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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I fail to see where you read "so much hatred" in this thread. The responses to this thread are way milder than in previous threads surrounding this same topic (Islamo-facism/Muslim extremism). Howz'bout the notion that fundamentalism breeds extremism? Or howz'bout the notion that intolerance breeds extremism, eh? Yes, that is sad, and shit like that happens whenever intolerance, fundamentalism, and extremism are left unchecked. Look at our own civil rights history in this country. Agreed. But it would seem that the pacifist "let 'em run all over us and beat us into the ground" approach ain't working very well, either. You have another suggestion?
  2. sobo

    'Earth Hour'

    Or howz'bout placing the blame on the the consumers who have such a high demand for low-cost milk that the farmer has to concentrate his cows on less pasture land in order for him to make enough profit to stay in business? He's only responding to your demands for more milk at a lower price. When cows are pastured on more land, like in say, organic milk farms, it costs more, because there's less cows per acre. It also costs more for the milk, because most people won't pay twice the cost of a gallon of gas for a gallon of organic milk (yeah, that's what I said - organic milk is running about $7/gallon right now). So the price remains "artificially" high in order to cover those costs of products not purchased and thrown away (exceeded shelf life, etc.). If more people would partake of organicially produced foods, the price would drop substantially. It all comes back to the consumer. No demand, no supply. Simple enough.
  3. Haven't you grown out of that phase yet? Luckily for me I haven't. Clearly, I have not. Clearly...
  4. Yah, and I'll bet that they're probably a lot cheaper than the one you're thinking about taking with you. Criminy, 'bone, it's only 10 days... buy a cheap one that you can play for a week, then give it to a street kid or an orphanage on your way out of country. Mebbe these guys could help you find that guitar-maker in the market square...
  5. bill, She didn't say anything all that prescient, but I liked this, from the Comments: oh my god, a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD WOMAN IS DRINKING BEER! This can't be legal!! Somebody alert the authorities. And while you're at it, send them to my house, too, because you can't have people in their mid-twenties going around consuming alcoholic beverages in their own domicile! What a moron. Oh, and she does appear to have nice tits. That's always a nice plus. Or two...
  6. "Dangers: ...The largest danger posed to noodlers are other forms of aquatic life found in catfish holes. Far more dangerous than catfish are alligator, beavers and snapping turtles, who will take over abandoned catfish holes as homes of their own. These animals are always on the mind of experienced noodlers." Or on the ends of their arms...
  7. then its a scavenger hunt! Now that's fuckin' funny, I don't care who you are.
  8. Thank you finding that, Bigtree. Agreed; complete nutterz. And a good use of Grieg. Just precious how the 3-year old girl already knows all about the Jews... just fucking precious. That was fucking insane.
  9. Well, yeah, Harper's Ferry and them Marylanders are only an hour or so away. That is rah-ight close. But you prolly went rah-ight by mah folks' house on yer way to Seneca. It's only 90 minutes from mah folks' front door. That was nice during summer breaks from my learnin' at VA Tech. But Ah ain't never goin' back, neitha, 'cept to visit mah kin.
  10. A whole lotta stuff passes for "adventure" in Ol' Va'ginny. Hey ivan, you ever get up around Fort Valley, between Front Royal and Strasburg?
  11. It's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out. Water balloon catapult update: His little sister hid out in the kitchen, and watched from the safety of the interior side of the sliding glass door. Our one-eyed cat was not so fortunate... UN inspectors arrived and subsequently ordered the weapon dismantled (awww, Mommmmmm!). The case for re-armament is currently under appeal...
  12. thread chavopolization
  13. A wee bit more than what the rescuer bargained for, eh?
  14. Well there ya go. Learn something new everyday.
  15. Great, I missed it... I just knew I shoulda clicked on it and taken the proxy server spanking like a man.
  16. Right Time to go home. My son just called to tell me he wants me to help him make a water balloon catapult. Somehow, I think his little sister is going to regret this...
  17. index => indeces appendix => appendices ergo: halifax =>halifaces No?
  18. she always seemed to have too much of a poochy pelvis to me... still, she did have big boobs.
  19. sobo

    Are you a clucker?

    "It's very spiritual."
  20. :beer_exits_nose_at_high_velocity: gotta love Gramma's practicality...
  21. sobo

    'Earth Hour'

    I'm doing more than that. I'm cutting the outside hose and lighting the gas line to "off gas" a little. Here's my vision for my neighborhood: Escape from LA? Blade Runner? I'm clueless, but I'd like to rent it if it's a full-length film. Blade Runner Thanks, SS. It looked familiar. Seen it, but should prolly rent it again this w/e, since I ain't goin' climbing.
  22. sobo


    I believe they're called the Lakota tribe. Oh wait, we already put them out to pasture somewhere else. nevermind.
  23. You mean there's two halifaxes? Or would that be halifaces...?
  24. Just wait a few more days... I've been busy lately, but I think I can catch up on my data entry over the weekend.
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