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Everything posted by sobo

  1. You talkin' 'bout the manastash pass over here b/w Yakivegas and E-burg? Don't see many WSP wankers up there, altho they do sit down in the median around MP 21 or 22 and bust the truckers coming down off the last hill into Selah. Sometimes they get private cits, too.
  2. sobo

    Colossal Colon TR

    yeah, right... when do we get permission to visit your directories?
  3. and a hide-out for those sneaky OSP wankers!
  4. cuz it's a ghost town, mebbe...?
  5. Can also mean spooging, either self-initiated or with someone else. A "money shot" by another name. Again, totally plab
  6. see ExtremoMtDude's website. Or do a cc.com search for posts by ExtremoMtDude. You'll find what you're looking for, trust me.
  7. keep up the good work. BTW, nice comment in the Secret Bivy Tricks thread. Forced-air heating...
  8. thought you said yesterday that you "ain't gotta mama"
  9. original appearance in the Krakauer thread
  10. "Mommy, what's my animal cracker doing?" "uhhh, shut up and just eat it, kid."
  11. too much time spent doing laundry and not enough time spent spraying, i'll wager...
  12. Seriuosly, E-rock, just keep clicking the link. The bowl contents change with each click. When I URL'ed it, it was HUUUUUGE!
  13. Nooooo, this is a pile o' shit.
  14. and gapertimmy who tracks the PTL ratio
  15. sobo

    Self Matters July 16

    Iaxxx, I think you'll agree that most overachievers are arrogant morons. I had a beautiful draft post all ready to send, but I deleted it because I figgered it would be obvious. Thanks trask; you said it in less words.
  16. sobo

    Self Matters July 16

    I've always loved it. It's too long for the autosig limitations, if you want to credit the source, that is, or I would be using it instead. Folks back then like Shackleton, Scott, Bird, Amundsen, et al and later Harrar, Herzog, etc. were just too large for life. Really admire people of that ilk.
  17. "Always with the negative waves..." Donald Sutherland, as "8 Ball", in Kelly's Heroes
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