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Posts posted by pc313

  1. 100 openwater dives??!??!?! Wowowowow

    That ain't nuthin. My wife (before she became my wife) had over 500 OW dives and several advanced certifications (night diving, wreck diving, cert. divemaster, cert. OW instructor, etc.) before she got bored with it all and took up windsurfing and climbing.


    Unless you were being sarcastic, Rudy, in which case, forget everything I just wrote. :)


    I was certifed level II Open Water in 1983 Federal Way Wa. "NAUI" Night diving,Cave diving,and Wreck diving,but not Rescue diving or divemaster and lived in Hawaii for 4yrs. and got knocked out cold Surfing,waking up on the beach pertty fucked up!So i thought diving would be safer, But have had some bad dives,more poeple die scuba diving then Surfing,and alot them were professionals with years of dives! But its addicting,i still have dreams of flying in zero gravity!! 110ft. was my deepest dive with over 100 dives in lakes,rivers,Puget Sound,Oergon Coast and Hawaii.I'm also Certifed for Fire/chemical hassard at Boeing as part of my old job, Backpack airtank and mask or land scuba with out the fins.

    RNT+ABT=TBT if you dive over 33ft. or one atmosphere is the what you got to Know!

  2. I totally agree with you and thought the no fly zones,scantions and working with in the U.N. and Nato was far better then an oil grabbing move!


    I remember telling people get ready for a 2 day war and a 10 year retreat!

  3. It looks like India has captured one of the gunmen alive. To what degree of discomfort, if any, should this terrorist be subjected? Seems to me it would be helpful to know who his benefactors are or if more attacks are in the works.


    India court and prison system has not changed much in the past 50 yrs and its not unusual for someone to be held for years with out a court date.

    Physical abuse and torture is commom,waterboarding,sleepdepriviation,and beatings are the least of his problems for India has been dealing with terrorist for along time over the Kashmir conflict and have prisons just for them. He should have died,he might have been better off!


    In the U.S. we have right to have a arraignment hearing with in 72 hours not counting weekends and charged or setfree and not to be tortured,and thats the problem with Guantanamo and holding prisoners on U.S soil with out rights. If they had not brought them to U.S. soil it would not be an issue. Even the Oklahoma bombers had rights!


    Its hard to talk about human rights issues with other countries when we are doing damm near the same things,its the old DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO THING!


    Thats Weak! I lead 5.12 with a full scuba tank on my back...


    With or with out a BC and Fins?


    With the BC.. I only use fins on crack climbs.. they torque well


    Your tougher then me for i have over 100 dives in open water and have been slammed against rock cliffs when my backup plan was not a option!


    10 feet climb up rock with you gear is a beating,but if you get lucky and catch a wave just right its not as bad!

  5. In 77 i seen LED ZEPPELIN for the third time at the King Dome,it was after the WHO DEATH SHOW and they would only march 100 poeple at a time to the door so there was no door rushing,but it still got at of hand inside with fireworks,somebody though a m80 at Jimmy Page and it went off by his hand,they stop the show for 10 or so minutes,Robert Plant told the crowd that it was a silly gig and dumm,for the next 45 minutes it was kool then it was back to people on fire! I was shocked that they played the whole show!


    I'm from kent and in the 70s have been in riots at big out door parties and S.I.R. Funny car races were poelpe have been killed!


    Things have changed because of this,and security has got better making it safer for all!

  6. Two men, errr, i use that term loosely here, enter!


    One will leave!...




    Weren't you supposed to have a pull-up contest with fattrash, with a 40lb weight tied to you waste? Whatever happened to that?

    i'm still game for that...although the funnier one would be pope's sending trash's hardest boulder problem with a watermelon strapped to his ass...


    Thats Weak! I lead 5.12 with a full scuba tank on my back...


    With or with out a BC and Fins?

  7. Damm,Bug who pissed on your keyboard? I was referring to the fact that poeple keep shopping,they didn't know the guy had died as was the case with the Who BTW were not told about the dead til after the show was over!

  8. Maybe she is a good church goer?

    It was in reference to Braydons statement that you could tell by their looks weather their a SLUT or HO,But shes not to hard on the eyes,as far her history or i dont know her! I had long hair untel i was 21,and when i cut it my boss said i'm glad to see you've grown up,I hadn't changed at all,but instead it showed how much of a asshole he was!!! I felt like telling he off,but that was his believes and i dont think it would change him so i fuck his daughter,just kiding!!!! Ya the cat was ot of the bag,he had thought less of my because of my long hair even though i was his best worker!


    The VA is studying pot as a treatment for P.T.S.D. or AJUSTMENT DISORDER as their calling it now,its kinda funny that 17 states have pot laws for medical use and the government has fought to stop it,and now they might start giving it to Vets,how ironic!!

  9. I think are govermemt has more deeper problems then religion,and its fucked up past,theres no way to satisfy all the poeple in america and their personal believes! I was rasied to have tolerance and not to be judgemental of others who look,talk or think different then me.


    For thanksgiving i was in invited to my neighbors who are Native american,i was the only white in a house full of Yakama Indians witch is ironic since the halliday is based on lies and broken treaties,but even though they are pissed over these issues of the last 400 years of white mens abuses and so am i,we formed a circle and held hands gave thanks for the great feast,some thanked god,some gave thanks to the great provider,i was just glad to have good friends.


    We watch football games and out of 15 poeple only me and one other person were sipping wine,and no talk of religion or politics.So much for the drunk Indian stereo type!


    In my life ive been to alot of get togethers were i was the only white ass in the crowd and as it is a custom in most parts of the world have been treated as a guest of honnor,for the world may seem vast,most poeple on the thrird rock from the sun are kind and will help stangers in need and share a smile!


    In a perfect world there would be no wars,no trust issues,no big government backed companies robbing the poor and the under class!


    But thats not going to happen in me life,so i'll set back read your spary and hope the koolaid effects wears off soon so we can get back to solving the world issues. I hope for best,but i allways am looking over my shoulder for the next storm.

  10. I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


    Exactly, You can have Indonesian Muslims and Arab Jews. While a majority of Arabs are Muslim, these are two completely different group classifications.


    Did you get some turkey Braydon,happy thanksgiving!


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