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Internet Addiction


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Are you addicted to CASCADECLIMBERS.COM?


Answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements:



Do you routinely spend significant amounts of time in chat rooms and private messaging with the sole purpose of finding CASCADECLIMBERS.COM?

Do you feel preoccupied with using the Internet to find on-line CLIMBING partners?

Do you frequently use anonymous communication to engage in CLIMBING fantasies not typically carried out in real-life?

Do you anticipate your next on-line session with the expectation that you will find CLIMBING arousal or gratification?

Do you find that you frequently move from CASCADECLIMBERS.COM to phone CLIMBING(or even real-life meetings)?

Do you hide your on-line interactions from your significant other?

Do you feel guilt or shame from your on-line use?

Did you accidentally become aroused by CASCADECLIMBERS.COM at first, and now find that you actively seek it out when you log on-line?

Do you masturbate while on-line while engaged in CLIMBING chat?

Do you provide less investment with your real-life CLIMBING partner only to prefer CASCADECLIMBERS.COM as a primary form of CLIMBING gratification?


If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you may be addicted to CASCADECLIMBERS.COM. With the availability of adult web sites and chat rooms, more and more people like yourself have come to realize their initial curiosity has turned into an addiction.


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