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Everything posted by layton

  1. layton


    Me too. It's 95 degrees w/85% humidity here in chi-town. Can't go outside, don't wanna be inside.
  2. layton

    Photo of a puppy

    hehe, Figured I'd better post something nice before I got blacklisted completely. Here's a photo of a baby tiger
  3. Yeah, that's the VERY first thing I did was get a pedicure! WTF was I thinking?...you can bet the nail polish remover stung that day, oh BOY! Sorry to ruin your threat and possible your lunch. Good luck w/your new partner, whoever that may be.
  4. Dude are you gonna kill yourself or not? This thread sux dick so shit or get off the pot, enough w/the yakity yak. If those pix were truly from your party, then you have every reason to live. If not, then I suggest slamming your face on the desk w/a pencil shoved up your nose. Better yet. Get a drunk and get a whore. or.....just a wild suggestion??? Go friggin' climbing! You got arms and legs. p.s. just kidding, we love you. really. we do.
  5. Yes, I believe that one was for me!
  6. layton

    Photo of a puppy

    This: link More photos o' da pain: link Gotta run and catch the "L" to see the Cubs lose again.
  7. layton

    Photo of a puppy

    I had to look coiffure up in the dictionary. Yes, I am unstopable.
  8. my pins are out and now for sale!
  9. layton

    Photo of a puppy

    I was going thru my mom's photo albums and came across this, which brough back waves of nostalgia. Had to share: I found lil' Hopalong on the Appalachian Trail in West Virginia and carried him until he could hike by my side all the way to Maine, 5 months later. This was 8 years ago.
  10. right back at ya
  11. "semper ubi sub ubi" =always where under where nerdy latin humor is soo totally in Dwaner. Hope you made it to the vomitorium.
  12. Anyone going from Seattle to B'ham thursday night? If not, anything going on in seattle thursday night? I had a ride, but it's a long story .
  13. right! Also scented candles and Lifetime.
  14. "Also the remake of Dire Straights "Romeo and Juliet" by the Indigo Girls" you mean, "nails across the chockboard" Los Lobos also does a good version of the Dead's "Bertha"
  15. O-TAY! I'll post a pic of a puppy to brighten your day after I get back from the Cubs game (i wonder if they'll win).
  16. don't worry about the permit for prusik. it's a really really big wilderness area with 1,000's of places to hide you tent (below the passes, not above). If you get asked on the trail say you're doing it car to car and your giant pack is essential for success. I'll have lots of days off, but as of now, I'm grounded. good luck.
  17. me neither, i got one o' dem 1x1" shower stalls. You know how hard it is to shower w/crutches on one foot in those damn things! TLG has a testosterone induced headache, as should be expected from reading this site. Don't worry, it's not about gender; everyone gets flamed here.
  18. What's wrong, you can tell us? C'mon everyone, let's help her out! My car is warm, and dry if you need to talk.
  19. ask trask. I was, not everything on this site is for you. Get back to work.
  20. TLG, I was making fun of Stephan for the comment he made about you earlier. I just realized the interpretation you took, and you should be ashamed for thinking like that. I should report you. BTW, what's trask's problem w/marylou? I just picked her name randomly as TLG's accomplice.
  21. Is that TLG and Marylou in the tub?
  22. way to include the trademark dork
  23. layton

    My own thread!

    no one invited y'all get out of my thread!
  24. The only terrorist group that hides bombs in their starbucks lattes and soccer balls. Ever wonder why they drive SUV's? Now you know.
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