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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    I'm 16!

    In my case, TWICE!!!1
  2. Easy there, Guido. Looks like you've seen a little too much sun yourself...
  3. sobo


    Your pic needs updating. Looks like you haven't dropped the baby fat yet. Jus' sayin'... Congrats, BTW! :cigars:
  4. Same here. What he and Feck said. I use my plastics with my AT set-up to access ice climbs (only need one pair of boots that way). I have a tele set-up that I use for BC sking (different boots and skis entirely).
  5. This w/e is going to be so HAWT! I'm so stoked.
  6. 88 FREAKIN' DEGREES!!!??? I'd dry up like an old prune. No way are ya gonna get me to bake in that heat.
  7. 'ed by the Magic of Christmas That's right where I was going to put my copy.
  8. If you're rapping the SCW descent, you're probably lost. Never laid claim to being another Jim Bridger... it's been at least 10 years since I've been on SCW.
  9. More on the rescue report can be found here from someone who was on the mission.
  10. I do not know what it is that you mean...
  11. Gee, I don't know... (safe enough for work) [video:youtube]
  12. YTF aren't you going to Rope-Up, eh?
  13. Last Sunday, Kurt Hicks and I got to the SCW parking lot mere moments before 7pm. It was still light enough to not need headlamps for about another 15-20 minutes after that. That was a week ago, so it'll be dark enough now by 7 pm fer shure.
  14. As long as you don't pull an ivan, you'll be fine.
  15. denigrate, not degenerate don't misunderestimate her Ain't that the misunderstatement of the day!
  16. At that hour, you'll have left the building by the time I get there. If Porter doesn't need/want my help, I'll look you up. Leave a note/message with someone telling me where you went.
  17. Lots of people want to forget my name after they meet me. Pour another glass of the red you served me, grab another piece of that Texas Sheet Cake, and take a load off, gurl.
  18. You're still young, and easy to placate. Give it a few years. You'll be bitter, angry, and misanthropic like the rest of us geezers.
  19. Have you seen the forecast for 11worth for this weekend? It doesn't get any better than this for October. Low 60s daytime highs, low 30s nighttime lows. Top off them propane tanks in the Westfalia and git yer butt down here. Now, Shugga!
  20. For you Carl, all denigration, all the time!!!1
  21. I'm planning on cutting out of work at noon tomorrow to pack the truck, then the "3 hour tour" to 11worth. Should be there before sundown. I'll hep ya wit' stuff when I git thar, if'n ya need/be a-wantin' it.
  22. You're just depressed cuz you're stuck in Fargo. I'd be depressed if I were there, too. Think positive. You got a new job lined up yet?
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