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Everything posted by Kameron

  1. 100% agree that this is the most important gear and agree with most of your observations! Breathability has been very important for me in summer. I am prone to getting immersion ("trench") foot. So trail runners are definitely worth using on a long approach even if I'm going to carry mountain boots. I learned that the hard way on Triumph and Logan. I'd add that ski boot fit, which is probably what I know most about since I ski better than I climb, is super important for downhill performance and comfort. Took me a while to figure that out after stuffing my feet into too-small boots after learning to race that way.
  2. Snow lake? Shuksan arm? Ruby mtn?
  3. Maybe a stoat aka an ermine, which is a small weasel.
  4. I would try contacting the guide services and private guiding companies (like ProGuiding) directly. This year is different.
  5. OldsCool...
  6. Some good photos from this Spring in this TR: https://turns-all-year.com/trip-reports/mount-baker-heliotrope-skyline-traverse Seems like a lot of icefall hazard
  7. I've got a CiloGear 30 L worksack lid that's in great condition that I'd sell real cheap.
  8. This thread inspired a visit
  9. Got it from a friend and I've never used it. I don't know if it's ever even been placed. Measures out to the large size (7 x 10.75"). Yours for $10 in Fremont. Like this: https://www.msrgear.com/snow-tools/snow-anchors/snow-fluke/snow-fluke.html
  10. Climbing, smoking weed, and drinking beer is not enough to bring the cops from what I can tell....
  11. Those signs have been there for 5 years or so. As far as I can tell, they are not enforced. But I have been scowled at by old ladies walking by. Haven't been in a year or two, need to check it out again....
  12. I don't think dogs are disallowed in the wilderness. Although I wouldn't recommend bringing your dog up over the punchy crevasses.
  13. What a sandbag TR! I ain't no "hard-core"... that ridge seemed pretty full-on when I was on it.
  14. The Easton usually is in better shape than the Squak late season. As of now, they are both passable. There is a highway-style boot trench up the Easton
  15. Viewing the upper Boulder from Sherman peak on 7/11
  16. Climbed yesterday up the Park headwall (good conditions for climbing & skiing). There is a boot track from a previous party that finished up the glacier. The glaciers seem to be in fine shape for July. The scramble fixed rope onto the ridge was coreshot and now has two knots tied in it. Ideally, come prepared with your own ropes to rappel the ~25 m step, or be prepared to pass the knots on the way down.
  17. Kameron

    Mt Hood

    Good climbing and skiing conditions on Cooper Spur a week ago today. See this post for photos: https://turns-all-year.com/trip-reports/mt-hood-east-side
  18. It seems to be getting a nice revival of activity @JasonG. Of course, spring & early summer is peak TAY season!
  19. Really cool! I was hoping to ski that one this year but it'll have to wait. Seems like with skis it could be worth traversing in from Muir. Maybe. Awesome work and very useful report, thank you
  20. Snowfield pictured in this report https://turns-all-year.com/trip-reports/march-15-17-chiwaukum-traverse
  21. I skied down that snowfield in very wind-blasted snow conditions. Steep but not insane!
  22. Should be fine. A few years ago when I last did it, there were crevasses to weave around in a few spots, but shouldn't be difficult. The Roman wall has some crevasses mid-slope that can be intimidating by July. You should be able to weave around them or, barring that, traverse westward and climb on the section of the headwall above the Deming. Bring & use a rope, of course, and you'll be fine. Have fun!
  23. That's cool. I skied S Sister from the Clark side last week and enjoyed looking over the Prouty headwall and wondering about the skiing potential. It has that roll-over effect up there. Looks like some nice steep skiing.
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