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Media Bias --again!


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….But what seems to be missing from other NPR's commentaries/interviews is the unabashed and unconditional support (and there is lot of it) for the administration. ….




…..Whenever that opinion is heard on NPR as it did when NPR interviewed Secretary of State Colin Powell, NPR receives e-mails by the score, all asking: "NPR! How could you?"….



….That puts NPR in an awkward position. As an audio companion, NPR needs to remain recognizable to its listeners; but as a news service, it needs to present a range of opinions that reflects reality -- no matter how uncomfortable that reality may be…..




Hmm. Seems like he is saying NPR doesn’t want to turn away listeners with unbiased reporting. Listeners = Revenue.





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snoboy said:

I've always felt that there is no such thing as unbiased reporting.


Therefore the fairest thing is for reporters to make their bias known.


I disagree... It hard to be neutral because someone can read something and give it diffrent meanging then what it meant.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

minx said:

Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Perhaps people just need to get over the myth of a neutral media?


that's the most intelligent thing i've seen you post.

outstanding point.


Thanks. rolleyes.gif


oh don't rolleyes.gif at me you pretentious prig

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

minx said:


oh don't rolleyes.gif at me you pretentious prig



Look, for the last time; it is not Dr. Flash Amazing's fault that Trask will not return your calls or e-mails. Go ahead and unleash your scorned-woman fury, fine, but don't drag DFA into it.




nope...just callin it like i see it. pretentious prig. you assumed that was a bad thing


fury? that doesn't even come close. you're a lightweight cool.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:



It looks like we're saying the same thing, i.e. that the media IS biased. DFA was saying that people ought to realize that no media is really neutral, and that media bias shouldn't be a big surprise.


But anyway, O'Reilly's most intelligent views aren't news, they're commentary, and as such are supposed to be biased.




I agree with that evils3d.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

"Who taught you how to do this stuff?!"


"From YOU, alright?! I learned it by watching YOU!"




News Flash: Trask is DFA's long lost father!!!!! Reports indicate that Trask tried to end his life upon learning this news. More at 6pm. Now back to Oprah.

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