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Dwayner represses you!


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Thinker said:

where's the red-headed intercepter when you need her?



are you refering to my lovely self??? wink.gif Dwayner and I made up. He is pompus and overecucated and I am a smart ass. The only true path to enlightenment is acceptance. ( but I will not concede with out a fight wink.gif )

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Thinker said:

where's the red-headed intercepter when you need her?




are you refering to my lovely self??? wink.gif Dwayner and I made up. He is pompus and overecucated and I am a smart ass. The only true path to enlightenment is acceptance. ( but I will not go down with out a fight wink.gif )


wasn't a ref to you, Buf. 'twas a ref to another tar baby Dwayner got into back in Sept.


for those bored enough to search it out it's really "red-headed interceptor"


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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Thinker said:

where's the red-headed intercepter when you need her?



are you refering to my lovely self??? wink.gif Dwayner and I made up. He is pompus and overecucated and I am a smart ass. The only true path to enlightenment is acceptance. ( but I will not concede with out a fight wink.gif )


is this better Dru dear wink.gif DAMN YOU FOR making me use the stupid dictionary tongue.gif

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As Muffy said, we've come to some sort of understanding. It meant so much to me that I drove down to Oregon with a photographer to capture the unfolding incident.


First, we aired our grievances:




Then we had a few drinks:




Then we made this sign and I went home.




Right on!


- Dwayner

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Thinker said:



Dwayner, somedays you make me laugh! Really. I appreciate your sense of humor punctuated by the unexpected photos. And your attempts at casting pearls before people who turn out to be swine are admirable, too.



I'm NOT a hippie!


thinker, are you calling me swine?? frown.gif

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Muffy, never in my life would I call YOU such a name. My comment was directed to the cc.com community in general...myself included. Dwayner was generous enough to try to spread a little enlightenment about the deeper meaning of the Old Testament, but in general he was met with foolishness for the community. Thus, he was casting his pearls (of information, wisdom, interpretation, etc.) in front of US swine (said affectionately).


That's it. I'm not explaining my jokes any more!


and, btw, Dwayner, I thought the Pentatuch was written in Aramaic. How is reading it in Hebrew any different than reading it in English....a translation is a translation.....

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OK, Thinker-dude:

I'll keep the lecture short.

The term "Pentateuch" is Greek and refers to the first five books of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. To Jews these books are also known as the "Torah" or the books of law (because that's where the commandments are found....not just ten, but 613 of them!). The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek around 250 B.C. and this translation is referred to as the Septuagint. It would later be translated into Latin and eventually thousands of languages. No, the Pentateuch is not written in Aramaic but there are a few verses elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, notably in Ezra and Daniel, that are written in that language. Also, in the New Testament, there are a few phrases, Aramaic being the native spoken language of Palestine during the time of Jesus. Aramaic is very similar to Hebrew and today apparently there are two little villages in Syria where the language is still used. The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was also translated into Aramaic (between c. 250 B.C. and A.D. 300) and those translations are referred to as "Targums". By the way, the square Hebrew script used for writing and printing over the last couple of thousand years is derived from the Aramaic writing system. Prior to that, Hebrew was written in a much different alphabetic, "paleo-Hebrew"script.


Here's a cool little thing showing the old Hebrew script and the Aramaic based block script that was later adopted and still in use today, including for use in modern Hebrew.




(By the way, Hebrew was not spoken as a "living language" until about 120 years ago at which time it was "revived").


Regarding translations: trust me....there's a lot in the grammar and the way everything is tied together, that most translations can't do justice compated to studying the original text, and can only come close with lots and lots of footnotes or commentary with each verse. Take the first three Hebrew words of Genesis (the first book in the Bible), for example, often translated into English as "In the beginning, God created ..." From Hebrew, it can also be translated as "When God began to create...", which has quite some interesting implications regarding the nature of God, time and existence. What is "in the beginning"? The beginning of what? On the other hand, "when God began to create..." suggests a different notion of time depth. And that's just from the first word! The verb "to create" in this verse in Hebrew uses the third person masculine singular form, "he created", but the noun that goes with it is plural ("Elohim"), a word which has been translated and discussed from a variety of different perspectives. Some say this name meaning God is really a "royal plural" referring to the one God. Some Christians will claim that this plural name for God refers to the Trinity. Anyway, the points I made above refer to just the first three Hebrew words in the Bible!

O.K. I think you've had enough. Here....go home and study this.....it's Genesis 1:1-8 And don't forget to read from right to left!




shalom, Dwayner


What has this got to do with climbing? Not much, really, but the guy asked!!!!

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