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…acording to Peter Puget


There is more talk about BBQs than climbing on this site! What did everyone do last weekend? Epics? Adventures? I was dragged to a really crappy crag. As a result I am applying the “3 strikes you’re out” rule to my goofy partner who wouldn’t know choss from perfection if they were staring him in the face.


Of course Erik is the obvious exception to the rule!




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It was father's day so I "climbed" to Barclay lake with my little fire starters. fruit.gifThey got one going. I polished off a bottle of red. bigdrink.gif We took the beach condo with a view of the north face of Mt. Baring. There was not much else to mention except that I got a box of malted milk balls as a present. cheeburga_ron.gif

I had my 10x25's and spent hours scoping potential routes. There are none. The mountain is choss.

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Sounds like a good weekend. Many years ago I made the same hike with my little ones. I remember because someone hiked up with a big dog and my oldest exclaimed, “look Dad a horse.” Baring looks cool but that approach? - I’d rather fly to Yosemite.



Damn! TLG I think I am falling you! But I could never compete with RumR (or anybody for that matter)


BTW Erik I am way FAT!





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Nice Peter! Look at this CLIMBING thread you got going thumbs_up.gif .


My exciting climbing weekend yellowsleep.gif consisted of 3- hours on Saturday at Index alone cry.gif(see Index TR) and then cajoling the wife and younguns out to The Rock for 3 more hours on Father's Day. My daughter sent the slab about 10 times thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif. My son's got the makings of a champion sport climber. He liked to yell "tension" then jump up off the rock so the rope would pull him up the climb. tongue.gif

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Peter_Puget said:

What did everyone do last weekend?



Of course Erik is the obvious exception to the rule!

the weekend is still going...sun is finally moving behind some clouds so i can go brave the heat...

summertime takin it easy...ahhhh


and ERIK is an exception to every rule!


where did you find the speedrecord about the Hubers

Florine has them clocked at like 4hrs on his site...


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had to do chores and crap on sat madgo_ron.gif ran the snow lake trail dodging people in jeans, black tie shindig on sat evening....the bastard who invented high heels should have his genitalia sauteed and served to him madgo_ron.gif


but sunday i got to climb w/my kiddo...4 hrs of the lamest bestest climbing i've done in ages grin.giffruit.gif

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Had an epic weekend on Shuksan. Hiked up to camp on Saturday. Set off at 6am on Sunday, turned back from the gully due to excessive ice, and we only had 4 pickets. Only 1 group had the balls to take it to the top up the gully. They were unroped and were very careful to say the least. There was a lot of ice fall down the gully. I saw at least 4 other groups turn back. Then, we attempted the rock climb up the South-East ridge. Pretty easy 4th & 5th class moves. Since I was with my Mounties group and there were 9 of us (I know), we didn't make it up in time. Some of us were on the last pitch when the leader decided it was too late (1 did actually summit though). Got back to camp at 9pm. Set off for the trail at 9.45pm. Got a bit lost on the trail down in the dark. Got back to cars at 2am. Tucked up in bed at 5.15am. Spraying at 3.45pm.


I gotta say, although we didn't make it to the summit, it was a great alpine experience out there. That was the first time on Shuksan, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Once the fog lifted, the summit pyramid was pretty spectacular. Not to mention the views of Baker and other N. Cascade peaks.

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