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Today at the Portland Peace Rally


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Fairweather said:




You're the one who puts on a harness, wraps his arms and legs around a "big trunk" , climbs up and down all day. Then stuffs the evidence into a chipper like that fella in the movie "Fargo". tongue.gif And lets not even talk about about "grade school" politics. Your thoughts/research on most issues don't seem to run very deep.



Hey, why did you lose your "M" badge?


You forgot to bring up how I spend my work day standing in crotches and what about stump grinding.


As to deep thoughts. I'm not involved in international politics, however I've got lots of experience bossing around crews of tree guys. Things always seem to run the smoothest if you persuade people your way is right and listen and respond to comments as opposed to saying, "I'm the boss and this is what we're going to do."


GW and his administration have walked away or ignored a bunch of international agreements. (Kyoto, Landmines, etc.) We are powerfull, but we still need other countries help us, like creating a new Iraq government. If we piss everyone off we'll get no help when we need it.


Anyway it really doesn't matter right now since it sounds like we'll be blowing the shit out of Iraq on Wednesday. boxing_smiley.gif


I only get an M badge in the freshiez section, which is the only place I have any power.... though I might be able to ban you. evils3d.gifyellaf.gif

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snoboy said:

Greg_W said:

snoboy said:

I asked Gregw why someone should support the soldiers even if they didn't agree with the reasons for the war.


If I wasn't clear in my answer please let me know.


GregW -


I understood your answer, but I think it's that very belief that makes me puzzled.


The way I see it is that the military is a branch of or a tool of the administration.


Most of the time the people in the military have chosen to be there, no? Obvious exception when there is a draft or likewise. So... in my reasoning the people in the military are choosing to do the will of the government.


Now if you don't agree with what the government has chosen to do, then why should you support the people who have chosen to help them do it?


I understand thinking of them as individuals and all. I mean if it was a brother/cousin/friend of mine in the army/navy, I would be all for them getting back alive and all, but I don't think I would agree with what they were doing...


I understand that you would think this way coming from a socialist-democratic country. Regarding the belief you are puzzled by, it is called PATRIOTISM, which may or may not be in Canada; I don't really know. Further, you must understand that our two countries are set up differently. Our military is in place to defend our country. Unfortunately, in recent years, I do somewhat agree that it has been used rather politically and that is a function of the socialistic push by those on the Left in the U.S.

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erik said:

i can't wait till jja and fairweather head out to kill ohter humans!


jja, everysingle person looks nornal to me?! i challenge you to pick out a non-normal person.


i love how you guys try to turn everything into some sort of left vs right. both sides are the same money grubbing power hungrey pieces of shit. not a single one of them thinks for theirselves.


you guys are dense. i would bet that you are all uptight and proably pretty boring people.



i can't wait till jja and fairweather head out to kill ohter humans!

I think this says more about you than me.



jja, everysingle person looks nornal to me?! i challenge you to pick out a non-normal person.

War is serious business, and oposition to war should be similarily serious. When protesters behave like clowns, ordinary people will assume their arguments aren't worthy of consideration. Maybe in the circles you travel there are different social and cultural norms, but most of america is still fairly socially conservative. "Bellies not Bombs" is not a persuasive argument.



i love how you guys try to turn everything into some sort of left vs right. both sides are the same money grubbing power hungrey pieces of shit. not a single one of them thinks for theirselves.

Is this Noam Chomsky's "oligopolies are running the country" argument? These kind of arguments are as paranoid and wrong headed on the left as the black helicopter conspiracy theories on the right.


I can't speak for the rest of the vast right wing conspiracy, but for me I can think for myself thankyou. And I'm quite happy to work for a "money grubbing power hungry piece of shit" company, because I'm pretty sure that the alternative would provide the economic opportunities of - oh say, haiti.



you guys are dense.

gee, thanks for that thoughtful and insightful commentary. I'll be sure to consider it the next time I'm debating issues of war and peace.



i would bet that you are all uptight

How would you define uptight? How about the ability to engage in political conversation/humor without resorting to ad hominen attacks.



and proably pretty boring people.

well you got me there.




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snoboy said:

I asked Gregw why someone should support the soldiers even if they didn't agree with the reasons for the war.


GregW -


I understood your answer, but I think it's that very belief that makes me puzzled.


The way I see it is that the military is a branch of or a tool of the administration.


Most of the time the people in the military have chosen to be there, no? Obvious exception when there is a draft or likewise. So... in my reasoning the people in the military are choosing to do the will of the government.


Now if you don't agree with what the government has chosen to do, then why should you support the people who have chosen to help them do it?


It's not always that black and white. People join the military because they want to serve this great country. That means taking the good with the bad .. fighting conflicts you don't believe in as well as those you do. You can't just choose to fight for one belief and belly dance your way out of another .. it just doesn't work that way. So even if you don't agree with the reasons behind the war, you have to support the US troops who are going in there to risk their lives for YOU and YOUR way of life. Just because you don't feel you or your way of life is being threatened during this particular conflict, it doesn't mean you or your way of life never will be threatened in the future. I'll bet you any amount of money that you'd be praising the troops up and down when such an event happens. So let's not be half assed, let's support our US troops who are doing us as American citizens a favor.


If Saddam sent over a super germ over here and the US never acted to rid the world of Saddams regime beforehand, you'd be wondering why the hell we didn't know about this .. why we weren't able to do anything to prevent it beforehand. This is exactly what happened after September, 11. People questioned why we were ever friends with Bin Laden and sold arms to him, etc. etc. and why we never took them out when they bombed the navy vessel down in Yemen. It's becaue people were too busy belly dancing and living off in dream land thinking that peace is the answer. Sometimes in this world you must take a stand, and people aren't always going to agree with your reason behind taking that stand. That's fine, but I suspect many of the belly dancer crowd will be thanking their lucky stars when more facts become known about all this .. when we go into Iraq and find thousands of gallons of Vx Nerve Agent or some super germ. Then again, maybe the belly dancers will never get it until everyone's dead.


Interesting how this new "mysterious" strain of pneumonia that the WHO issued a travel advisory for is noticed just weeks before a planned attack on Iraq. I just hope it's not already too late.

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