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My Bro on CNN.COM (live from Kuwait)

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my bro's about 1k from the border, in a crappy bradley fighting vehicle, as the lead scout officer for the whole damn division


hmmmm...i think that mean's he'll be the first white boy into indian country on the ground


why are we trying to kill him again?


i know he's enjoying the hell out of it right now though

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Interesting bit of reading in this week's Willamette Week, excerpted from a book written by a Marine sniper about his experiences in Gulf War pt. 1. Some pretty gruesome shit, but worth a read. Apparently the book is getting all types of good spray. Sounds like Ivan's bro is doing the same thing this guy was doing with the scouting and being out front, etc. Hectic.

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I hope everybody stationed over there gets back safely, and regardless of the politics behind all of this, everybdoy should be doing the same.


My co-worker just had her first baby on Monday, and her husband is deployed someplace over there and couldn't be there for the birth. At least he was able to her his son's first scream over the phone.


I have a couple of friends on the verge of being sent out from Whidbey and a couple of more friends that are reservists that could see action.


I have freinds and family that were in the Gulf War and 'Nam, and I am grateful I was able to hear about WWII from my grandfather and great uncle before they passed away...talk about some scary stuff that happened on then!!


It sucks that the fate of so many people, on all sides of the conflict, are going to die, just because of a few people, on all sides, are saying so.


bigdrink.gif Everybody get back safe and pray to whatever deity you do that this will all get resolved without blood spilling.

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Even our photogs have been shooting digital for about two years now, and we're only about a 21,000-circulation paper. It's wonderful because our photogs can be out in the field longer doing assignments. All the need is their camera, the chip reader and an Apple laptop with Photoshop, and they never have to get back to the office, which is best for us reporters...because reporters and journalists for some reason speak a different language...we both bigdrink.gif, and we both cheeburga_ron.gif, and we both enjoy a good HCL.gif everynow and then, but it's just a different language.

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