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Everything posted by noliquidity

  1. I am going need to redo my taxes then.
  2. I was wondering... where is this colony of raging lesbians?
  3. I'm telling you the damn commies are trying to brainwash us with the chlorinated water!
  4. Point taken. The problem I see is that many diseases and syndromes have varying degrees of genetic component. And many of these diseases, even when treated as a chronic condition, lead to death.(Hell, life leads to death) There are gentic components to heart disease, diabetes, types of cancer,etc. Where do we draw the line at genetic engineering. Should we focus on diseases that are 100% caused by genetic defect? The money issue is also a slippery slope. Assuming we had the money to fund unlimited genetic trials, what would be the end result. We may end up reversing a fatal genetic disorders that would not normally have the ability to be passed to another generation. Or other unknown genetic abnormalities maybe come unmasked after initial treatment. I am not saying your right or wrong it just seems like an area that is advancing much faster than society is prepared for.
  5. Divide and conquer. Campaign finance reform anyone?
  6. I agree, these guys have dropped the ball EVERY fucking time. I at least have to give credit to the Repubs. What they stand for is generally pretty repulsive, but at least they back each other up.
  7. You know I'm trying to think up a good caption for this but for some reason there is nothing funny about that guy.
  8. I knew I forgot to do something today.
  9. Seems like I heard somewhere that feminism was about ovulating little pussy lib-men from Seattle? Now I'm all confused.
  10. Hey, at least it was safe sex. The dildo had a condom on it.
  11. So well spoken....I need to buy you a beer. Any time... It should also be noted that by launching a suicide attack on New York and Washington, the 9/11 terrorists gave the President and his men the excuse to do exactly what they wanted to do anyway. There is no doubt about their aims in shunning Europe while invading Iraq: they set it all out in their Blueprint for a New American Century. And our man Cheney has been all about the unitary presidenc for many years. As nominee Mukasey said "...the president?s authority as commander in chief might [now] allow him to supersede laws written by Congress." It was definitely a match made in heaven for those guys. Yea, its bizzare that they have spent so much time and effort shifting the paradigm to the Unitarian theory of the presidency. In the process they have alienated a large percentage of the moderate republican base; somuch so that they have virtually assured a Democratic president in 2008. Unless of course, they decide truly to push the boundries of that Unitarian presidency theory.
  12. I think woman on the more feminist end of the spectrum are more likely to tell you exactlty what they like and how they like it. Men that respect independent women tend to actually listen to what she is telling you she likes and how she likes it. Fewer games. Less work for the O.
  13. Genetic manipulation What is the cutoff for what is considered an undesireable gene? Who will make that decision? Should these genetic tests have tighter regulation? Mishaps have already occurred with genetically modified food.
  14. I hope you remember that the next time you want my nuts you need to ask!!
  15. "Police said there were no injuries -- except for the squirrel, that is, which is dead."
  16. my quess, but I'n not God. I would imagine he doesn't agree with much we do. your guess is Jesus WOULD agree with this thinking? Hmmmm.... According to the teachings, god sent down his son Jesus because he didn't agree with what was going on; the people were to listen to his teachings, right? about peace, and loving your neighbor and all of that. I would think that a christian, especially a fundamentalist christian, would seriously consider the words of god and his prophet when making decisions about how his government should act, ESPECIALLY if he thinks that god doesn't agree with much that "we" are doing. Wouldn't that make sense? Or maybe I misread your religious convictions. I thought I remember you saying you were a christian, and god created the planet and us etc., (have you ever heard the teaching that says that the way to know god's will is to study the word of his son?) Jews thought the same thing in Germany before WWII, look where it got them. There is a time for fighting. Dietrick Bonhoffer was the last man executed by the Third Reich. He was a Catholic Priest and some think, the greatest Philosopher of the period. He developed the theory of the 5 mandates, Family, Friends, Church, State, and Marriage. There is naturally overlap in some activities and influences between each of the mandates but none should endeavor to, or be allowed to overpower one or more of the others. If there was one of the mandates overpowering one or more of the others then an act of balance was needed. This act was termed, "the Utima Ratio", or Ulitmate Rationalization. It was an act that would normally be condemned but by virtue of the fact that it restores balance, would be acceptable. Father Bonhoffer was one of the masterminds behind the near successful attempt to assinate Hitler in the bunker. I suspect that if he were living in the US today, he would be considered "A Shrill Voice". In the sixties we had acid rain killing crops adn livestock, entire rivers adn lake were dead including Lake Michigan. I remember seeing a river burn for miles from the everyday sludge that was pumped into it. The voices that cried out against this were considered "Shrill" at the time. We have witnessed the birth and development of mass media marketing in politics. The first telivised presidential debate was between Kennedy and Nixon. All the critics thought Nixon had clearly won on substance but the public favored Kennedy by a large margin. Kennedy was handsome. Nixon had a five o'clock shadow. As events proceeded, we saw more and more effects of televised news on politics. Some people learned from this, some did not. It was the Reagan team that really dialed it in. They were masters of propoganda. Most family farmers who had lost their farms during the Reagan years still supported Reagan. They could not believe he had approved the organized corporate takeovers of vast tracts of farm land. But I do not blame Reagan. That would be "shrill". When we invaded Grenada, the very next time we saw Reagan, he was wearing a leather buckskin western cut jacket. He was the first president to be seen in leather since Teddy. He portrayed himself as the classic western hero. Ans it worked. Some good came out of his presidency but he was NOT the "great" president so many people want to beleive he was. He was the first in recent times to attack out miranda rights. But the focus here is on who carried on. It was corporate America. They figured out that they could manipulate Congress and the President with money and marketing. No one in Congress can withstand a full frontal assault by the drug lobby for instance. We have sould our government to Corporate America. Bush sucks but he is not the root of the problem. He IS responsible for many crimes. Invading Iraq was illegal. Every person killed in that struggle is on his head. It is good that Sadam is gone but who will stop the killing now? We need more shrill voices in the world. We need to ask all of the difficult questions of our leaders. We need to get out from in front of the TV. I like the bumper sticker, "Who would Jesus bomb?" Yet we continue to point to our virtues in this illegal war. We "liberated" these people. But first we paid for Sadam's rise to power so we could have access to his oil. Now we continue to drive Hummers and other giant "rigs" because it is our "right". We are free right? We can kick anyone's ass. Eventually the oppressed revolt. Stalin murdered an estimated 50 million of his own people. Where will corporate America draw the line? When will we re-awaken and be shrill again. I REALLY miss the idealism of the sixties. You nailed it man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Ever heard of the Munsters?
  18. Dude, your scary.
  19. LOL becuase I beleive war can be justified???? Ever read the old testiment??? Plently wars directed by God himself for his reasons. Nice try. You wouldn't be one of those fundementalists that believe in bombing abortion clinics are you. Where have I heard of using violence against civilians to to fulfill an ideological principle before? I think if you moved to Saudi or Pakistan you'd fit right in.
  20. THATS SICK! You would COOK a human arm in butter. Why not just roast it.
  21. Save it, put it in the seat next to you in the car. Then you can use the HOV lane on the ride home.
  22. Actually MOVE ON is incorporated, corporations by law are veiwed as an "individual". Even if they weren't though, I don't see why an indivdual would be given a more preferential status than an organized group when expressing free speech. Give everybody a syndicated talkshow then. Anyway, at least we agree it was a waste of time.
  23. This "repudiation letter" is a disgrace, reminiscent of Stalinist Russia where a citizen is singled out by the government formally. WTF? I'm surprised they didn't call him an "enemy of the state". Of course our liberal friends aren't worried about this at all. I'm glad the letter will go to a good end. You seem to forget about bipatisan condemnation of the comment by MOVE ON about General Petraus? Both "condemnations" dealing with MOVE ON and Limbucket were a colossaol waste of fucking time. I completely agree they need to stay away from speech issues. Makes for good media play though. I dont know if you slam the ACLU as many on the right do, but please remember the Limbaugh med records case if you do. The ACLU is one of the few groups remaining that focus on the constituton and not partisonship.
  24. I realize the topic has shifted but what the hell. Please ignore grammar and spelling I think we need to ask ourselves why there has been such an extrordinary shift in the balance of powers within OUR government. Is it for political reasons, is it to prepare for a potential terrorist attack, is it to prepare for potential rapid shift in the climate and large numbers of Katrina like events, is it to prepare for a profound economic downturn caused by a combined property/debt/dollar meltdown? All of those senarios lead to chaos within a social system. Large systems rarely tolerate large changes rapidly. With the Patriot Act,domestic spying, erosion of of habeus corpus, repeal of the Posse Comitatus act,private security firms now contracting with FEMA,concentration of information dispersal controlled by a few large corps(and I'm talking about the mass outlets where everyday Joes get their news), etc.etc etc., we essential have a very efficient infrastructue put in place that can be triggered at will by the executive branch. The president only needs to declare an emergency. The definition of "emergency", by the way, was recently greatly broadened by executive order. I seriously doudt this will be reversed by the next administration and Congress. Hopefully I'm wrong. Joesph nailed it by pointing out that this isn't a patrisan issue. We are all in the same boat. Its OUR constitution. This isnt the first time its been eroded, and each time we've looked back as a country and asked "How did we let that happen?"
  25. I think it's Mr. Talking Points oxycontin connection thats matching the donation. It is cool though that the money is being directed where its needed. It's ironic how pointing out the negative spew that emmenates from that things mouth came full circle, and is going to benefit the people he so desperately wants over there in the first place.
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