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Everything posted by pc313

  2. I've never voted for Reagan,Bush and Bush but have been forced to live in their shit wake!
  3. Get over it you loooooooser and take your sign with you!!!!!! Oh,see you fuckers in four years with PALIN,LOL!!!!!
  4. The Bush bill last month was $750,000,000,000.00 Billion and was all pork to the Banks who put it in their pockets in Bonus Pay while the stock market took a bigger dive,and that dosen't count the $5.3 Trillion debt he put us in on top of the Reagan/Bush Debt of $4.6 Trillion from 1980-92 WTF!!!!! Hay maybe we should give $5 trillion in tax cut to everybody whos makes $1 million dollars a year and up as a reward for the great job they've done and prisons for everyone else? We took a vote and you fuckers lost so go lick your nutsack and STFU!!!
  5. I don't do cartridge gas,fuck that shit! I've got a MSR XGK EX white gas rocket with a 33oz.fuel bottle, lets boil!!!
  6. I bought my frist VHS movie in 97 now i have 400+ most used,now days there $.49 each at the loan shop,but do have 4 DVD players 3 of which are recorders and Dish net. DVR but only 1 DVD movie,but when they drop to a $1 each used maybe i'll buy more,til then i copy DVD movies at $.25 each! But have never set the clock on the 5 VHS decks i own,the DVD recorders are so easy set up!
  7. Going to climb a mountain,the highest moantain lord,going to jump off nobody knows...
  8. Take your hand and place it on the little rounded plastic thingy with the long tail coming out of it (it's called a mouse) sitting next to you, and move it around to cause the little arrow thingy to move up into that rectangular box thingy (that's called an address bar) at the top of your screen (that's the TV-looking-thingy in front of you). Once your little arrow thingy is in that box thingy, type these letters (using the keyboard thingy with all of those pretty letters and stuff sitting in front of you): w - w - w - . - g - o - o - g - l - e - . - c - o - m and then move your little arrow thingy over to the little icon (that's a symbol thingy) that looks like a couple of green arrows chasing each other, or whatever else your particular operating system's platform may use for the "Enter" action. Then, if you wait just a little bit, this really really cool website thingy called "Google" will come up on your screen (that's the TV-looking-thingy again). This really really cool website thingy called Google will also have a rectangular box thingy (it's another address bar - imagine that!), right in the middle of your TV-looking-thingy. Now, use that keyboard thingy again to type in these letters: o - t - t - m - a - r - - l - i - e - b - e - r - t and do that "Enter" thingy again. Wait a little bit again, and you will see all sorts of different places (called websites, again) where you can go and find videos (those are like, short movies) to look at of this Ottmar guy playing this guitar thingy that you are so wrapped up in. Good luck, let me know if you have any trouble figuring this out, m'kay? Now if i could just figure out how to set the timer on my VHS!
  9. i thought this was a climbing thread?
  10. Haven't tried tablets but should probably get some for backup,never got sick eating snow and always carry extra gas for my stove and Frist Need filter when theres running water,and a few beers!
  11. I guess it all depends on how much damage you did to your body before forty,if i counted all the times i've been slammed to the deck in my 50+ years i should be parking in a handicap zone or at least have a nickname like Trainwreck and a SS check in my mailbox once a month!! Hope your fortieth milestone passes smoothly.
  12. 1,000
  13. pc313


    SO True!!!
  14. pc313

    Time to ban knives

    Thats like calling the cops about "SHOTS FIRED" in N.E. Portland,Or.,if your lucky a cop will drive by and look around but not stop,call 911 in Vancouver,WA."SHOTS FIRED" and cops are all over it and it's on the TV News the next day!! NY and LA have allways had gun deaths,they just don't make the News,hell my Art Teacher in High School had moved for NY were he taught because kids would shot you and that was in 74,but wasn't a big deal til Springfield Or.?
  15. Record birth weights
  16. pc313


    Foul ball's!!
  17. Well,you won't need to hit the nOOb key on your keyboard any more!!
  18. Yeah, there is nothing quite so fine as to reach for that water in the dark notice the taste is a bit off and then see a couple flecks of cat litter in the bottom of the glass. ... Could be worse, I watched a guy accidentally take a nice big chug on a beer bottle that was half full of cig butts and spent chew. He promptly puiked his guts out but the rest of us were laughing for hours. Hmmmm,couldn't of been Sobo for he would have sucked the beer out of the butt's and chew before spit them out!!
  19. Wow,2 more post and your going to be nOOb-less! :moondance:
  20. Just got off the phone with his mom and she said her other two kids were bigger at birth the girl was 12lb, and her frist born was 13lb.-4oz. he's 5'-11" and 200lbs and 21 years old,talk about have big babies!!!!
  21. A HUGE screw you to all the right wingers out there. Go Obama. He's got an uphill fight with the Republictarts who are already playing drity,lets hope he's frist 100 day run smooth!
  22. Was he overdue? Congats! Very nice I'll see your 9lb 13oz and raise you a few ounces... 10lbs 2 oz with no drugs (at least none for my wife who happened to be delivering the baby). Course, now we are way past 10lbs. My neighbors son was that big at birth,he's now 15,his voice just dropped, 300lb.not fat, 6'3"+ and size 17 feet,good luck! at birth the doc said he should be 6'9"!
  23. 8D Even if you live with someone for so many years it's considered common law marriage in most states!
  24. pc313

    Time to ban knives

    As kids me and my school mates all had pocket knives and no one said shit about it,and don't remember anyone getting stabbed!
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