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I vote for the first one in November to be held east. Is North Bend or Issaquah good Mike?

I hope to meet The Wotan of Ballard tongue.gif as well as meet this elusive "Backcountry"

[This message has been edited by Cpt.Caveman (edited 10-22-2001).]


Damn, dudes and dudettes, I'd love to go and I'm usually nearby the Pike Place Market but I gots to go to Mount Adams 4AM Tues to go on a SAR action, I'll try double speed to make it back but I'm not promising anything!!!


Caveman & Mike A. - an eastside pub club would be great. This is a pretty informal thing so all you have to do is put a post out there suggesting the location.

It sounds like for Nov. 6th there are three potentials mentioned: Issaquah, Bellevue and North Bend. Hopefully you can still join us tonight in Seattle. Otherwise we'll see you on the 6th.

Unkle Tricky - we'll be the eclectic looking group in the bar taking up a couple of tables if enough people show.

Hikerwa, David Parker, Hollyclimber, Jules where have you been??? Hopefully you can join us tonight too. :-)




What about the REAL east side pub club?? L-worth,, wenatchee, HOw about meeting at Joes log cabin, wenatchees fun spot!! its right next to the gun store!!! Freakin good times, n


ehmmic and gang,

I've missed partyin' with you guys the last couple of weeks, and, alas, have something else to get done tonight.....

Have a great time, hope to join you soon.

Pray for snow!


oh. i guess you did cavey. where is it gonne be then? back to the original downtown location...?

[This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 10-23-2001).]


EddieE and any other confused cc.comer...

Tonight's Pub Club is at the Pike's Place Bar & Grill, 1st Ave and Pike.

Next week's location is yet to be determined. If you want us to hang at your favorite pub, propose the location.

Nov. 6th will be at the Issaquah Brew House at the suggestion of Captain Caveman himself.


After several of our lost brethern joined us around 7:30 last night we had another enjoyable evening of festivities. Uncle Tricky and a few lurkers of the female gender showed their faces. Thanks for joining us. We drank some fine brews and talked about climbing, new houses, best moving strategies, snow in the hills, and upcoming adventures.

My apologies to those of you who ended up taking the full tour of pub options at Pike's Place looking for us. I hope your drinks at the Pike's Brewery on Union and 1st Ave were enjoyable. I'm glad you wandered in but I'm sure the infantry send off and wedding reception parites would have enjoyed your company as much as we did... At least we all had some laughs about the mix-up. wink.gif

Dr. Jay has nominated Murphy's in Wallingford for next week's gathering, in honor of his neighborhood. Dr. Jay -- what time did you say?

See ya'll then!


To my pub club pals....

Sorry that I have been missing you. The life of the newly single often requires neglecting of the pub club. After all, I can't neglect the crag on the weekend, so something has to go!

But, in all seriousness, I will have to make sure and come next week so that you all still remember me.

Is there such a thing as a pub that allows dogs? Maybe when I close on my house I will have to have pub club at my place. Dagen just hates being left out.



Uncle Tricky, what an erudite and entertaining report. I wished

I could have made the pub club!

To all you Cascade Climbers looking to hook up at these Pub Club Boozefests, just as Ehmmic says, it's a spontaneous thing, just get out here, post a suggestion on where to meet for drinks, get a consensus, and PARTY!!! I liked Captain Caveman's suggestion on the Issaquah Pub Club but will be out of action Tuesday nights (MOFA Instructor course) through Thanksgiving so will stay out of the planning process surrounding these indecent,immoral,inflagrant fun fests for the near future... I'll miss not seeing you guys.




Originally posted by mikeadam:

Good trip report Uncle T.

Navigation tip: Next time just look for passed out bodies laying on the floor. If one resembles Captain Caveman just give him a good kick to the cranium. He'll snap back to life like a rusty Ford and start reciting approach beta.


True True! I will be double - fisted beer guzzling and chain smoking camel non filters. You'll see me spraying about some mediocre route my fat ass just got up recently tongue.gif

Although I was once in that army shit I wont be shipping off with any infantry if I can help it. Fort Mexico is my home during times of combat. j/k

Looking forward to Issaquah wink.gif



well actually michelle my new neighborhood is fremont and i don't know where murphy's is, but hey, i'm up for anything. it was probably just the beer talking. good thing i didn't drive home--thanks for the ride V. sorry to hear you'll be out of action for awhile beck so i guess the rest of us will just have to pick up the slack.



I was amazed when I showed up at the Pike Place place to find at least 50 Cascade Climbers in attendance. I was impressed at the eclectic nature of the group: young kids, smartly dressed 20, 30, 40 and 50 somethings, and even some grampas and grannies had showed up. I eyed the clusters of distinguised white and blue-haired oldsters, but didn't see Fred Becky. They had even reserved a whole area of the brewery, and the catered food looked delicious. Having never been to a pub club before, I had no idea what to expect, but this far exceeded my wildest expectations. I felt a little underdressed. Had I known this was such a shindig, I would have worn my best gaiters instead of the ripped, duct-taped ones.

Before I sat down to meet and greet some of my fellow Cascade Climbers, I decided to stand in line to sample the exquisite looking lasagne and chocolate cake. A guy in a tux approached me, "Excuse me sir, are you with the bride or the groom?" "Huh? You mean this isn't the Cascade Climbers Pub Club gathering?" He gave me a suspicious look. "This is a private wedding reception sir. I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

Humbled, I retreated to the bar with my beer, nary a slice of lasagne to show for my effort. I scanned the crowd: aside from the Stanton wedding, there are lots of groups of two and three, and one large drunken boisterous group of 7 or 8 crew cut guys accompanied by 5 or 6 big haired girls. I walked over to the loud group and gave it a shot. "You guys with the Cascade Climbers?" "No brother, but were with the 8th Infantry! Cheers!!!" I learned that they are partying down because tomorrow they were shipping out for <<<location withheld because I'm pretty sure they weren't supposed to tell me in the first place.>>> Good guys, hope they stay safe.

Anyway, at this point I started to lose hope. Maybe nobody showed up. Maybe I got stood up by all the climbers in the Cascades. Just to be certain, I wandered around and asked every group of 2 or 3 in the brewery if they are Cascade climbers. I get some strange looks and weird answers. Maybe its because I forgot to turn off my headlamp. If there's one thing I've learned, its NEVER go anywhere at night without your headlamp and bivy sack.) Fortunately one of these people clued me in the the fact that there's ANOTHER Pike Place place a block away. Aha!

Hope restored, I tightened up my crampons

(good traction on slick beer-covered wood floors) and frontpointed north up the hill to the other Pike Place place. There I was relieved to meet, at last, the good folks of the actual Cascade Climbers pub club. A fun evening--good beer and good company. Though I managed to pull off the whole excursion car-to-car in one day without having to bivy, next time I'm going to get some more detailed approach beta and maybe a topo too.

--Uncle Tricky

[This message has been edited by Uncle Tricky (edited 10-24-2001).]


Uncle Tricky,

Man I had the same thing happen. I talked to those infantry guys, they were really drunk. Yes I went to the wedding reception too. I went to the other place, and bummer, I missed the group, there were only a few there, and I missed them. Back to the other place and I sat at the bar and ate a burger. I should have gone back to the other place! I'll go to the next one. Sorry I missed it.



Good trip report Uncle T.

Navigation tip: Next time just look for passed out bodies laying on the floor. If one resembles Captain Caveman just give him a good kick to the cranium. He'll snap back to life like a rusty Ford and start reciting approach beta.

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