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Ben Beckerich

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Everything posted by Ben Beckerich

  1. Or read any books written about true climbing accidents
  2. Work your ass off in high places for 3-5 hours, make $140. Tomorrow, Monday 9/21 only But if you rock it, I'll have future gigs for you too. EDIT Actually fuck that... email me - benjaminbeckerich at ye ol gmail dot com
  3. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    Democrats don't watch fox dood.
  4. What's the relevance? Ds aren't after the "evangelicals," and mixing religion in their platforms would turn off some of their voting base..... so why would they? ETA - they absolutely WOULD run on religion if it would somehow get them votes... do you think otherwise?
  5. So you're saying special needs kids are intermingled with "normal" kids now?
  6. I'm having trouble with this last sentence - which is a double negative inferring that developmentally impaired kids are not in "regular" school??? Nope... they kept the special ed kids in the basement, when I was in school. Did you have "speshuls" in class when you were a kid?
  7. I'm pretty sure charter schools have the same admittance standards and requirements as any other publicly funded school.. In theory yes - in actuality, a big no. Charter schools most often start by a active parent group with some goal in mind - this doesn't include special education students - least I haven't seen it. And the reason is clear - WA doesn't provide enough resources. It's the same reason that if you have a special needs kid a private school doesn't have to provide these resources - but, supposedly a public school does. So if you have a kid with moderate Ausburgers you are not going to send him to the new Charter School with an emphasis on technology - rather you will look around at the existing public schools that have the best reputation for inclusion and good special education staff. So it ends up a self-selecting filter. OK.. but is this a problem? As you say, the point of the charter school is to cater to the unique needs of certain kids or situations... just like special education services in regular schools (which you're obviously not going to find any non-developmentally impaired kids in). Perhaps you're not stating this as a problem
  8. Tough on crime, all the time.. in any area where being "tough on crime" is going to net votes. Holier than thou, though? What the fuck are you even talking about? Number one sign of a political idiot: someone who speaks in generalizations about Republicans and/or Democrats, as though there are any actual differences between the two.
  9. 4 of my 6 kids go to a charter school. They've primarily been home schooled, and essentially still are... but they go attend class one day a week. As they get older and the curriculum becomes more advanced we need more help in "teaching" them. Some of their math crap is over my head... largely because of one of the beautiful things about charter schools: all of them have subject curriculum well ahead of their "grade" level. My oldest is at high school level in several subjects, at 11 years old, and just gobbles it all up. Public school would do nothing but hold these guys back years ahead of their potential. I genuinely feel bad for all the crack babies in the world. I also genuinely don't think my kids need to have shit to do with them, especially not be handicapped by them.
  10. I'm pretty sure charter schools have the same admittance standards and requirements as any other publicly funded school.. so the only cherry-picking going on is gonna be which parents are going to invest the extra bit of time to get their kids in a charter school. Some parents are complete fuckups and could never get their lives together well enough for a day out of the year to go get their kid signed up. Fortunately for me, I don't have to send my kids to school with their kids ('cause those kids are just as fucked up as their fuckup parents). If we're looking for a way to measure how efficient a school is operating, yea man... we have to look at performance-to-dollars. We can also foster all this BS you're implying, but we do have finite tax dollars and have policy decisions to make - gotta have some kind of frame of reference. Dollars ~ scores
  11. Easy.. put a dollar amount next to test scores and see who's making better students for less money
  12. Has anyone ever done a dollar-for-dollar comparison of finished product between charter schools and regular public schools?
  13. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    Not a snowball's chance in hell. Age is irrelevant folks... not sure why the hell we're even talking about that.
  14. Ben Beckerich


    Calm down Ben. Take a deep breath. this is nothing to get all excited about. there are bigger fish to fry and expend your negative energies towards. I appreciate the name change and I am sure the natives to alaska do to. By last self analysis I may be a douchebag, spoiled, dirtbag or an asshole. but I def am not stoned or a kid and quite possibly no longer a climber. (for now) I think your definition of people who care about this name change is a little harsh. or are you stoned? "douchebag spoiled stoned asshole college kids or maybe dirtbag climbers" BAM. Rest my case.
  15. Ben Beckerich


    I don't really care what name the mountain has. But I DO find myself caring... wondering....... who the fuck really sits around giving a shit about this? I mean I work for a living - I care about my job, and doing it well enough to keep it and keep the bills paid and buy cool shit for myself to occasionally go have fun. Then when the time comes to have fun, I'm, busy having the fun climbing the mountain or riding my road bike, training for races that I never actually get to race in or whatever. I guess I'm mistaken in thinking this is most of us? The only people I can conceive having enough time on their hands to even think, let alone give a shit, about the value of a name of a mountain and think it should be changed for sake of ___________ (insert pretentious gay ass cause of choice) is douchebag spoiled stoned asshole college kids or maybe dirtbag climbers... neither of which should have the power or toolage required to actually make it happen. What am I missing?
  16. Obamma doesn't strike me as the physical type..
  17. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    Good point. The first amendment is overrated anyway. The only thing we should ban in this country is retards that want to ban shit they don't like. Yes, let's just return to daily school reading of Mein Kampf. Shit, let's just all indulge at child porn, as it also should be protected under 1st Amendment. It has been established long long time ago by courts, that harmful speech (or hate speech) is not protected, as it might cause harm to society at large. The very same way child pornography is not protected. The effects of Trump's hate speech are already clearly visible: one of the trumps zealots told Jorge Ramos to "go back to where he came from". Never mind he is a US citizen. But clearly in your case- ignorance is a bliss. "the courts" have determined yelling "FIRE!" in a theater is harmful speech. Child porn necessitates the harming of children and/or illegal activity - you'll note that "the courts" (you know, SCOTUS) have actually found that simulated child-porn is PROTECTED SPEECH. So yea... speech is protected. ALL of it, with the exception of speech that is the result or cause of a criminal act. so STFU noob.
  18. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    While I appreciate a lot of socialist causes, I'm definitely not a socialist, and neither are any other Americans. We definitely love our individual liberty and property rights, and socialism doesn't jive with private ownership nor individuality. So what's that leave us? Euro-style "socialism," with super high taxes and boundless social services, while corporations continue to enjoy near regulatory immunity? Fuck that, and people who don't understand that's exactly what they're asking for. I think if you did an ideological study on these guys, you'd find they're progressive-libertarians, not "socialists." But progressive-libertarian just isn't catchy, especially now that "libertarian" has been shot-gun married to conservatism.
  19. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    Good point. The first amendment is overrated anyway. The only thing we should ban in this country is retards that want to ban shit they don't like.
  20. Ben Beckerich

    Go Bernie

    They're just trying less hard to appear democratic. Lazy? Must feel pretty secure
  21. Shit is ridiculous. I had a Worksack that sat with no interest for weeks and finally sold it on ebay for pennies on the dollar, but you fuckers put yours up and they're all gone in a day
  22. Looks like it needs a new roof.
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