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Everything posted by akhalteke
rMoney shot? Does he take his majik underoos off innit?
The weirdest thing is that some things should debilitate you and dont and also vice a versa. I got shot in the leg and got a spiral fracture with no sequelae. I had a bad parachute landing and lightly hit a tree and got a SLAP tear and now cannot do military press (or any overhead lifting). Life can be a weird bitch sometimes.
If you are near Boulder I highly recommend Connie at the Alpine Training Center. Great coach and great facility. You might know some of the guys who write our programs. They seem pretty similar to the one's you do. If you know anyone working in Colorado, they might be the ones that work with us. So far, I have seen a marked increase in the mileage that I am able to put in on them thar hills without nagging little injuries and I can fight a whole lot better and finally am climbing some 12's, so I think the stuff you "cults" preach might be alright after all. Only caveat is you need a good coach as you stated earlier. You have to know their goals and work around their operational issues which is particularly hard for us.
This aint Kalifornyeehaw boy. Thisseres Texas! Soooooweeeeee!
I'm enjoying watching all these choads jumping off the sinking ship. Never was on the boat asshat!
I agree. The first thing I said when it happened was "the date cannot be a coincidence." Shame on those moronic shit-heads for making such a hateful film. It was their right, but as far as I am concerned, they should feel partially responsible for the aftermath.
Shit no. He looks at feels like a shady door-to-door salesman.
Maybe I watched the wrong video. It didn't seem as bad as you espouse. True, it was a pretty shitty thing to have come out to the public. Like I said, there might have been another video that I missed. The guy is a creeper anywho. Never mind, saw the other one. Holy shit that guy is fucked! Hope has has a fallback plan! Goddamn! Obama must be stoked; well except for the racial hatred and all...
Now that's a fucking party!
I suppose it is pretty ridiculous to riot period; unless you do it in someone else's country. Why fuck up your own shit. I have never understood that. or shoot people in a church. or blow up federal buildings, because you hate the government. or go into a movie theater and blast people away for no reason whatsoever. I don't think we have a perfect record either. Yep, I suppose it wont be long before we are shooting RPG's at other nations' embassies and murdering their ambassadors with automatic weapons because of a cartoon of Jesus. Oh wait, that will never happen. I don't know why you live here if you loathe it so much.
Kirk, your video provided some hmm moments but nary a smoking gun could be found. The onus is on the ones that purport that the 'official story' is false as: 1) The converse is ludicrous, and 2) The investigation was closed and nothing form the interwebs has come close to "debunking" anything substantial.
I see all you can do is deflect, but this was meant to be a memorial thread and your insinuation is that the government did this to their own people. I am sure it would be much less palatable to the people's families than some ragheads with a grudge. Now, some proof?
Sure, I suppose if you know people who saw Osama bin Laden alive (and dead) you are no more knowledgeable than people just reading the news. Oh wait! We are all brainwashed by the CIA with their brain wavey thingies! Still waiting for the proof kids!
Plus, let me get this straight. The U.S. Government is complicit in 10's of thousands of deaths of U.S. citizens and you are doing nothing about it? Are you a fucking pussy or just dense? So, we have either narrowed it down to you being an imbecile, asshole or a pussy. Take your pick shithead.
Iridium is THE brand.. I have no experience with that model but have used their phones in a couple dozen countries or more and never had an issue.
Kev, you can't just say that something is debunked and it disappears. You are like an evangelical christian who does not know why they believe what they believe but does anyway. Why in the fuck would you choose to believe this? It is counter-intuitive and does nothing but create animosity with those that lost people that day, people who are dying from the cleanup and people who shoot people you ay don't exist in the face. A sane person would assume the most logical explanation. This is called occam's razor. You, instead choose to pick the least logical (except for aliens) explanation; for what? It is clear to me that you picked the most inflammatory one soley to be an asshole. There is no other explanation other than that. You have failed to prove ONE piece of evidence to explain why you think contrary to >90% of the rest of the country. I think I can sum up this entire post by saying, "You, sir, are an asshole." This is not simply an epithet but rather a wake up call for you to realize your lack of the application of reason and pseudo-intellectual "question everything" (except the basis of my own premises) vomitus is really nothing other than you attempting to tell your self you are smarter than everyone else, though we know (and I think you know down deep inside) the converse is likely true. Prole on the other hand is simply a pimple on the ass of society; yet he knows he is an asshole and for that I thank him. Look deep inside Kev and if you truly do not see it this way, PROVE I AM WRONG! Prove that everyone else is wrong. I face palm every time I read one of your posts and truly worry about the state of our future; and you reproduced...
So, 12 pages begat the knowledge that Prole (and Kev) has the exact mindset as an evangelical christian. I think that was well worth it.
-Osama confessed to the attacks. ( I know hack jobs say it wasn't him but lack any credible evidence) -Almost all of his cronies confessed that they were part of the attacks. The biggest piece of proof I have to offer is the inneptness of the U.S. government. They are simply unable to accomplish ANYTHING near this magnitude. You think that if they cannot hide a litte (ok a lot of) coke in GWB's past they can pull this off? How many thousands of witnesses did they have to "mind control?" What about the pentagon. Are you trying to tell me that out of the thousands of soldiers, marines, airmen, seamen, there were none amoung them that said "this is not right?" You have not considered the magnitude of the thing which you are proposing and that is your first mistake (perhaps the first was huffing too much spray duster but i digress). How can you explain these things away? This is not Men in Black. We do not have mind control rays that work on 10 thousand people at the same time. You look at the evidence but have failed to see the human element. How can you involve tens of thousands of people in a conspiracy against their will in the span of a few minutes? You have failed to give any credible evidence and until you do AND explain the above question, you really are just pissing and shitting on the graves of over 3,000 people who died that day, the rescuemen who are dying daily from the toxic dust that day and my friends and coworkers who die everyday because of this day. So, with that I bid fuck you. Oh, and Prole, why don't you go play Russian Roulette with a semi-auto.
So, I will counter that bullshit hack job (mind control devices lol) with this: Truth You see Kev, the onus is on you are you are the one who proposes a counter intuitive view-point with NO evidence.
I would buy the shit outta that bike but I am sure the shipping to CO would be astronomical.
I last saw him in 2004 (i wanna say) in Vancouver. One of my buddies saw him pretty recently; I am pretty sure he is still making music.
I don't understand why having snipers out during a high profile event is a big deal. I think you would be surprised by how often this happens. Now, they being Army snipers might be odd; possible violation of the posse comitatus act. Sure they were National Guard or someone else?
I will any question you ask. Please be direct and to the point. What evidence do yo have that the government was behind 9/11; besides being inept? Hint: I asked this question numerous times with no response...
It is funny, same thing happened to Kev and he wouldn't answer. I am taking bets on this one.