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Gym vs. Sport: Compare and Contrast

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Trad leader on first gym boulder problem: "I can't seem to move because I have an extra belay device, three runners, a cordelette, and a bunch of extra lockers hanging on my harness!" yellaf.gif

This does suck.


I hate when I leave my belay device on the belay loop and it gets caught on the plastic while bouldering. cry.gif

Posted (edited)

Dwayner said:

"Sport-climbing gear issues: difficult decisions required in deciding whether to clip the bolt at your knees, the one in front of your nose, or the one alongside the nearby crack.


Gym-climbing issue: confronting the fact that climbing a "5.11" your first week in a gym does not mean you are a "5.11" climber anywhere.


Sport-climbing issue: accepting the revelation that hang-dogging and rehearsing your way up a 5.13 sport route doesn't make you a 5.10 trad-master.


Gym issue: looking around the room to try and figure out which post-modern pretender is assigning the idiotic names to the ephemeral taped routes.


Sport-issue: wondering which post-modern pretender thought they were poetic with the idiotic route name assigned to a line of 5 bolts.


Gym Climbing Issue: being afraid to climb outdoors...it might be cold and such.


Sport Climbing Issue: climbing with gym rats whose limited skills include belaying from a gri-gri tethered to a floor chain.


- Dwayner "




Gym issue: Having to deal w/ the absolute splitting pain in one's abdomen after laughing so hard at so-called "trad-meisters NOT DWAYNER,DON'T WANT TO HURT HIS FEELINGS " (this one's for you, the_finger.gif) trying a V0- sit start


...and then listening to them mumbling about "some wicked hard beasty 5.8 moss covered pile of shit 5star classic with a 6 mile approach that those damned sport climbing weenies would shit purple twinkies on..."


followed by the spew of "back in the old days when climbers climbed REAL rock after hiking through mosquito-infested swamps in stifling heat w/ wicked snowdrifts and avalanches, and it was uphill both directions!!"


All to cover up the fact that the eleven year old kid just kicked 'em in the shorts hard by campusing that "silly little problem"...











Edited by RuMR

RuMR that's to joke! mad.gif Nothing makes me as bitter and angry as some crankin' teenager in the gym! madgo_ron.gif


What needs to be developed is an accurate handicapping system. Some things to consider: age, job, fat content, years experience and while we are at it throw in skill & enthusiasm as well.


I am sure a well designed system will make me king of the gym!





M&Mer's...cuz when you looked over at Rope de Dope, it looked like spilled a bag of m&m candies all over the place, due to their shiny red, blue and other colored helmets!!



Peter_Puget said:

RuMR that's to joke! mad.gif Nothing makes me as bitter and angry as some crankin' teenager in the gym! madgo_ron.gif


What needs to be developed is an accurate handicapping system. Some things to consider: age, job, fat content, years experience and while we are at it throw in skill & enthusiasm as well.


I am sure a well designed system will make me king of the gym!




shit pete, you might take the cake then eh???




Ahhh PP


I'm with you there...my main climbing partner is this soon to be sixteen year old punkass kid...I struggle up something, figuring "oh, at least ten tries and that MIGHT go down" and he flashes it...


To be fair though, he's got a ton o' humility and usually says something like "I got lucky on the match" or "Man, fell into the right sequence on that one"...


He's gonna be scary on rock this year since he's dumping comps...


erik said:

RuMR said:

Ok then, riddle me this...What would you call Pope and/or Dwayner in candy-speak??






Oh that's too delicious!! S W E E T!!


I was gonna say Almond Joy cuz they always climb w/ their nutz!! But they kinda act nutless in the gym, so maybe Mounds?

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