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Everything posted by sobo

  1. So where does that put you??
  2. "Yeah, I'd drive my old heap of junk down to the Amoco station near every Friday—Friday bein' payday—buy myself a carton of cigarettes, six-pack of Busch, and a few lottery tickets," LeBarge said. " And buy muhsef some extra ammunition cuz Ah'm savin' it up fer the Nigguh Wars. Seriously, I had a ditch-digger type guy tell me that years ago in Virginia, and he really believed it.
  3. sobo

    Fat Sunburned Women

    fat sunburned And more coffee just shot out my nose! You guys sure are funny sumtimz.
  4. ...and you begin to remember that you have laundry to do when you get home... Oh, this is just too much fun!
  5. Yeah, in the McNeil Island laundromat...
  6. sobo

    Fat Sunburned Women

    Oh, the horror! That is just sick and wrong. And funny, too. But I was too afraid to go to "The Bivy."
  7. sobo

    Fat Sunburned Women

    we haven't seen it yet!
  8. How's 'bout Bob's Keg & Cork right here in dowtown Yakivegas, the Palm Springs of Washington? Tightwad Tuesday's will get you a pint of anything cask-conditioned for $2. I'd show up!
  9. When I was a kid living in Italy (in a beach town on the Med), every summer all these German tourists would show up and hog space. And I'm not kidding, I mean hog! It seemed to me at the time that every one of them was fat and sunburned. I thought, "That's just the way they come." Until I went to Germany. Then I realized that they are just fat.
  10. It's called Pub Club. But the habitat moves every week.
  11. Ah! Now we understand the related post. Sux, man, all around.
  12. sobo

    Fat Sunburned Women

    see here Youre asking a lot of questions lately, JG. Gaining any insight?
  13. now busy folding clothes.
  14. PTV ratio is extreeeeemly low. Better post another pic.
  15. sobo

    Sobo Wins A Beer

    Ya just hafta keep "Spray" constantly up and running on your browser. I keep it in its own separate little window. Check early, check often.
  16. sobo

    Sobo Wins A Beer

    Yes, minx, we've already had this class Please try to keep up.
  17. sobo

    Sobo Wins A Beer

    Could be while before I claim my prize. But then I guess you already knew that. I will claim it, tho. some day...
  18. sobo


    Sure they do. General Mills makes 'em by the boxfull. They're called Cheerios!
  19. One ring in each ear is utilitarian. It got pretty windy up there and I used some 3-mm cord to tie my hat down so it wouldn't blow away. Why not just use a clothespin?
  20. sobo

    I have to do laundry!

    OK, put it all together from erik's justifiable vitriole, and with hint from RuMR, and I come up with GregW. Do I get my beer, erik?
  21. OUCH! Then rip him a new and verrrrry wide one.
  22. erik, You appear really aggro over this. Was the plan to go climbing already in place for "some time", or was it a split-second decision made this a.m.? If the former, I'd rag on whoever it is for as long as it gives you pleasure. Enjoy!
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