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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Funny that those last routes you mentioned are on many people's fav climbs, including mine. I though the Grand Wall was excellent.
  2. I didn't feel it was particularly risky, just not exactly solid. I remember thinking that about the J route (that it would be better in winter conditions) and heard it echoed from a few other parties I've talked to who have climbed or descended it.
  3. Yup. I descended the Japanese route after climbing the NE ridge. Both routes were bad but the Japanese route was horrendous.
  4. I hear the water at the lake up there is lovely.
  5. Both! You should consider some alternatives to the Ptarmigan in the same area that have better descents, like the Magic S-Loop tour or the Forbidden Circumnav. Unless you're specifically planning on tagging some peaks along the Ptarmigan.
  6. Read the comments below the article from the link Bob posted. Paints a little bit different picture of woods.
  7. I'd play it by ear if possible. See where conditions and weather are good right before the trip, and go there!
  8. Not everyone wants to or can climb in Patagonia and it's the middle of winter here (a shitty winter but still winter). So might as well talk about climbing at least.
  9. I'd also have to throw out the NE Butt of Higher Cathedral in the valley as one of the better rock routes ive done.
  10. Yeah sounds like dupetrin's. White man's curse. Either that or excessive masturbation.
  11. Pretty awesome. Super technical.
  12. I think the best routes I've done are: -Girth Pillar on Stuart (via Ice Cliff glacier) -Snow Creek Wall (in winter / ice conditions) -Sea of Vapors (the pinnacle of my relatively short and unimpressive ice career) -Tricks of the Trade, Zion -Grand Wall, Squamish Want to Climb: -Long alpine granite 5.10 / 5.11 in Cham -Long alpine limestone 5.10 / 5.11 in the Dolomites - More 5.10 /5.11 in Squamish and Zion
  13. Pete_H

    Park Rant

    Oh how gross. The peasantry is using the out-of-doors. Who let them in.
  14. If you're a 5.11 climber you shouldn't have any trouble with Polar Circus, strength wise. Though in PNW it's hard to get enough mileage on the ice to develop technique, especially this year.
  15. Climbing is not a crime.
  16. What's that? Extra ketchup?
  17. If there is a God he/she sure is a motherfucker.
  18. Climbing isn't exactly a sport that attracts lots of under-privileged inner city youth or migrant workers - for obvious reasons. The climbing demographic is definitely primarily WASPy. Not breaking any new ground there. Yes, there are arrogant pricks who climb who you may encounter at the crag. Another topic that's been satirized and beat to death online and in the mags. So, what really is your point again?
  19. Pete_H

    Park Rant

    Yeah and no mechanized usage allowed to get you to the mountains either. Walking is the only pure mode of travel.
  20. If by harsh you mean awesome.
  21. You forgot the best crag in the state, Index, which is only an hour from seattle. And where the hell is spire rock?
  22. That dude from Colorado Chris Davenport and crew did a similar trip about 5 years ago. Don't think they hit all the obscure ones but did quite a few I think. http://www.chrisdavenport.com/ring-of-fire-volcano-tour/
  23. Where did they go to drive them things? I can't tell from the photos.
  24. Pete_H

    Park Rant

    No but the problem is in the North Cascades nothing is convenient. Maybe in the summer the cascade pass area is, but that's why it has an overuse problem.
  25. Pete_H

    Park Rant

    Fuck that. Wilderness Area = lack of access. The FS probably loves Wilderness because they don't have to do shit. No roads to maintain, no services to provide. They just send a trail crew with a couple hand saws in every few years to maintain the one trail and call it good.
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