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Everything posted by canyondweller

  1. Rudy, you bitch. I told you not to say anything. Canyondweller = archenemy Fine, now you know.
  2. I'd hunt goats at Snow Creek Wall, but it is closed to hunting. KKK - Can't answer my question? Thought not. Slink away, hero.
  3. Bear meat? Just kill the bear for fun and let it rot where it falls. Well, maybe skin it for a nice carpet. Thanks for your wisdom. What was it you suggested? FOAD? Take your own advice.
  4. I don't think I said that. Anyways, I was referring to hunting in general, not necessarily bears.
  5. Your daily edition of the Pot calling the Kettle black. While I would agree with you, a fair amount of the time, I'd wager I have a greater knowledge of hunting than that waste of skin.
  6. I concurr. There's runout on Banana Peel? Never noticed.
  7. Oh, well, holy fucking shit! Get back. You failed to mention that you have FAMILY MEMBERS WHO HUNT. That makes all the difference in the world! Sheesh, the wealth of knowledge you are adjacent to definitely makes you an expert! Wow, let's all bow down to Kaskad-douchebag's uncle's neice's third son's sea of hunting experience. You don't know shit, monkeynuts. Go back to sexually harassing kevbone; that's the only thing you are good at.
  8. How do you know? Are you a hunter? Are you a 14-year-old hunter? You don't know fuck all. Keep sitting on your brain, in front of your computer, postulating about how you would never do wrong. Stupid fuck.
  9. If you can distinguish your target enough for a kill shot, you certainly can distinguish what it is. Fry the little fuckers. Who's to say that it wasn't a "mistake". Maybe they did it for "fun" and just claimed they thought she was a bear. I just don't see how you can mistake a hiker for a bear. You are very, very stupid.
  10. The Powerstroke is a solid motor; has been for years.
  11. Neat. Now put it in a hunting situation. It's a little different.
  12. I've used a few things from Ross's site: rosstraining.com It's great for the fight game, but there's crossover.
  13. careful man, bear meat is the largest source of Trichnosis in the US Yeah, you gotta cook that shit. I like it as jerky, but a whole bear worth of jerky would be a bit much. It probably makes good sausage.
  14. Actually, I had heard that the victim's family was being very compassionate towards the kid.
  15. Of course the problem isn't guns in the wilderness. Wilderness is where the animals are. I don't know what happened, since I was not there. However, it appears that the boy did not have a definitive sight picture before he pulled the trigger. That's obvious, right? My point is, this is drilled into the heads of every hunter who takes the Hunter's Safety Course, which is required if you were born after a certain date (early '70's, I think). I have run into hunters on several occasions, mountainbiking in high alpine areas, in the fall. I always try and where bright colors, understanding when the seasons are. To the bear season question, most seasons coincide with or relate to, the rut. FW, the answer to your question is a little more multi-faceted. Deer and elk seasons stretch from September 1 through until December (in one case), depending on where you are hunting and what you are hunting with (modern rifle, muzzleloader, or bow). Bear season stretches from August 1 through until November. With bears, I believe, it is best to tag one before they put on too much fat for winter. Also, I have talked to hunters who have told me about bear meat changing based on diet (tons of berries, meat tastes like shit). So, there's that. Anyway, it is a sad story, and my condolences to the family of the victim. Likewise, as a fellow hunter, I feel for this kid; he realized the bad dream of every hunter who goes out.
  16. It's the First Amendment in action, baby!!!
  17. I'm just hostile towards you (and your illegal immigrant friends). I know you won't be nice to me...you are afraid of me.
  18. Lack of respect for military heroes is something I'll never understand... and running out of fuel and ditching a plane during the exercise and being able to fly again is something i don't understand. unless your daddy is a general... Sorta like running away from your home country and then bashing your host country? Like that?
  19. That's nice that you give your boyfriend something to look at...
  20. Well, you forget your brains every day so, that's not so bad.
  21. Lack of respect for military heroes is something I'll never understand... ...nor the urge to support any use of the military the government sees fit, lest one appear to be unpatriotic. No, the two are not even linked. Displaying respect for a man who suffered what killed lesser men has nothing to do with politics, but an appreciation for emerging from a horrifying experience unbroken. Years ago, we used to call it "having manners." Now, the kids today call it "old fashioned."
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