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Good Nutrition Book?


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Does any body know of a good basic nutrition book for training for endurance sports (such as alpine climbing)? Something that talks about the different sugars and carbs and how your body burns/stores them, high protein foods, foods with complex carbs, what types of foods to eat before/after a workout? I'm NOT looking for a summary of a cc.comer's knowledge of the subject (no offense), I actually want an in depth book to read about it in and refer to in the future. I met with a personal trainer last night to talk about my diet and training/exercise program and basically my diet sucks so all my training is going to waste. He said the diet should be about 75% of my training but I been putting it at about 25%. Has any body had any luck with those supplemental protein shakes? (not that kind, sick-o). I need to get my ass in gear as far as my diet goes. More protein, less sugar, less bigdrink.gif, big bummer, more HCL.gif . Thanks.

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"CLIMBING: Training for peak performance" Is a good all around training book. It has technical info but in laymans terms, so it might not be technical enough, but it sort of relates it to every day life well. It also has good seperate training guides for the different aspects of climbing.


BTW: My nutrition sux. But I want to do better. It's just expensive and takes a lot of work.


PM me if you want to borrow mine (if you live in the greater seattle area).

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Best one i know of is one that Erik Kubiak used.


Its Michael Colgan, "Optimum Sports Nutrition". Doesn't get better than this book. Deals w/ food, when/what to eat, supplements and performance enhancing drugs and side effects. No bullshit and all facts.


Colgan's got other books out now...

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HAH! I was thinking about posting something about the book I'm reading. "Sport Nutrition for Endurance Athletes"




This is a pretty good book. Talks about all the essential nutrients and requirements. Towards the end they have large sections for different sports, from cycling, tri, running, and adventure racing. Definately worth the $20.

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Sweet, thanks guys, this is just what I was looking for. I'm going to check out a few of these books and get my ass (diet) into shape ASAP. Nutrition is expensive but so is all the gear I buy. I think I can justify spending some money to fix up my body since I spend so much money buying stuff to beat it up with grin.gif


Col.- thanks for the offer to borrow your book, but I think I'll buy it so I can add it to my library.

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Colgan's book has some good advice if you can ignore the "All Natural Muscular Development presents..." (demonstrating his personal bias/sponsorship); another one that might be useful is Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook. Mark Twight's book Extreme Alpinism also has some nutrition pointers. But when in doubt, and when you're getting serious about it, find a Registered Dietitian who can help personalize your program for you based on your sport, body's nutritional needs, etc.

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I have Eberle's book and "Nutrition for Serious Athletes" by Dan Benardot. Both of which I thought were pretty good and easy to read without being too simple. Interestingly neither are very big on nutrition suppliments, it's mostly about what to eat or in a lot of cases what not to eat.

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