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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Of the three choices I opined in your "Holy cow, Batman" thread, I suspect Option 1 must be the correct choice.
  2. sobo

    Caption requested

    good thought for a winning entry, but can you shorten the discourse a bit?
  3. sobo

    PDX insanity

    I'll bet his insurance company is jumping up and down with glee. Think of the premium bump that guy's gonna get. Crikey!
  4. sobo

    PDX insanity

    the roof of his own car but if the guy with the camera woulda stayed with him, I think we wouldn't even have that
  5. sobo

    Caption requested

    quit while you're ahead
  6. sobo

    PDX insanity

    but not much gray matter
  7. GOK!
  8. buk buk bgok!
  9. sobo

    Holy cow batman

    We are all dating ourselves here... how about s'more of that plutonium nyborg, man!
  10. sobo

    Caption requested

    another good effort!
  11. sobo


    El Cap, then?
  12. sobo

    Caption requested

    WOW! Quick work by the mods! Or was that you, arch?
  13. sobo

    Caption requested

    so THAT'S the pic that got taken down in 2:35 flat! Thanks for sharing... I think. Is the ring in his tongue or his dick? Not that I really want to know or anything...
  14. sobo

    Caption requested

  15. sobo

    Caption requested

    some of us have reason to always be in "comparison" mode...
  16. sobo

    Caption requested

    Best so far. Keep 'em coming!
  17. sobo

    Caption requested

    didn't want to admit it, but yeah, I noticed the "pup tent" thing going on there. It's all in the lighting...
  18. sobo

    Holy cow batman

    true dat!
  19. sobo

    Holy cow batman

    back in my day, it was Taarna...
  20. sobo

    Holy cow batman

    not getting outside much? girlfriend dumped ya? still living in the 'rents basement?
  21. sobo


    well, I've looked like that a time or two... but not on Bud.
  22. sobo


    This guy's drunked up on Bud Light? Fuckin' lightweight! :snif:
  23. sobo

    PDX insanity

    Yikes! That's sick! Sick, I tell ya!
  24. sobo

    Caption requested

    Thanks you both, CF and Roger. I get it now. Now, with those unpleasantries dispensed with, can we get on to the captioning? Or has the moment been lost to eternity?
  25. sobo


    Hey, you gotta give me points for The Nose, at least, right?
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