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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Friday night's fortune was "You will soon take an exotic vacation (in bed)." All I want to know is, when is wheels up??
  2. And we both looked goofy, didn't we? C'mon, you can say it...
  3. Um, davelance's post was from almost, say, 3 years ago. I don't think he has the permits anymore. Just sayin'...
  4. You guys are no way close to his age. Plus, he's kinda goofy looking.Have you seen a pic of me and/or telemarker???
  5. Sobo - you are funny I'm the comic relief for this board.
  6. Garrison, telemarker, sobo... we're all ruggedly handsome in our advanced chronologies...
  7. Your gallery (on this site, at least) is empty.
  8. This guy, who's been hosting the weekly variety/comedy show A Prairie Home Companion on NPR stations for eons: Garrison Keillor at Wikipedia I listen to his show every week that I'm near a radio. Lefty the Cowboy; Guy Noir, Private I; The News from Lake Wobegon... all good stuff.
  9. sobo

    No more oil

    Don't be hatin' on the couch. It can't help it. It's what they do...
  10. Good, yet sobering, read, Kurt. Thanks for that.
  11. Just a wee little joke, Al. It's all good.
  12. This! Not a one of them looked like they were ready to boogie the moment the shit hit the fan. They were all just standing around gawking at the incoming "wave" and saying stuff like "Wow... holy shit..."
  13. Gotta go with these guys for my sitmo... I deserved every damned whippin' I got. And every one was with my old man's belt across my bare ass. He'd hold on to one arm, and I'd run around him in circles with my pants around my knees trying to block the belt with the other hand. Rather ineffective... Once I got kids, I thought that eventually I'd have to do the same. But it's never come to that, and it's never needed to. I've treated my kids with love, respect, understanding, and as if they are small adults from Day One. And they've grown to be consciencious, kind, mature individuals. Sure, they have their moments, but none that have ever required (or even caused me to contemplate) a spanking. Except that one time with Elaina over the Seven Scissors Transgressions (doll's hair, her own hair, dog's tail, screen door, down comforter cover, heirloom quilt, Dad's Nordstrom shirts...). One swat across her fully clothed butt put an end to it. The question I asked her mother was WTF were you during the first six transgressions???
  14. Hmmmm... I've always had the Trainspotting soundtrack in my head for when I would solo that route... The approach trail and up to Two Tree Ledge (aligning the mind and getting in the mood): [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKmaZxq98k The crux and up to the Pedestal (finding the groove and floating through the moves): [video:youtube] The headwall cracks to the top (just being balls-deep in pure, unadulterated fun!): [video:youtube] Liquor and drugz, liquor and drugz... Mebbe it's just me...
  15. I don't wanna know how you know that...
  16. Thanks dude. Should I change my handle? I'll never get to be spray master. Don't worry about it. Spray Master is not all it's cracked up to be. The yoke is heavy. Very heavy... It's no walk in the park just posting in here sometimes. What's the trade-off? Do you get free ice cream? Cuz that would be rad. No trade-offs, no perks. It's just a heavy burden we bear and a tough row we hoe. Someone has to do it, cuz the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one...
  17. BTW, I'm a former Girl BTW, I'm a former leader. Now I'm just a scout...
  18. No shit, man! You gotta hit Schweitzer! The place
  19. Thanks dude. Should I change my handle? I'll never get to be spray master. Don't worry about it. Spray Master is not all it's cracked up to be. The yoke is heavy. Very heavy...
  20. Shit, mine's only about 6 or 7 inches. Oh, wait! Nevermind...
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