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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. Ha, Phil, that's awesome! High Life for sure. Thanks for the great TR.
  2. Justin, are you in the mood for an epic? Do not go there unless high pressure settles in which is not going to happen any time soon. And even if it does, the gods and the moon still do not allow it oftentimes . Ice avalanche off the Liberty Cap. In August. Getting ready to swim across the Carbon gl. and climb icebergs:
  3. Thanks for the laugh Larry! What kind of your "oh shit" gear does the 57mm refer to?
  4. I thought you were putting up a new tsar's line "Ivan the Terrible"?
  5. Something more like "spin the axe"
  6. Crimean mountains, 1991. Emergency bivy "Light and fast"
  7. No, not enough bodies to be Mazamas. Try like a megaparty of 12!
  8. YocumRidge

    uss mt hood

    Mussolini/Hitler relationship was not a particularly short one either
  9. YocumRidge

    uss mt hood

    Oh, Ivan, - "Seventeen Moments of Spring" is my favorite movie on the WWII with the best background and documentary you can ever find. Currently released as a 6 DVD set (circa 1973), with english subtitles!
  10. YocumRidge

    uss mt hood

    My Grandad in May 1945, after taking Berlin:
  11. I will take the basic Petzl Ascenders. So, are you selling the static cord or dynamic Edelweiss as in the pic? I am kind of confused. PM sent.
  12. That first photo is absolutely surreal!
  13. I thought you are extending a warm welcome to a posthole whiteout cross-fit for the desperate ones.
  14. Coming back to the topic... Who wants to dry(wet)-tool this week? I am finally getting my monopoints.
  15. Thanks for the stoke!
  16. Hike up the dog SS on Hood in 50 mph winds. Should be awesome!
  17. Agree. Check your emails - John.
  18. Yeah, thanks, these are more on a heavier side then what I am after but I let you know.
  19. Thanks, definitely interested. Please, send the pics to: blagoves@ohsu.edu
  20. Does anyone have a pair of used monopoints you wanted to get rid of? Need to fit boots sz. 39. Anyone? Dane?
  21. Not in the Washington county, Pete.
  22. Nice outing, V!
  23. on Trango EXT. The best fit ever for my difficult feet!
  24. Raising $$$ for some ice gear, John?
  25. Very cool, guys ! How was ice on that WI3 pitch? Looks like bivying within the crevasses is a common practice for approaching the Coleman HW : http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=443768
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