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Everything posted by sobo

  1. fat fingering the keypad
  2. WTF? My backside ain't sexy time good enuff for ya? Yeesh! Some people are so damned hard to please.
  3. I've never broken my nose (or any part of my body, for that matter), but I was born with a deviated septum. I finally had it operated upon last December and I've never been so blessed to breathe as I am now. And to think that the rest of you go around breathing so freely, without even a second thought! You should all be falling down upon your knees and giving thanks and praise every day for such a miracle. My miracle cost me $1,806.72 after insurance and deductibles. Best money I ever spent. :snifffffffffffffffffff: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Otolaryngologist. An ears, nose, and throat doc.
  4. Grammar Police sez, "It's all over now, people. Nothing to see here. Go back to your homes. Move along."
  5. sobo

    Child abuse

    So which one was it? Spankings, or whipping the shit out of you? You make them sound interchangeable, whereas in my book, they clearly are not. IMO when you are five years old they are the same thing. One just hurts MORE. Either way your parent is hurting you and it does not feel good. When you are 5 years old they are most definitely not the same thing. IMO. Clearly, we disagree on this. Spanking a 5 yoa and whipping the shit out of a 5 yoa are worlds apart. IMO.
  6. sobo

    Child abuse

    So which one was it? Spankings, or whipping the shit out of you? You make them sound interchangeable, whereas in my book, they clearly are not.
  7. sobo

    Child abuse

    Hey! What about me? Am I just pâté in this little spat?
  8. sobo

    Child abuse

    Child abusing Kevin, I just had to use that line, borrowed from minx. I found it very funny when she first used it upon you several weeks ago. Seriously, Kevin, while your child may or may not have boundaries, the parenting style that you embrace seems very lax by my standards. However, you need to be aware that I have never beat, whipped, spanked, nor even slapped my son. There has never been a need, as he is a very compliant and sensitive boy. Even if he were not, I still doubt that I would ever need to employ corporal punishment with him. He responds well to reason and requests for corrective action. My daughter, OTOH, is an extremely willful, spirited, and obstreperous little brat that knows full well how to play Mommy and Daddy off each other to get what she wants. And Mommy plays right into it, much like it sounds like you do with your son. Countless times she does things in front of me that she knows full well are unacceptable behaviors, only to smirk and tell me, "I tell Mom" if I am to attempt to employ corrective measures. I now find this situation untenable, as I am effectively rendered impotent as a parent in regards to her. I fear that my daughter will grow up believing that if she whines sufficiently, or cries enough crocodile tears, or pitches a big enough tantrum, or throws herself bodily to the floor and kicks and screams and flails her arms and legs wildly enough (yes, she does that), that whoever she is dealing with at the time will give in to her demands. I, however, do not subscribe to this form of behavior. However, it is difficult to reconcile this when Mommy does allow it to reap rewards for Daughter. It appears to me that you are on the same path as my wife and daughter are. I wish you luck, and hope for society's sake that things turn around before it's too late. And for the record, I have spanked my daughter only four times in her little life, and each "spanking" consisted of a single swat with my bare, open palm across her clothed butt, not in anger, and only after my repeated requests, entreaties, directives, and assorted other molly-coddling to adhere to appropriate behaviors proved ineffective. I hardly call that a beating or child abuse, and I wholly believe a court or CPS would agree.
  9. Thanks for the tip, 5K. I need to get right on that. My life will be so much simpler then.
  10. sobo

    Child abuse

    Where do you get this shit from? WTF are you taking about. "no consequence parenting"??? What is that? That is not how my child is being raised. That was not my dad....... Kevin, I have not the time today to debate this with you online. Someday, should my misfortune become any worse than it already is, you and I will meet and we can discuss this subject then. But suffice it to say that, in my opinion, you will undoubtedly find, in the years to come, that your failure to instill boundaries and impart consequences to Junior's ill behavior now will have repercussions far beyond the day that you enter your grave.
  11. FYI: Aron Ralston was #6, not #2. I read all seven. Did you read who was #1? Freakin' amazing. Then it went all downhill real quick-like when I clicked on the link to Roofie Roulette. I was simply not prepared for that... Click on the Digg link on the right sidebar, entitled "Worst Drinking Game Ever - NSFW" :shudder:
  12. sobo

    Child abuse

    Kevbone, What really pisses me off is the knowledge that someday, my society-contributing kids are going to be paying their taxes so that your little entitlement-minded brat can have whatever his self-centered mind sets his heart upon without so much as lifting a finger on his own initiative to get. That is exactly what you are raising with your "no consequence parenting" attitude: an "I deserve everything and I don't have to work for anything" little brat. You don't like hearing that? Well, look around, Sonny Boi, at all the L00zer brats that were raised in the 80s and 90s that we "affectionately" refer to as Generation X and Generation Y. The bulk of those fucking whiners are just entitlement-minded brats that were raised by overly permissive parents... like you.
  13. sobo

    Cat stuck in jar

    Yes, Bill, I have seen the BK website, but as Mel has pointed out, it is all a big, cruel, in-extremely-poor-taste, hoax. No kitties were ever harmed, as none were ever Bonsai-ed. For the past several years, whenever I see something on teh interwebz or forwarded to me in an email that appears just too unbelievable to be true, my first stop is always Snopes, before I get my undies in a bundle.
  14. Have you ever been diagnosed for a deviated septum?
  15. sobo

    Cat stuck in jar

    Whew! I'm glad the jar survived!
  16. sobo

    Child abuse

    My dad was never angry when I got whipped. It was just a matter of something that had to be done to instill the norms of societal behavior into a young maverick who wasn't much interested in following the advice/directives of authority figures. My dad was quite controlled, and the whippings consisted of but a few swats; no more than 4 or 5 typically. There was no malice involved, just good old fashioned corporal punishment to one who decidedly deserved it. No one can convince me otherwise. I'm not making any apologies for my parents. They did what had to be done, and I certainly needed it. One must understand that I ran with less than desireable crowds during various stages of my youth, and pyrotechnics were always my tool of choice. I blew up and burned down a lot of things. A civilized society does not take kindly to this sort of behavior from its future leaders...
  17. Oh, and I'm just here for the again. Political ideologue
  18. You need to read these (my favorites are in bold italics): US Marine Corps Rules of Engagement 1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. 2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive. 3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss. 4. If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly. 5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.) 6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun. 7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived. 8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running. 9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun. 9.5. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. "All skill is in vain when an Angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." 10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty. 11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. 12. Have a plan. 13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work. 14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. The visible target should be in FRONT of your gun. 15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours. 16. Don't drop your guard. 17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees. 18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them). 19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH. 20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get. 21. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. 23. Your number one Option for Personal Security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation. 24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun the caliber of which does not start with a "4."
  19. sobo

    Telemark Skiers

    I'm just here for the Carry on.
  20. sobo

    Child abuse

    Man, that kind of a childhood would truly suck. Sorry, PLC.
  21. sobo


    HOLY SHITE!!!1 Hello Kitty has been reactivated!
  22. sobo

    Child abuse

    I had a healthy fear of my dad, but not because of the whippings, but because I knew he would whip me if I deserved it. If I did whatever was expected of me for age-appropriate behaviour, there were no worries. I did not dread my home life unless I lipped off and swore at a teacher, hurt an animal, or any other dumb shit that pre-adolescent males do. If I did these things, then you betcha I feared going home that night, because I'm a real shitty liar and my dad could smell a liar a mile and half away. He would whip me just for lying sometimes, and not for whatever it was that I lied about. He hates liars. By the time I was seeking parental advice, my dad was ensconced in projects in the Middle East, and I finished high school in the States without his immediate presence and guidance. For that, I am sad, because I might be further along in my career by now had I had him available to consult. Or not. The things I did and learned and the mistakes I made in those "wasted" 4-5 years between two college tries have contributed to make me more of what I am today than anything else I can imagine, except my parents' unconditional love. I may have been a real shit kid to have as a son, but my parents never gave up on their love for me. Their love was what instilled confidence and trust in myself, because I was never very obedient. Still ain't...
  23. sobo

    Child abuse

    My dad spared us the embarrassment of having to explain the welts to our friends. The beating was quite enough, and it was a private affair. And we ran roughshod over Mom, too. Her phrase was, "You just wait till your father gets home." By the time she got to that point, it was far too late to avoid the whipping. And I always enjoyed hangin' out with Dad, but he worked a helluva lot of long hours so we didn't have to live like porter and billcoe apparently did. Man, I don't envy you guys, and I thought we had it rough as kids. I never had my own pristine shoes or clothes until I was almost 10 years old. Hand-me-down was my middle name.
  24. sobo


    Shit, his rise to stardom was meteoric. If it took Dru 10 months to hit his first 2000 posts, then that's an average of 200 posts/month. At that rate, he would would be at ~18,000 posts today. But between Hello Kitty and Cousin It, he's got well over twice that many. The graph is definitely not linear.
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