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Posts posted by pc313

  1. Kapitän: "Load torpedoez int tubez 1 und 4!"

    Waffen Offizier: "Yah, Mein Kapitän. Torpeedoez loaded int tubez 1 und 4!"

    Kapitän: "Set for proximity fuse. Match bearings und shoot!"

    Waffen Offizier: "Proximity fuse, bearings matched. It's away! Two Black Butte Porters running straight and level, Herr Kapitän!"

    Kapitän: "Ahhhhhhhhhh, sehr gut, Waffen Offizier."



    Re-reading Shadow Divers and can't get U-869 out of my head... :brew:





    Finished the "Last Dive" last night, just stating "Shadow Divers" so i should know who every one is! bigdrink1.gifbigdrink1.gifbigdrink1.gifbigdrink1.gif

  2. gonna be a pretty boring friday 'roudn pdx firsizzle



    how are the routes up on Hood looking (esp. Leuthold or Wy'east)

    luetholds was already good to go, but definitely very icy - sounds like a lot of snow will be dumped on it soon, so it'll probably be a bit easier after this storm clears out - the wy'east will probably be good then too.


    the first 2000 feet of the moutain above t-line will still probably be pretty gross though, esp getting over to the wy'east



    3 feet this weekend followed by 10 days of cold should cover some of the shit!!

    Next fri and sat might be nice and cold!

  3. If its your time all the praying to god ain't going to make a fucking difference,it's "feet don't fail me now" and not the "oh god" crap!

    I don't blame god for my poor judgements,but try not to repeat them!!!

  4. Hay SOBO, what do you think of GENNIS?


    I don't like it much - it tastes "flat" (no carbonation)

    I don't drink beer for its carbonation. That's what sody-pop is for.

    And I've probably drunk more flat beer in my life than most men alive... :laf:


    For some reason, I now have this image of you going around and drinking the partially consumed cups of beer in the morning after a big party...



    I'm a slow drinker,so my beer gets warm and flat! But in Europe their taps aren't as cold as in the U.S.,hell i've had ice form in mugs of tap around here! Some beers taste rank when warm,but not the suger beers! IMO

  5. Norm,

    Tsk tsk tsk... Pour a Fat Tire into a clear glass, let the head settle a bit, and then tell me what you see.

    Murkness, not will it be. :yoda:


    I know its a amber ale and maybe a little more suger and malt then an IPA,but i like Lagers too!


    Tonite i'm drinking a Mirror Pond and enjoying the last of the book for theres some funny shit in it! But my eye are wind burned from Adams 45mph plus gust!


    Cant wait to start Shadow Divers for it takes me back to the deep dark blue.



  6. You do have a good piont there,we could be fucked?

    But i do see some positives out of it!


    1) We don't look like white Bigots to the world as much now!

    This is good b/c most of the world is not white and Obama brings use

    closer to being one instead of us and them,it's a start!


    2) Anytime you change the system whether a little or alot it makes

    the people/workers/brains think outside the box(just like in Iraq the

    game plan changes day by day)and adapt,learn and move on!


    3) Are way of life is morphing ,Energy,Education,Technoiogy,Heathcare,

    and cost need to be brought down for we are living longer,over spending,

    and not saving enough as a whole!


    I don't think are Goverment is going to go Commie,but it needs to invest in

    jobs,Wind,Sun,Natual Gas,US Made Cars,Roads,Bridges,and not Foreign OiL

    to start!


    You read and know alot,and i've seen a few of your post.

    I may joke a lot but like it or not, we are all Americans!!




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