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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. http://www.turns-all-year.com/skiing_snowboarding/trip_reports/index.php?topic=13456.0 I'm 6'4" and I thought the approach was pretty chill, with skis.
  2. It's not in the park. No pass needed. I would bet east faces are good to go.
  3. Pete_H

    Desk Jockies!

    Dom Portwood: Hi, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports. Peter Gibbons: Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh, Bill talked to me about it. Dom Portwood: Yeah. Did you get that memo? Peter Gibbons: Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore. Dom Portwood: Ah! Yeah. It's just we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports before they go out now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. All right!
  4. Anyone know if there's an on-line topo to Private Idaho. I couldn't find one on the Cummins site.
  5. Which is lame. As if looking cool while you climb isn't important.
  6. 9-year-olds are a little old for me anyway.
  7. Congratulations. You have cut and pasted a news story that involves a bicycle. Nice work.
  8. Bullshit. The only thing you've ever choked is your chicken.
  9. For some reason chocolate cake for breakfast is just plain wrong. However, a nice chocolat croissant from your local patissiere is tres bien.
  10. I generally agree with Max. I don't run lights at crowded intersections or cut people off, or generally act obnoxious, etc. Sometimes, I'll squeek past a red light if there are no cars on the horizon at all. The way I see it, cyclists are at enough of a disadvantage compared to motor vehicles that they need to leverage their advantage somehow. It's not like I cut off the gal in the Prius or anything, she was behind me the whole time.
  11. She was pretty riled up before I made that suggestion.
  12. Yeah right. We all know there's no stoplights in Tenino. Nice try though.
  13. Some self-righteous cow-looking lady in a Prius yelled at me this morning for running a few red lights on my bike on my way to work. She said "Don't you know you ran three red lights! Why don't you try obeying the law!" I said "Mind your own business. Why don't you try shutting the fuck up." She sure was riled up. I thought it was pretty funny.
  14. I read it on the internets! It must be true.
  15. As a first course of action, I would contact local law enforcement. I would gather as much proof as possible that you owned the gear, such as the lists you emailed around after the gear was originally stolen. Hopefully you also filed a police report at the time. Law enforcement might not do anything about it, but its worth a try. If that doesn't prove to be fruitfull and you're still really pissed about losing the gear, then I'd consider going to the dude's house and kicking him in the nuts.
  16. Pete_H

    Gettin' All Jesusy

    At least he's not associated with the fun-da-mentalists.
  17. The hip apparently provides a better platform to set a Labatt's while watching hockey.
  18. When I met Jonny it was a few years back at the Kahiltna basecamp. He was attempting a few projects with Kelly Cordes, who I knew a bit from my Montana days. Jonny was super laid back, very friendly and warm, and willing to share beta and good stories. They were camped on the hill above the airstrip and I remember when they were leaving, Jonny packed all his gear including this big ass haul bag onto a sled and he rode it down through camp to the airstrip. Everyone was chuckling as it was a funny scene. I met Micah on the NE Butt of Upper Cathedral in the valley. My partner and I were making good time on the route, but Micah and his partner flew past us simul-climbing most of the route. We bullshitted with them a bit, and he seemed like a nice dude as well. Its a shit storm of suck what happened.
  19. Mountaineers don't have a monopoly on that word. "Commercially guided mountaineers" seems pretty clear to me that the group were not from the Mountaineers organization.
  20. This fucking sucks. I met Copp in Alaska and thought he was an incredibly nice guy.
  21. Pete_H

    please define.....

    And you become the catcher.
  22. I wonder if that guy with the skull tattoo ever has trouble finding a job?
  23. In jail, tatts only cost a couple packs of Marlboros but it doesn't mean its worth it.
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