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Everything posted by rayborbon

  1. rayborbon


    quote: Originally posted by DCramer: Sorry Erik the proposition is to Ray only:"Ray –I put those bolts in and perhaps I made an error. God knows I have made a bunch over the years. So I have a proposition for you." Hello Daryl, You're funny. You act like it is some big deal to lead it. Not like it is a testpiece or something. If you get a present in the mail this summer guess who it would be from. Hasta I dont want your money. I make enough. Your friend,
  2. rayborbon


    Daryl,I am not betting. But if I go up there and lead it I will mail those bolts and hangers to you in the mail. I think your address is on the book right? I dont climb for bets. I dont climb for anyone but me
  3. rayborbon


    quote: Originally posted by DCramer: Oh yea we need to have a witness we both agree to. Witness this
  4. rayborbon


    quote: Originally posted by DCramer: Ray – I put those bolts in and perhaps I made an error. God knows I have made a bunch over the years. So I have a proposition for you. You go lead the route from the level of the first bolt on using only 2”-3” pieces. I’ll even let you throw in one 4” piece. The only restrictions are that you can’t preview the route in anyway before climbing it and all pieces on your rack have to be standard pieces that would be normally found on an average rack and you can't clip any bolts. If you accept this challenge and actually go to the route with the intent of ascending it I’ll donate $25.00 to buy beers at the next pub club even if you decide not to climb it with the restrictions of this proposition. If you actually climb it using only the 2”-3” rack with one 4” piece, I’ll throw in an additional $25.00. If after succeeding you think it is adequately protected (ie “G” rated) I’ll contribute another $25.00. If you can get Erik to agree with the “G” rating the pot will increase another $25.00. I say Erik because he is one of the few regulars here I know. So the total pot comes to $100.00 for a future Pub Club. If Erik agrees to hold the cash, he can pick it up at my house next time he comes through Seattle. Offer expires after 60 days. Darryl Hello Daryl, YOu seem very defensive. I did indeed follow this and the guy who lead it did not clip th bolts. He used 2 #3s and 2 #4s. I dont care about the route nor was I brining any controversy. Since you decide to dare me to lead it I just might. If I do I will chope them bad boys. How do you like that for a dare?
  5. My friend is a pilot up there. He is also a climber too... He told me the Ruth Gorge has climbs like what Roger mentions. 5.8 and such I think if you ask the right person you will find what ROger implies may not be much of there. Moose's tooth has a route on it like that... [ 03-29-2002: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  6. Nothing but good bouldering there have fun B! I have done so a few times!
  7. I'll be controversial here- I did see folks nailing some crack I had climbed a year before free at 5.8.... Not like it was stellar or anyting but I did not really care...... When I saw it.
  8. I used to run down those trails too. That is where I met Daniel. I was the gaper wanting to know about Forbidden Peak and Alaska climbing. Still have not done either
  9. quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: Were they latex helmets?Were any of the names on the helmets "DICK"? Look for me I a now known as "Gaper"
  10. rayborbon


    Gorilla My Dreams- Good climbing. Dont know about the bolts meaning why they are there (rope cutting if you fall?). If you dont want to clip them bring several 3" and 2" pieces. Approach Via GNS. We did it with gear I was gumby following my first year so details are hazy
  11. I have nothing against Mtrs. Although I have had encounters that were less than pleasing I dont dwell on them or remember dates and times for any type of criticism. Nor do I care to waste the time to put in the info at the moment. A few of my comrades have had bad experiences as well.. Some of my partners have gained experience there and I think that is smart for them. Tune into the boards this season for sure someone will elaborate on some sort of experience though.
  12. Happy, Go resling them it's cheaper than a hospital bill. They'll tell you what's good at the shop
  13. allison, It is obvious you have not touched too many wonders of granite. Unless you are kidding.
  14. Actually I think you are right. HB is scheduled to be in town soon Dont know if he'll be at the pub though..
  15. Here we go- Allison kiss it and make sure to nibble all those dingleberries off while you are at it
  16. Here's my report- Drank and guzzled beer. Talked to cool people until allison showed with the chip on her shoulder. Filed that mental note and continued to party on. Allison kiss it --> Party pooz Beckey was there for a short time
  17. I have used 30 M 9 mil. Worked great!
  18. rayborbon


    I never could figure out Model Worker. Damn hard but good rock... I like that shothole for pro
  19. I got big gear. Thanks Scott. I have information on a few routes there.. Needed what you posted = definitive guide.
  20. Anyone from east side going? Carpoolage....
  21. Hello, Does anyone have info on how to locate routes or guidebook for the Needles Ca? I prefer a book. Thanks.
  22. I pee in the half full bottles Then hand them to yaz
  23. If Pedro spit shines my Makalus sure
  24. That's right get some girls there I should show around 7:30 or 8.
  25. Just word in. FB might be there after nine but he is not sure about times. Sez he has prior arrangements at 7ish in another pub. I think he might show...
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