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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. No no, its right on the verge of going Democrat majority.
  2. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Copout. You can't account for your behavior so you choose the easiest route of escape. The fact is you are quick to point the finger but you are faster yet to slide out from under responsibility. Your whole identity relies on the hard work and responsibility of others.
  3. I'm not interested in changing your mind, you made an accusation and I want you to support it. So, support it...what specifically makes me a racist?
  4. So in other words you just disagree with me but ccouldn't come up with anything on your own so you thought you'd ride in on TTK's coat tales and sling some shit for yourself?
  5. If his music is like mine I had to manually sort a large portion of my library in Itunes. Its still not done and I've spent considerable time on it.
  6. Still no specifics? Boooooooring.
  7. Fixed it for you. I got your back, Bill.
  8. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    You drive a car but you're forced to do so...its not your fault. Someone MADE you buy it...nah, not your fault. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS, someone else's fault. EVIL EVIL EVIL Corporations, not your fault. Your whole political stance is predicated by the work and actions of other people...you are a life long buck passer and freeloader. By the way, the Jetta is pretty feminine, if you're going to be forced to drive a yucky car you could at least try to look a little more manly. I'm kind of embarrassed for you...yeah its that bad.
  9. One thing I've observed is that you have a definite lack of name calling abilities. I believe, from viewing the others on this thread and elsewhere, that as soon as you can't make a good point (one that your opponent agrees too or even makes sense) then you are suppose to slander and name call like a little 2nd grade bitch. You have some big time failings there, and did ya notice I avoided the question again? You're welcome there Bill Mea Culpa! I'm new, I have aspirations but it takes time to grow into big shoes.
  10. Pretty flimsy, Jefe, I had higher hopes for you. At least TTK made some stuff up to call me a racist, you just puffed up your chest and quit.
  11. You didn't read the AZ law did you?
  12. I don't think the AZ law was the last option, I think it was state posturing. I don't think it stands up to constitutional scrutiny. You avoided the question, what makes me a racist?
  13. Good thing the Muslim terrorist was slightly more incompetent than the Obama administration or there'd be more dead New Yorkers.
  14. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Its always someone else's fault, never your own.
  15. Yeah, we hate it so much we want to secure the borders and encourage legal immigration. Maybe even reduce a little crime in the US caused by Illegal aliens in the process. Gosh, can you believe all the hate? Nah. It's not about wanting immigration reform or any of the other bullshit you're attempting to foist on us here. The 'hispanic cop killer's' photo speaks far louder about who you really are. Nobody else on this site would post anything even remotely like that. Look, if you hate hispanics or whatever, fine. Revel in your ignorance and personality disorder. Don't post that shit here. It doesn't wash. There are over a thousand white supremacy websites that'll cheer you on. Go for it. If I were you, I'd do some damage control pull that photo and issue a general apology to the hispanics here as well as the rest of us for it. How about you apologize for this: http://ktar.com/index.php?nid=6&sid=1289944 Actually it is about illegal immigration, you just want to make it about something else. The picture was real by the way.
  16. Yeah, we hate it so much we want to secure the borders and encourage legal immigration. Maybe even reduce a little crime in the US caused by Illegal aliens in the process. Gosh, can you believe all the hate? if you wanted to encourage legal immigration then you'd be in favor of punishing the people who hire illegal immigrants. significant fines plus a threat of jail time for hiring undocumented laborers would cause the labor market for illegals to dry up. of course you racist fucks can't accept this solution because it would mean sending white people to jail rather than brown people. You really are full of stupid assumptions. I support the current federal laws which encompass the employer issue. The problem is that the last five administrations have ignored illegal immigration (Regan did the amnesty thing and look how that worked out) and now its a boiling point. I don't agree with the AZ law but what else is there, the federal government won't act.
  17. Weak. At least TTK wipes the drool off his face before he starts babbling.
  18. Yeah, we hate it so much we want to secure the borders and encourage legal immigration. Maybe even reduce a little crime in the US caused by Illegal aliens in the process. Gosh, can you believe all the hate?
  19. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Or grow your own...but that requires self reliance and liberals just don't get that.
  20. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    While I don't hold Obama responsible for any part of the oil spill I do find a certain level of hypocrisy in the condemnation of those saying "told ya so" while filling up at the nearest gas station. I'm quite fond of the Gulf of Mexico and am saddened by this catastrophe but I also think its a bitch move what you're doing. Half your car is made from plastic and runs on oil, you're part of the reason why BP is drilling in the gulf.
  21. Um, like Health Care? Um, like finance reform?
  22. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Thats not true, Obama sent attorneys from the justice department. I'm sure they're driving the ROV's or something.
  23. What specifically makes me a racist? Aside from you just calling me one.
  24. Maybe we should adopt Mexico's immigration laws?
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