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Posts posted by YocumRidge

  1. While rapping off a big alpine route last April, my partner pulls out this simond v-threader: http://www.simond.com/shop/produit/prd-82-Abalahook/

    The hook bent into a useless bit of metal on the first prod (I guess the ice was too hard for it). We spent 10 minutes trying to get the hook back into useable shape before I pulled out my trusty coat hanger and away we went. That simond thing is a piece of Shit


    Good to know! Thanks for your input.

    I personally never had a problem with pulling efficiency of the coat hangers (and actually really liked them in this respect), but it is just they tend to break from the repeated folding.

  2. Thanks guys!




    That is Petzl Multihook.


    The nice thing it does have a solid shank that is hard to destroy or bend, but its short and as I recall, a couple of partners I climbed with were unhappy about the cap being a hassle to slide.


    The Camp hook is 24 cm and seems to be pretty rigid.


    Or I might make a new one from a coat hanger and stop jamming and bending it (if this is what caused it to break) inside the screw when not in use.



  3. There are a few out there, DIY and pre-fab ones.


    I used to have a couple made of coat hangers but inevitably they rust and break, and inevitably that happens on top of a pitch.


    Just recently I tried a Grivel candela and it sucked...If you want to spend eternity threading a rope, get that thing :rolleyes:


    So, I am leaning towards a DIY rig. Any recommendations on the design, type of wire, etc?



  4. I am so desperately stuck at work tonite.

    HOW 'CORE! :rocken:


    Thanks for the laugh, Steopich! It made my night.
    You makin' fun of my hairy butt???


    I know, I know, it sucks! But gotta be creative how to get time off for the next trips. There is no ice in Oregon.


    No fun/no pun intended, but it looks like KKK entertains the idea of seeing your hairy butt :)

  5. OK, I'm back with a fresh Planet Killer. What'd I miss?? :)


    Ivan admitted he's gay and wants to see that pic of your hairy butt climbing rock.


    Thanks for the laugh, Steopich! It made my night. Besides, I am so desperately stuck at work tonite.


  6. Well, with "Sasha" being able to go this way or that genderwise, are you sure it was a she...?? ;)

    pretty certain i wouldn't have cared, at the moment of truth - luckily it all turned out okay :)


    Ahhh, and here I thought Ivan was so specific in his gender preferences.

    But then again, he and Pat are so cute together :)

  7. However, I may be a few too many sheets to the wind to really make a positive ID on the dude you call by a woman's name. :brew::)


    Vita has christened me with a dude's name though, a freaking "Stasik", so...


    We are weird like that :)

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