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Name that Crag (Pub Club's Extreme Rock Climbing)


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With all the fun that everyone had playing "Extreme Rock Climbing" I thought we should name the Crag. I am taking suggestions the new portable climbing area. Since it also saw a couple of first free ascents, the routes need names. The first ascents was by Matt's Wife (sorry, I can't remember your name). She had the first ascent of the left Side Crag and therefore gets to name it. The second ascent was by Misty. She was at a neighboring table and couldn't resist the temptation and the fun. Misty if your out there, you get to name the right hand route.

The females had the first 2 ascent. No male could make it up until EddieE gave it a try and showed everyone up. Not only did he make a full free ascent, he also down climbed the route. Way to go EddieE.



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The instructions read....


The pitons will come in handy when you need to rest or think about you strategy. Just try to get your climbers "axe" or "grappling hook" to latch onto the piton

There are brown pitons in the rock, they are hard to see in the picture and we already lost half of them last night.

You can't tell from the picture but there are 2 magnets that you put on your fingers behind the wall. There are also magnets in the climbers hands and that is how you get the climber to move. The flags are used for scoring points on your 3 attempts. It is so cheesy that it's great.


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Originally posted by chris_w:
The instructions read....

There are brown pitons in the rock, they are hard to see in the picture and we already lost half of them last night.


chris if you want we can clean those pitons and drill some nice 1/2" stainless steel bolts. that way even with corosian they'll be good for years to come.

wink.gif" border="0

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It appears the "FOCUS on your business" book on your desk is not very effective. I only say this because you have a large toy taking up most of the space where you might do "business work". If I might suggest, get a seperate table in your office for toys, beer and climbing books. It works for me. [big Drink]

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Actually I pitched the stuff that was in the binder and used it for something else. Did you notice the picture on the wall. One day I was bored and printed out most of the N. Cascade TOPO's and taped them together. Now that is FOCUSing, just not on work.

grin.gif" border="0

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I like that:

The Extreme Rock Climbing game is nearly blocking his view of the "Focusing on your Business" binder. But it is all okay, because the binder is filled with something else anyway, not the original contents. What is in it anyway? Beckey's secret list? A list of Ray and Mike's avatars?

How about "Spray-der-man Buttress"?

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: CascadeClimber ]

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My Avatar list :-0 well mostly hehehe However keep in mind some people have the passwords and share them with me tongue.gif" border="0


Ones I desire:TheGimpRopeRocket

Ones I used to own:BigWallBigBallsRockyGroundFall_Crater


Ones I will not reveal:**&*&*&*&^$^%$%^^^%^$^%$$^^$$^

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ]

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