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Everything posted by jon

  1. Tacoma Barbie: This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm handgun, switchblade, '78 El Camino with dark tinted windows, and a meth lab kit. This model is available only after dark and can only be purchased with cash- preferably small bills, unless you're a cop, then we don't know what you're talking about. Boyfriend Ken is in jail. Available at many pawn shops. No.
  2. If you hadn't gotten me the job I wouldn't have been fired from it. Asshole.
  3. jon

    Hey Jon!!!

    i know a place that practically breeds these kinds of people
  4. jon

    Just noticed this...

    The google ads we get paid for by click, but I can't condone clicking on them to make us money for obvious reasons. The biggest thing people can do to help us is shop at the stores that support us and thank them for supporting this website, without these guys it's questionable whether we would still be running or being able to put on events. If you shop at stores that don't support this site tell them that they should, we get 60,000+ unique visitors a month and serve over 3 million pages per month.
  5. jon

    Bush vs Science

  6. jon

    Bush vs Science

    In JayZ's Delorien he uses a FunkmasterFLEX capacitor, and it uses Jiggawatts instead of jigawatts.
  7. jon

    Bush vs Science

    How many hippies do you need to get the 1.21 jiggawatts from the flex capacitor?
  8. jon

    Bush vs Science

    only if you give her a pearl neckless.
  9. jon

    Bush vs Science

    oh yeah I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!
  10. jon

    Bush vs Science

    Here is another one for all you stupid tree hugger liberal fuckstick clownpunchers. I see all of you in the grocery store thinking you are being all hippy treehugerish getting paper bags instead of plastic because plastic is evil. The reality is the plastic bags take FAR LESS energy to produce and FAR LESS energy to recycle the paper bags. GET A FUCKING CLUE! There is nothing environmental about choosing recycled paper, it takes a fucking TON of energy to recycle that stuff.
  11. jon

    Bush vs Science

    As a scientist I damage the earth more then any of you while trying to find cures because you are too stupid to wear a fucking condom. Between the amount of electricity I consume to keep my -70C freezers cold full of your disease infested tissue and serum sample, the amount of toxic organic solvents I need to prepare my samples, the amount of plastic consumables I use to do the experiments, I'm pretty sure I'm fucking up the planet more then any of you. Then again President Bush has decided that science isn't very important and god is going to save us all so he has cut research funding to scary low levels. Don't worry though, you are going to die one way or the other, whether I use up all the oil in the worlds with my plastics to cure your gynaherpeclap of the mouth or you die of skin cancer because you destroyed the ozone.....either way your fucked.
  12. jon

    I am so cool

    Yeah right, you are part of my retirement plans, you aren't going anywhere.
  13. jon

    I am so cool

  14. jon

    I am so cool

    You're no longer a administrator, your just a sheep fucking moderator now. How you like them apples?
  15. jon

    Chef Shocker!

    and my personal favorite!!! linky...
  16. Ok here is the list of people I have showing slides, PM me if your name is missing or you would like to show. PMS AlpineDave Skykilo Alasdair MattP Dalius (maybe)
  17. John, bring me some new music beyotch.
  18. Ok here are all the details. When: Sunday March 12 Slides start around 7 Where: Shultzys Restuarant 4114 University Way NE, Seattle WA 98105 Parking: There is street parking around the area and parking next the UW law school building on campus. Details: People are welcome to show up whenever, come at 5 if you want and mingle, the restaurant is ours at 6, we will try to have slides going no later then 7. PLEASE buy food!!! It is good stuff and owner is shutting down his business to the public so we can do this!!! There will be a "beer special" similar to previous years. Bring cash if you can because it is easier on the wait staff. Last year it was shoulder to shoulder and totally off the hook so this is not to be missed.
  19. There is still room for showing slides! Send me a PM if you want to.
  20. The mother of all beer selections has just been ordered.
  21. jon

    29999 forever

  22. jon

    29999 forever

    What Dru doesn't know is months and months ago me and Tim screwed with Dru's post count a la Office Space, we wrote a little script that has been slowly subtracting posts from his count for months. Truth be told Dru probably surpased 30k about 2 months ago LOL!
  23. kix and Distel. Stop spraying in my thread. Thank you.
  24. Still have some room for people to show slides!! PM me if you want to show something.
  25. Any retailer that sells a product where safety is an issue should be concerned when the products they carry have a defect, whether there is conclusive proof of a defect versus excessive abuse. Retailers should be responsible for handling these issues because they are the ones buying in large quantities from these manufactures. Most manufacturers could give a crap if you have a problem because what are you going to do about it? On the otherhand, REI, who's account with BD is probably half of their business, has a lot more leverage in dealing with problems like this even if they are on an individual basis, like "hey we got this helmet returned that is cracked.... MAYBE you should take a look at it." Or you could just stop sitting on your helmet.
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