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kukuzka1 last won the day on March 29 2021

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About kukuzka1

  • Birthday 10/06/1963


  • Occupation
    culinary arts
  • Location
    county jail

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  1. My brother and I got to below Boston basin in Jan 05? to attempt the FWA of the N ridge but unfortunately I had become sick. It was a during a major winter storm, but it did clear up for 5 bluebird days after... It would have been perfect conditions. We had to ski only about 2-3 miles of the forest road. to get to trail head. I also twice tried to solo east ridge of J-burg but did not summit. Is a spectacular area in winter. Great job!
  2. Cool. Last photo is awesome! Little varmint. I rope soloed it in 93, although after the 1st pitch came to broad ledge. After looking at the crest I walked around right for 15-20+ft and self belayed a pretty solid pitch that deposited me on the large slabby rock. (5.8+ finish with a wideish crack). I thought the ridge crest seemed brittle with little protection that I could see? Finished it with rope in pack.
  3. Yeah I seen that ice line above the N face bowl too, well worth a look for future parties. Index in winter... what's not to like?
  4. Puts you and Colin's car to car sub 24 hour winter traverse in perspective although you did use aid.. Colin
  5. Not exactly a hardman or in the 80's or in a assisted care facility yet but almost! good job finishing the crux pitch, I had twice tried to lead it and had to leave it, although I did top rope it. It's definitely some spicy climbing. I'm surprised you didn't see any of my gear I left(probably buried) although I liked the name I gave it a little better sorry about the huge photos, not sure what happened.
  6. Don't give the rape bolters any ideas
  7. The second photo is a great photo of the Index peaks, don't get that view photographed much.
  8. Stuart West Ridge - more beta than you can use No kidding, you should of just told people where to put their hands and foot holds
  9. That sexy photo of Goode shows the Beckey route(NE face?) It looks like it had a major rock collapse above the ice part, unless that's normal for how it looks in early Oct? looks kind of snarly, or the route could be a little left of that.
  10. I loved this route, even if it was done in a major summer storm and we were benighted. Felt more like 5.9 to me although like with any route such as this many little variations are possible. Someone needs to snatch the FWA. Be a nice prize
  11. Really? what routes dose Mr Smoot have for Buckner and Sherpa?
  12. Looks like Smoot's to blame. People love lists did not read earlier comments so nevermind
  13. Well at 5.11a/b maybe so but it would be 5.10 A1 if I tried it. hell these days probably 5.8 A1
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