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JasonG last won the day on March 25

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About JasonG

  • Birthday 12/30/1974


  • Occupation
    Fisheries Biologist
  • Location
    Mount Vernon

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  1. Well, @John_Scurlock told me to steer clear of books but maybe I might try next November? I'll have to look into what it would cost and what I would have to charge to sell a few copies. Maybe @olyclimber can create a poll to see how many copies I could expect to sell? I do know that I would have limited appeal outside of the North Cascades. Thanks for the encouragement @sepultura and @emilio taiveaho pelaez! Choss-land is calling you both!
  2. There are plenty of good practice slopes up by Heather Meadows (upper Baker ski area lot). You may wait for snow to consolidate though, May is often a good month to dust off the snow skills before alpine climbing season. Once they start clearing the road to Artist Point, the snow walls are good practice "crevasses" too. But there are steep drops off the roadway that can also work.
  3. oh yeah @JBo6, you'll love it! Post a TR please! I had to bail on my hut trip this year due to being sick.....
  4. That looks terrifying, well done in keeping it somewhat safe and sane. What a place, I had never even heard of it!
  5. JasonG

    Fire Everyone

    Well, from the article I read about this, I think the folks up there unfurling the flag were already fired?
  6. Me on the summit of Sahale, back when I had hair, September 1995. Cotton jeans and flannel!
  7. This is really inspiring @Fairweather, please post some TRs! I am only about halfway to that climbing milestone. My first technical summits were about 30 years ago. I'll try and dig up a cotton and denim photo of me from Sahale in the mid 90s....
  8. Another plug for Dylan at Mount Vernon gear repair.... just had a jacket and pack repaired within 2 days.....Back to chossing without delay!
  9. The void at the center of the human condition will never be filled with climbing (at least it wasn't for me), but it is a fun hobby. Glad you survived unscathed to continue your quest! The Polish route has always looked burly, and this TR confirms that it isn't to be taken lightly...
  10. It is shocking to see just how much so.....I was last on Frostbite Ridge in high summer of 2003 (August?) and it was completely snow covered, top to bottom. We only had a tiny bit of ice climbing out of the crater.
  11. Glad I could give you hope for when you reach your mature mountaineer phase @Alisse!
  12. The East ridge is classic! Though more in a scrambley than hard climbing way. Still, I thought it was highly recommended....but the South Face wasn't super fun to descend (still the best way down probably in summer though).
  13. There aren't enough USFS LEOs to deal with keeping the crush of humanity out of our public lands for the next 4 years. I suspect that they won't like how DC comes down on this.
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