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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. quit lying porter. 1) move 2) change career 3) change name 4) fake own death or sex change operation 5) lobotomy
  2. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Yes JayB, I'm your alias
  3. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Lying sack of shit.
  4. Because my asshole isn't red and distended like yours?
  5. I was two busy with your daughter and wife in a menage a trois to care
  6. Fairweather is a Fox Fellator!
  7. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    nah, I didn't remove a rib to suck my own dick. I've spray. It's all about sucking your own dick, right?
  8. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Careful there gimp someone might fuck your fat ass.
  9. Borrowing the slide from timmay
  10. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Huh. Fairweather is a dumb, mistaken, cocksucker with a ton of conviction. Really, who would ever have guessed it?
  11. typing on cascadeclimbers
  12. Hugh Conway


    Awww - you going to bust out the whips and chains tonight? sickie
  13. Hugh Conway


    Passive Agressive Moderators! HOW CUTE!
  14. So which little bitch moderator took a spray comment out of a spray thread?
  15. http://www.kirotv.com/news/14771616/detail.html Two of three people who went on a hike in the Cascades over the weekend were found dead on Tuesday. A third hiker survived, officials told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News. A Bellevue couple and a friend -- all in their 30s -- were hiking on Saturday when an avalanche buried them, officials told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Alison Grande. One man was able to dig himself out, but he couldn't find his wife and his friend. He crawled to his tent, where searchers found him Tuesday morning. Officials said the survivor was hoisted from the area by an Army helicopter and taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle early Tuesday afternoon. Video from KIRO 7 Eyewitness News showed the man, who was conscious and alert, being taken from the Army helicopter after it landed at the hospital. The hikers disappeared near Snow Lake near the Alpental ski area in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area of Snoqualmie Pass, about 50 miles west of Seattle in the Cascade Mountains. The lake is at 4,000 feet elevation. Two feet of new snow fell in the area on Saturday, forecasters said. Four people in another group of missing hikers were located off the Denny Creek trailhead. They left Sunday and the search began on Monday. Their conditions also are unknown.
  16. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    And we are looking forward to you opening your eyes - after all SubPrime loans all went to the bottom of the barrel, right?
  17. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    that's impossible. JayB is far too high strung on messageboards for an emanations not vetted by the cerebral cortext, cross reference and editted for proper punctuation.
  18. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Since dP/dt >> 0 for polygamists and dP/dt == 0 for the Socialist collective, even a Viennese economist could figure out which does more damage! If I were liberal I'd be in favour of politics based genocide. If I were conservative I'd be in favour of economic genocide. I'm an anti-Onanist. Death to palms and digits. PS: If you are so anti-America JayB, why don't you leave? There are free market paradises such as Singapore crying out for such strong able bodied workers as yourself. Why are you wasting yourself on an America that doesn't love you?
  19. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    I'm astonished that you haven't seized upon the opportunity to pontificate on behalf of a set of C.A.F.E. standards that would limit the scope of the damage that these selfish life choices inflict on the planet. Couples Average Fidelity Expectations? Counseling Against Familial Egress? Individuals have shown that they have little or no capacity to govern their relationships in a manner that minimizes CO2 emissions, ergo the case is clear that the said behaviors need to be subject to the appropriate international regulatory framework. Clearly this is incompatible with a Hayekian worldview. The Viennese school is rolling over in their grave! Praise friedman and pass the pink sheets!
  20. Hugh Conway

    Divorce = SUV

    Please explain how multiple progeny benefit the environment. Average age of resident in Colorado City, AZ = 14 I eagerly await your snide, dismissive, non sequitar reply.
  21. The FreeRadicals series of movies are good, and $25 for 3 - "White Trash" is a fabvorite. http://www.skiswede.com/ They have a few good teleskiiers in them (such as Frode Gronvold)
  22. I sense a message board epiphany! It sounds like a majority of the gear purchasers are not using it all the time for cutting edge activities!
  23. gargle butt gravy ass eyes!
  24. picture page!
  25. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119662974358911035.html?mod=hps_us_whats_news An analysis for The Wall Street Journal of more than $2.5 trillion in subprime loans made since 2000 shows that as the number of subprime loans mushroomed, an increasing proportion of them went to people with credit scores high enough to often qualify for conventional loans with far better terms. In 2005, the peak year of the subprime boom, the study says that borrowers with such credit scores got more than half -- 55% -- of all subprime mortgages that were ultimately packaged into securities for sale to investors, as most subprime loans are. The study by First American LoanPerformance, a San Francisco research firm, says the proportion rose even higher by the end of 2006, to 61%. The figure was just 41% in 2000, according to the study. Even a significant number of borrowers with top-notch credit signed up for expensive subprime loans, the firm's analysis found.
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