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Everything posted by Winter

  1. the chicago school and free market economies maximizing social good. charles murray and his crew thinking poor women have babies to collect more welfare. the catholic church thinking the theory of evolution is scientifically flawed.
  2. Michael Franti and Spearhead for a little Hip Hop Ween for some dementia John Brown's Body for Reggae Drive By Trucker's for super edgy hard southern rock - definitely check them out. You can download tons of free shit from pretty cool acts at archive.org. Unlimited amount of new music to check out - all live shows - most with good to great sound quality. If you're into picking, check out Bluegrassbox.com - more free live music from Del McCoury, Doc Watson and lots of newer bluegrass acts.
  3. KCrack spanks you so Lion's Chair looked like a good idea? Is the gear way sketchier then Pack Animal D? Can you focus on climbing with all the prana tops at the base of magic line?
  4. You should have seen them at Cinnamon Slab. "This is such a great stance"... NYC007 and I were there too. I've got a couple pics that might end up on here later. I know I know, we got shut down on Karate Crack, b/c someone was taking a bit too long to get on Cinnamon Slab and we didn't want to cause any headaches. Everyone starts somewhere. They were all nice and reasonable the whole weekend apart from the intermittent episodes of gaperdom, and we've all been there.
  5. smitty. first time back in awhile. the whole place was taken over by mazamas and cc.com'ers. funguy, brock, tex, ursa eagle, ireneo. mazamas were everywhere but had nothing but good experiences with them this weekend. pack animal direct and calamity jam. i love crack!
  6. Just a little info. The peregrine is no longer listed under the ESA. It was widely touted as a success story and has been delisted since I think 1999 with a monitoring plan issued by USFWS in 2001 at some point.
  7. We got a big ole convoy! Let's not forget Footloose!
  8. The argument that we shouldn't protect our natural resource for future generations because we export these problems overseas is a much argued discussion. Extractive industry often uses this argument to disempower folks that are working to protect our old-growth and drinking water for our kids and grandkids. The reporter in this story failed to discuss all the other conservation work going on around the world in places like BC, the American activists that risk their lives to help indiginous cultures fight the oil companies, market-based solutions that help people make smart choices on where the wood comes from, organiztions like NW Eart Institute that offer training in lowering our consumption, etc etc etc. He questions the value of domestic conservation because of the effects of consumption and the exportation of extraction, but he didn't take any time to discuss or research how American and International efforts are addressing these very problems and whether that would have an impact on the argument that our conservation work here at home is somehow a short-sighted effort. We certainly have more work to do on all these fronts, but he ignored all this work in his article.
  9. Ok so you've got a story from a friend that "worked for the wilderness" and a bunch of curvy lines. What's the point? Do you still stick to your argument that wilderness is growing like a cancer in Washington?
  10. Chronology of creation. Read and learn. Wilderness Gone Crazy in Washington!! I think Murry and Cantwell might propose wilderness in downtown Seattle the WA delegation has been so Wilderness crazy the last 20 years. Peter's rigth to be so paranoid. The government may come and lock up his house and designate it a wilderness area if he's not careful. Good reason to hold onto some assault rifles and lots of bottled water.
  11. You are so full of BS. Apart from including the National Park Lands within the wilderness system (1988), the last time Congess added any wilderness in Washington was in 1984. That's at least 16 years since we had any new designation and 20 years since the last substantive additions. An interesting exercise would be to see if you would check any of your facts before making baseless ideological assertions. My guess is we would see facts manipulated to look like gerrymandered congressional districts.
  12. Funny haha aside, forcing the Forest Service to provide a public comment period is hardly the problem we're dealing with on our National Forests. Unless, of course, you work for the timber industry (like Bush does). Bad humor is a poor way to get around real numbers. Mary Lou, a portion of the timber sale proceeds go to the general fund, as long as its a green timber sale. A portion also goes to the "KV" fund for restoration work. But, the proceeds from post-fire salvage sales never make it back to the taxpayers and the general fund. They go into a little black box FS account that has generated a stash of somewhere between $60-100 million. The FS uses this black box fund to pay for budget holes and to plan more money losing post-fire salvage sales. Almost ALL post-fire salvage sales cost the FS more than they receive in revenue from the timber industry. This structure acutally provides the FS an economic incentive to call live trees dead tress. The taxpayers get screwed twice - or three times depending on how you look at it.
  13. Hey Chiznitch, I can't really tell where you fall in this debate based on your post, but blaming appeals for the delays in treating our national forests is COMPLETE BS. The data below is from a presentation we give to folks to dispell these myths put out by the FS and industry. The General Accounting Office found that 95% of all fuels reduction projects it reviewed, 762 projects - covering 4.7 million acres of federal forest lands - were available for implementation within the standard 90 day review period. (GAO May 14, 2003.)The GAO also determined that over 99% of fuel reduction projects proposed by the USFS in 2000 and 2001 were approved without appeal and zero were litigated. (GAO, August 31, 2001. GAO-01-114R). Also, we advocate for a LARGER agency budget so long as they are actually focused on improving forest health instead of subsidizing the timber industry. Where does taxpayer money go? I doubt any of you would want to knnow.
  14. SCW? Were you up there recently? There were reports it was still sloppy from pretty recently.
  15. The rap route on the regular route had recently been bolted and reset when we were there in 2001 - at least that's what some of the guides told us.
  16. Well after taking a three month climbing honeymoon with the new wife this past summer I have lots of recommendations, but none that would fit the bill as a beach/resort retreat for two weeks of cragging. But, ken4ord's story is scary. I've learned quite a bit climbing with Kristin. The most important lesson is that spending good time with your partner is WAY more important than ticking things off the list - sort of like it is climbing with anyone else. Hope you go into it with that attitude, otherwise I wouldn't suggest a climbing honeymoon.
  17. The reverso is the way to go. The only problem is that I find its hard to give one person slack while keeping the other person tight. Minor issue.
  18. I wonder who's money he used to buy the coke and whether they have connections on the inside. Someone should pay him $38 million for the screen play rights.
  19. Whoa. He and I attended the same private academy of privilege in Pittsburgh. I remember him in middle school, a couple of years older than I was. Put together his avatar here with his name back then a year or so ago. Sad story.
  20. Can someone please tell me the best approach to the north face? Do you take the trail down opposite of Narada Falls or climb up to the road as if you're going in to Pinnacle and the leave the road? Thanks.
  21. I've been to the mountain but also didn't summit via the normal route but only hiked to the top of the trekking peak. But I do have a lot of information on the area and how to make this trip. PM me with questions.
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