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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Goddammit Gary, fine! It's some fuq'n form of splitting: "will faithfully perform..." Anyone got a guess? Where's Archie? She's generally good at this sort of shite.
  2. Sorry, Cap'n. I canna do it. Gotta work. Oh wait... you said that ain't good for me...
  3. sobo


    Another thing we have the likes of Karl Rove to thank for. I don't want to see this administration deal with the kind of shit that the last administration had to deal with. Ya know, how liberals said that Bush "stole the election" and all that shit. Now, I don't want to hear conservatives say that Obama is not the "real" president, just because he flubbed a word in the Oath of Office (but made the Oath grammatically correct). I can just hear it coming...
  4. sobo


    Here is how the Oath of Office reads in the Constitution: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." This is what was said yesterday: ROBERTS: I, Barack Hussein Obama... OBAMA: I, Barack... ROBERTS: ... do solemnly swear... OBAMA: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear... ROBERTS: ... that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully... OBAMA: ... that I will execute... ROBERTS: ... faithfully the office of president of the United States... OBAMA: ... the office of president of the United States faithfully... ROBERTS: ... and will to the best of my ability... OBAMA: ... and will to the best of my ability... ROBERTS: ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. OBAMA: ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. ROBERTS: So help you God? OBAMA: So help me God. ROBERTS: Congratulations, Mr. President. transcript source So Obama gets one word out of place, and all sorts of people want him to do a "do-over". Have we become that litigious of a society? Shit, grammatically, Obama said it correctly, because as the Oath is written in the Constitution, it's a split infinitive. I'm sure some of y'all oldtimers remember in your grammar school days when the English teacher told ya that Captain Kirk used a split infinitive when he recited the intro to Star Trek. Y'all remember, "To boldly go..."? That's what I'm talkin' about. As Choada Boy links, experts all agree that he should do it over, and one opinion I read hints that he may have already done so.
  5. This might be more appropriate to be posted in the Lost & Found Forum. Just sayin'...
  6. sobo


    The NPR account that I heard said that "Obama paused to give the Chief Justice time to correct himself." From this I can reasonably conclude that Roberts fucked it up, there was a pregnant pause, Roberts recognized his error and corrected himself, to which Obama replied according to the words for the Oath of Office written in our Constitution. Done deal.
  7. ARCHIE!!! You little white-trash bitch! You're back! WTF you been for the past 3 fuq'n months, eh?
  8. like mebbe a used condom or sumpin? :sick:
  9. This is funny. We could go on, but I won't. BTW... "vid" = video
  10. Reilly, really? C'mon man. Let's analyze this test point by point... Q1: Claiming the VW van ain't running to get outta driving speaks directly to DirtBagism. Ergo, a hard man. Q2: Not afraid to fall way above gear => hard man. Q3: Basically old skewl => hard man. Q4: No chalk => hard man. Q5: We dealt with this one already up thread. More brass = more hard man-ish. Q6: Agree with you. This one would seem to indicate that a lower score is more hard man-ish. Q7: Joined-at-the-hip partners = old skewl => hard man. Q8: Obviously old skewl. Entrenched traditionalist => hard man. Q9: Metrosexual send = old skewl => hard man (think Royal Robbins literature). Q10: Obviously hard man. So by this analysis, the preponderance of questions where one would answer with a higher score does indeed lead to being more likely to identify with being classified a traditionalist, old skewl, cantankerous, hard man. QED.
  11. sobo

    Bruce Springsteen

    Not a bad idea there, Wes. Although I think my collection of 45s would fit in the thrower's breech way better than my 33s...
  12. classic! Huh? looks like less brass = lower score, more brass = higher score to me. YMMV
  13. Reilly, that's all fine and good, but what was your scorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre???
  14. That sounds vaguely like a Bushism. Googlebot is searching the database... Ah, yes...
  15. 66 Goddamn! This sonuvabitchin' test is accurate! Frank was a forever partner until I moved out west and he got killed. Then Larry was a forever partner until he got married and moved to PDX. My kids are adopted... does that mean they're my next partners??? Yes, I do have a beard... And am I really that cantankerous???
  16. Not really. Bad things can happen, even to experienced folk. Read a few entries in any issue of ANAM if you doubt me. And what's to say that this guy was experienced (which is what it seems you are attempting to imply because of his association with PMR)? So he's a member of PMR. So what? How much experience does he have? Mountain rescue units recruit all kinds of folks. You don't how much experience Leming has unless you know him, right? While the guy wasn't on skis, I once carved a few turns starting at the bottom of the Pearly Gates over a particualry icy President's Day many years ago. I caught an edge on the 3rd turn, and failed to correct it. I then failed to arrest with my improvised whippets. I blew out of both skis, lost both poles, and ended up almost level with the saddle in the Hogsback after my "yard sale" down the mountain. That's probably at least a 500-vertical foot tumble. So no, I'm not curious as to why this PMR guy fell that far. I outdistanced him a good 2:1!!
  17. sobo

    Bruce Springsteen

    There's no accounting for taste. Nor for the lack of it... I have all of the albums Bruce released (on LP, no less) up through and including the Born in the USA tour (1984??). After that, I sorta lost interest in the Boss, even after seeing him in concert at the Astrodome for 1980's The River tour (excellent show, BTW). While I occasionally catch something more recent of his on the radio, and listen to it, I'm just not as impressed with his music as I was 30-odd years ago. That being said, I sometimes pull out the old cassette tapes made from those early LPs and rock out like a headbanger while I'm blasting down a dark highway.
  18. You're mixing your numbers up a bit there, Bill. The article said that 79% of the NYT/CBS News poll's respondents rated Obama favorably. His approval rating, an entirely different metric, is at 60% before entering office. See here: And here: Just clarifyin' fer ya. Wouldn't want ya to get too giddy...
  19. Sponsored climbing... must be nice, but I wouldn't want to go thru MS to get it. Nice team jackets, tho...
  20. You really know how to get under someone's skin, dontcha?
  21. See? You're feeling better already! You're welcome.
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