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Everything posted by Spencer

  1. I am a little old school I guess, I actually liked you and your dad part of your trip report. my two sons and I have made Rainier summit once this year and I hope they drag me me along again soon, I cant think of any activity that compares to climbing with my sons.
  2. I wish I could have come up with something like that although I think a thumpin would have followed.
  3. Sorry no such thing as a "honest mechanic" it's like honest politician or honest Chiropractor, it would be just as productive to hire a priest to perform a Exorcism on it.
  4. Skamania County Sheriff Dave Brown said six Skamania County Sheriff's deputies and four members of the Clark-Skamania Task force spent Saturday removing thousands of marijuana plants from a large grow in the Dog Creek area just North of SR 14. Brown said the grow was in extremely rugged terrain. He said the team became disoriented on Saturday as daylight started to run out. Three of the deputies were apparently so dehydrated and exhausted they could not move on their own. Brown said the crew did not have lights or supplies to move in the dark so they all stayed overnight with the injured members. Rescue crews reached the stranded deputies early Sunday morning. Could it be any funnier??
  5. My sons both summited Rainier at age 16 and 17 they are 19 and 20 now, and don't climb with me as much, To get to the top though took a lot of "training climbs" we used tiger mountain west as a very good day hike with 30 lbs packs, we did this over and OVER, we also practiced rope travel and self and team arrest on several climbs of Mt Danial, which is a great training Mt! In my humble opinion it is more important to get out there and train on a mountain not just in the gym, and even more important that if you are looking for a group to climb with, make sure you and or your parents know who you are going with and that they have ALL the leadership skills and experience to get you to the top, if you read through this great site you will read many stories of what has and will go wrong on the mountain. all that being said, have a great time practicing and I hope you get there.
  6. I really don't know. Fastest climber????
  7. Don't do Neo Vita!! I did waste my money on this and after more than $300.00 and three visited ( returned twice ) I tossed the arch supports, went to Walgreens picked up a good pair of $10.0 arch supports and haven't had one day of pain since. It can be very painful however it can be dealt with for almost nothing
  8. Ok Ok, Pictures are worth a thousand words......I think I have enough info to make my own decision now. Thanks (very funny pics though) are they real?
  9. Are you sure that wasn't on Rainier two weeks ago, thats when my climbing partners seem to have lost there "nuts" turning back because of a little wind.
  10. Thanks Feck, I also was in a Mountaineering program when I was 16 based in Snoqualmie first summit was Mount Danial, and look forward to meeting up with some of the fine folks on this site, my sons 19 and 20 are climbing on there own now and don't drag dad along as much anymore. and yes your advice about choosing a group is appreciated.
  11. Thanks! I truly am a newbie when it comes to Internet Mountaineering, you have certainly helped me along with that. I also prefer this type of forum to a overly organized system, and have already benefited from my short membership to this forum.
  12. I am not a troll, and not sure why that would even have to be said, I don't believe they compete in anyway with this forum do they? i have already decided to not join this group, however alot of people seem to go this way, it is only recently that I have combined the Internet and my climbing, I have for years done it the old fashioned way with friends and family. but as I get a little older (44) many of them have lost intrest, so here I am.
  13. Is it ok to ask for feedback on this group? I recently read there newsletter and checked there website, I have never been very good at planning my climbs months ahead of time, so I am not sure this would work very well for me. this forum is great for this. I would love to hear what others think.
  14. Ok I know its a long shot however you never know, I lost a Red Leki Trekking pole on The Muir snowfield the first week of May! it was brand new and I have its match. Although I seem to be getting used to using one pole. I just refuse to pay more than $100.00 for another set this year.
  15. I like Tiger Mountain West which is A fifteen minute drive from downtown seattle you get 2000 ft of elevation gain very quickly, i also do load my pack up to about 30 lbs,Ive never been a fan of stairs there a little to short and going up and down over and over seems a little silly in a area with so many steep hiking options.
  16. My wife's Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies,mmmmmm I also do the bobali pizzas piled high, little extra weight but well worth it.
  17. Spencer

    Soloing Rainier

    I thought a solo climbing permit for Rainier had to be approved by the Park super. I know many have done it, but I would rather be with a group........just in case.
  18. I would like add, I did email both Senators, Cantwell was just seen up at Camp Muir, and my congressman ( Jay Inslee), no response yet, I hope some of you do the same, all the information I gave is accurate to the minute. if not you may be next.......
  19. On July 7th at 6:15 pm we came upon a Check Point with NPS Rangers, Forest Service and local Police we were asked for all our paperwork and Three Rangers walked the length of our SUV doing a visual search, asking if we were all seat belted, my kids sat silent, although it was clear all 5 of them were, he pointed out our insurance was going to expire in two weeks and told us to move on,they were physically searching two vehicles. I emailed Olympic Park head Ranger he said they stopped 160 vehicles that day and wrote 60 tickets, he thought it was productive. This seems WRONG! I have always looked at NPS Rangers to be above this kind of thing ( When I see them on Rainier and they ask for my climbing permit and ask how we are doing and give us route information I am very happy they are there and I guess that is why this bothers me so much. I would like other peoples thoughts.
  20. On July 7th at 6:15 pm we came upon a Check Point with NPS Rangers, Forest Service and local Police we were asked for all our paperwork and Three Rangers walked the length of our SUV doing a visual search, asking if we were all seat belted, my kids sat silent, although it was clear all 5 of them were, he pointed out our insurance was going to expire in two weeks and told us to move on,they were physically searching two vehicles. I emailed Olympic Park head Ranger he said they stopped 160 vehicles that day and wrote 60 tickets, he thought it was productive. This seems WRONG! I have always looked at NPS Rangers to be above this kind of thing ( When I see them on Rainier and they ask for my climbing permit and ask how we are doing and give us route information I am very happy they are there and I guess that is why this bothers me so much. I would like other peoples thoughts.
  21. I totally agree that a child who doesn't want to really do it shouldn't, We have 7 Kids, both older sons 20 and 21 have made Rainier summit many times, my 12 yr old does it as much to be competitive as much as she seems to love it, and as I said before, she has more endurance than many of the adults out there with a twenty pound pack and plastic boots, I realize she is the exception however she does love it, in fact we will be up at Muir tomorrow "just for lunch" car to car. I will not push her farther than she can go safely, it would be great however to find a girl her age to "pair up with" maybe a training climb on Mt Danial to practice rope travel etc.... anyway just my thoughts.
  22. I have a 12 yr old daughter who has made it to Muir however the 5 days would a little much on the mountain. is there any flexibility in this? I am confident that my daughter can do it as up to Muir very early in the season she was a post hole machine as we past several teams
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