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My new passtime while sitting on the bus in traffic is to trace my spam mail. I get a ton of spam, I think mainly because of this site. Anytime you post your email on the internet these spammer harvest your email and sell it and spam the crap out of it. So I'm starting to go after some of these fuckers.


The first spammer I'm going after typically sends emails that are from Cool Bargains or something like that. What I challange you to do, if you are computer savvy enough and use something like Outlook is to search for emails coming from this guy. Using the IP address truncation 65.61 to search the headers of all your email. In the last month I have gotten about 100 spam emails from this one person. I have traced where they are being hosted from and have contacted their ISP and they are in the process of taking action. The State of Washington has tough anti spamming laws and I plan on going after this guy. Search your emails with the above string and send me a PM with how many you have gotten from this guy.


I'll see you in hell spammers!!! the_finger.gifthe_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

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thelawgoddess said:

jon said:

If I could find a lawyer that would be willing to do this [...]






e-mail the guy with the dogside site. he's not a lawyer, but he's been successful at suing spammers and might have some hints for you.

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Another way to at least do something about it for us less computer savvy people. I got a few new H&R block spam lately. Just dropped em a note stating I used them for years and SPAM SUCKS, I will no longer be a customer! This puts the ball in there court to do something about it. moon.gif

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Newsflash: just because someone has worked at a climbing shop does not mean someone is a climber.


Well duh.


Of course someone with a law degree might be useful in scoping out the legal territory and then assist a real lawyer (which I believe there are several on this board).

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Attitude said:

Of course someone with a law degree might be useful in scoping out the legal territory and then assist a real lawyer (which I believe there are several on this board).


yeah; someone with a law degree might ... but you don't need a law degree to do that. do your own dirty work. moon.gif

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