued attempts to thwart the inspectors was it really rational to conclude that Saddam was telling the truth and disregard the assesments given by virtually every Western country with a modicum of intelligence gathering capability? If so, then the left has a case. If not, then what we have is an effort on the part of the left to salvage some credibility after their predictions about the war turned out to be grossly mistaken.


There's also the minor matter of alternatives. What would you have done in the place of the invasion? Maintain the sanctions and prolong the suffering of the Iraqi people indefinitely and leave Saddam in power? Simply discontinue the sanctions and walk away? If we did so is it really reasonable to conclude that Saddam would have seen the light and spent his time engrossed in crosswords and needlepoint rather than attempting to restore his clout in the region and avenge 12 years of systematic humiliation at the hands of the West?


If anyone in the administration falsified or fabricated intelligence, then the public should certainly be privy to this information, and the responsible parties should be held accountable, but I think that what any investigation will ultimately find is that the administration simply acted on the best intelligence that they had, which was decidedly less than perfect. We launched the Manhattan Project on the basis of the unconfirmed suspicion that the Germans, lead by Werner Heisenberg, were well on their way towards making an atomic bomb. After the war we found out that their efforts were far short of producing anything close to an operational device. However, few would argue that our assesment of the immediate threat posed by a Nazi atom bomb, while proven inaccurate, was in any way inconsistent with reason or the general interest of mankind.

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Alex said:

trask said:

Like I said earlier last week, I now think Bush sucks the big choda. I'm still a good conservative but the sooner this moron is gone the better.


trask, I never thought I would ever say this, but dude, you just made my day.




If you think you're stoked now, ask him for the hum. thumbs_up.gifMake him take out the dentures first, though! shocked.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Alex said:

trask said:

Like I said earlier last week, I now think Bush sucks the big choda. I'm still a good conservative but the sooner this moron is gone the better.


trask, I never thought I would ever say this, but dude, you just made my day.




If you think you're stoked now, ask him for the hum. thumbs_up.gifMake him take out the dentures first, though! shocked.gif

DFA, that's weak


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JayB said:

It is an irrefutable fact that he posessed an used chemical and nerve agents, and that he was using all of the means at his disposal to aquire nuclear capability prior to the Gulf War. This fact was so thoroughly documented during the first round of inspections that no one can dispute this point.


did not need inspectors to find that out. we and our allies sold them the technology and the materials


During this time it was his practice to constrain the inspectors and curtail their effectiveness as much as possible, then he kicked them out.


no the UN pulled them out after they were accused of spying


They were only admitted again under direct threat by US forces, and still attempted to limit the inspections as much as possible. Given the documented facts of his history, the various missing weapons, and the continued attempts to thwart the inspectors was it really rational to conclude that Saddam was telling the truth and disregard the assesments given by virtually every Western country with a modicum of intelligence gathering capability?


there was plenty of direct evidence that most of the arsenal had been destroyed during prior inspections. testimony to that effect by defectors, un inspectors, etc ... was systematically expunged from intelligence documents


If so, then the left has a case. If not, then what we have is an effort on the part of the left to salvage some credibility after their predictions about the war turned out to be grossly mistaken.


like which predictions? that this administration had either no clue or only pretended it'd be a 6 months walk in the park to sell the war to the public?


There's also the minor matter of alternatives. What would you have done in the place of the invasion? [...]

systematic humiliation at the hands of the West?


let an entity with greater credibility with the local folks (i.e. one that did not support said regime in the first 15years of its existence) deal with the problem


If anyone in the administration falsified or fabricated intelligence, then the public should certainly be privy to this information, and the responsible parties should be held accountable, but I think that what any investigation will ultimately find is that the administration simply acted on the best intelligence that they had, which was decidedly less than perfect.


no, ex-ambassador wilson says it very well: "What they did is they made that decision and then they backfilled it with whatever they could come up with to justify the war they had decided to make." and now there is plenty of evidence that they knew the backfill to be false.


with ari leaving you should apply for the spinmeister job


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