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What do you guys who thought it was OK to lie to us about why we were going to war in Iraq think about this? Sure Saddam is a bad guy and you may say that the ends justified the means, but is a lie used to promote a tax cut OK? (Whether an active lie or a passive "lie of omission" it is still a lie if you say or don't say something in a manner where you know people will rely upon your statement or would difinitely want to know about the matter you are not revealing.)


It reminds me of when the Bush team presented a budget to Congress that made no mention of any expense associated with the Iraq war, even though by then they had already spent - what was it? - $30 billion or something on the war preparations?



If the Democrats get in the White House or take control of congress it will be very bad for the country. Perhaps worse than what would have happened if Saddam Hussein's government was not toppled. Thus, it seems obvious, EVEN TO AN IDIOT, why it is OK for the Republicans to lie about anything that might make them look bad and help the democrats regain power.


As for the omission of the war cost in the budget, I think it's fair that they wait until, as they say in baseball, the "book is closed" before they add up the numbers. Once this little Iraq thing is all cleaned up, we can see it as an item in the budget, perhaps about the time a new regime is in the White House.


The newspaper desribed the study as "the most comprehensive assessment of how the US government is at risk of being overwhelmed by the 'baby boom' generation's future healthcare and retirement costs."


How and why did it becomes the governments responsibilty to pay for these things? I look at my family and my wife's family and all are doing well without nanny government having to take care of them. If I keep more of my money, then I can, and do, contribute to charities that take care of people that actually can't take care of themselves. We have become such a nation of victims that it seems no one can take care of themselves any more. We seem also to have abandoned the idea of family and neighbor helping each other because impersonal big brother government will do it for us. Spray on!


But then how would you phrase the estimated Federal budget deficit? 150 billion$ - infinity? You see how this is a sticky point? If you estimate an upper level on the war cost, then the demos will make hay with that. If you start espousing an infinite budget, there would be real problems there, major one being Bush probably doesn't understand the concept and probably can't even pronounce the word. Then the damn liberally biased media would make fun of him. And we can't have that because we're in a war here and we need to support our troops.

Peter_Puget said:

Read and learn!


Man wouldn't hire me but he is still my hero!


PP bigdrink.gif


Puget, just so you know. The link you gave is to a site full of unintelligible gibberish. They may be arguing an interesting point, but it's extremely difficult to tell what it is because many of the sentences are completely out of context and some are grammatically incorrect.


for example:


"10 will you get 1 that this argument gets repeated in the liberal media a dozen times before the week is out."



ChucK, you're almost as much of a moron as our unfortunate leader. "it's OK to lie to keep the democrats out of control of the country" "we should lie about the budget" "we don't need to count it in our budget until after we've already spent it" "it's a war, and we shouldn't worry about cost"

it's almost amusing, really yellaf.gif


I think that there may have been a tinge of sarcasm mixed in with some of chucK's comments...


Ask people who will be on Social Security in 15 years what they think of this accounting. The tax cut applies most strongly to the upper economic ranks. It is classic Reganomics, aka trickle-down economics. The money has to come from somewhere to fund programs that are committed to. As we decrease income to the gov't, and increase military spending it seems that Bush will have an increasingly difficult time funding other programs including education. It is a bit difficult to swallow the increased demands on schools (read 'accountability' by standardized testing) by the feds in the face of decreased federal funding. Granted, most of K12 funding is from the state level.


IMO, education is a staple of a successful society. I fear that with the direction that the fiscal structure of our gov't is taking, social programs, including education, will see a cut. If you can afford education independent of public schooling, this probably doesn't get you all in a twist. If you don't have parents that can afford it, this puts you at a serious disadvantage. I fear that the full impacts of the current fiscal policy will rear their heads long after Shrubya is gone and forgotten.


I'll end the ramble session now... hahaha.gif

glen said:

IMO, education is a staple of a successful society. I fear that with the direction that the fiscal structure of our gov't is taking, social programs, including education, will see a cut. If you can afford education independent of public schooling, this probably doesn't get you all in a twist. If you don't have parents that can afford it, this puts you at a serious disadvantage. I fear that the full impacts of the current fiscal policy will rear their heads long after Shrubya is gone and forgotten.


Even if you do have parents who can afford private education, it should get you all in a twist. Public schooling is about making everyone else around you educated enough to contribute positively to our society. Giving your money to public schooling is not altruistic. It should be looked at as a selfish effort to improve one's environment.


You can only run so far. Sooner or later you're going to have to venture out of the gates of your security compound to get a six pack or something.


Even if you do have parents who can afford private education, it should get you all in a twist. Public schooling is about making everyone else around you educated enough to contribute positively to our society. Giving your money to public schooling is not altruistic. It should be looked at as a selfish effort to improve one's environment.


I agree completely, and that is part of why it is a staple of the society. However, people usually think on a shorter time scale, ie the time scale of balancing a checkbook and that is why middle to upper class families are less likely to get in a twist about it.

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