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Posts posted by YocumRidge

  1. Trip: Baker - North Ridge


    Date: 7/10/2011


    Trip Report:

    Ed Hobbick and I climbed the North Ridge on Baker car-to-car on Sunday 07/10/11, following my 6 hour drive from PDX. Here is an update on the conditions.


    We started at the Heliothrope TH at 2.40 am and 3 hrs later we were crossing the upper Coleman gl towards the shrund. Continuous snow begun at 5500’, but snow pack was well consolidated making for easy travel.


    The upper Coleman glacier is in very good shape right now and mostly filled in. I counted 2.5 crevasses (with fat frozen snowbridges) that is worth watching out for.




    “45 F” promised by NOAA turned out to be a full on winter with all layers on.

    On the approach, in July:




    We accessed the North Ridge via the ramp on the left side of the main shrund through the couloir to the rock bands and then up weaving around a few crevasses to the base of the ridge.

    The route we took:




    Ed heading up the couloir:




    Myself above the rock bands:




    Good Omen:




    The beast looms. Is that Palmers Lift Headwall Direct?




    We climbed one of the lines 10 meters to the left of the Ice arête:




    Ice was variable and took a lot of whacking and digging for placing solid screws.


    Myself on the first ice pitch:




    Ed topping out on the ridge:




    Climbing along the ridge proved more difficult than what it first looked like and took way more digging and whacking of rotten ice, snow and snice due to sun exposure. On the top of the ridge, there is a 30’ crack/crevasse separating its western and eastern lobes - with tempting solid blue ice in its walls. I crawled in it to place a screw when both my feet blew. Thank god the tools held and I managed to chimney out back on and up to the ridge.

    Myself on the second pitch along the ridge:




    Ed approaching the Secret Passage:



    Secret Passage. Whiteout is approaching and it begun snowing shortly after.

    But what else do you expect in July, right?



    The summit.



    None of us was up the Coleman-Deming before, and being unsure of the descent, we waited, and waited and waited - for the snow to stop. Some 3 hrs later we finally made it down to the saddle, melted snow for water and headed down to the car.



    Gear Notes:

    6 screws

  2. Thanks for the great report and trip Wayne! :brew:


    A few pics/comments on my behalf.


    The line:




    Our camp a la Tarkovsky's Solaris final scene:




    Rock avies hit the north side of Adams - the recurrent theme that follows me around since Rainier :) :



    Wayne crossing the shrund:



    Wayne below the purty Adams HW:



    Wayne approaching WI2 step that we soloed:



    Wayne soloing WI3+ pitch:



    Healthy water ice was found and climbed. Only in Washington and in July :) :



    Wayne before the rimey traverse. At one point we had only one hollow screw between us but I promised Wayne not to fall :) Good times. I hurt even thinking about it and still do not know why we used the rope at all :) .



    Wayne's AI4 money pitch to the crater rim:



    With the "good rime to pull up on" - here it comes Yocum Ridge!:














  3. what about the north side?


    North side being a north side. As of yesterday 07/04/11, FR 2329 is mostly under snow, we parked 1 mile away from the intersection with FR5603 and hiked the rest 4 miles to get to the Killen Creek TH and 10 miles one way total to the high lake at 7505'. Snow is well consolidated though thus making cross-country travel a breeze but bring your GPS with as many waypoints as possible - the routefinding on the approach is not obvious.


  4. Ok guys, I know it is weird but my titanium Jetboil stove annihilates itself.


    This is what happened to it on Rainier - melted plastic holder, ignitor connection and grill (made of Ti I suppose):




    Did anyone have this problem? Could it be due to the stove tilt while melting snow?

  5. Will go aiding with Ivan in the rain at Beacon tomorrow and hoping he is not gonna blow his other ankle :)


    Sunday is a possibility if it is not too wet.


    John: do you wanna run up the North face on Hoodie C2C next week? Might be a good warm up for your upcoming voyage to Alaska :)


    Joe: I will be available mid-week the last week of June. I'll PM you.

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